Mechanism of Inhalation and Exhalation

Занятие 12.

Topic: Respiration


Respiration (Mechanism of Inhalation and Exhalation)

Задание 1. Прочтите и запишите новые слова:

participate – (v) принимать участие

influence – (n) влияние; (v) влиять

descend – (v) спускаться, сходить

certain – (a) определенный, некий

capacity – (n) ёмкость, мощность, способность

expand – (v) расширять(ся); увеличивать(ся) в объеме

expansion – (n) увеличение, расширение

simultaneous – (a) одновременный

follow – (v) следовать за

rise – (v) подниматься

decrease – (v) уменьшаться, убывать

(n) уменьшение, упадок

exertion – (n) напряжение

accompany – (v) сопровождать

accelerate – (v) ускоряться

induce – (v) побуждать, вызывать

accessory – (a) добавочный, вспомогательный, побочный


Задание 2. Прочтите и переведите текст.


Mechanism of Inhalation and Exhalation

Respiration consists of rhythmically repeated inhalations and exhalations. Inhalation takes place as follows: the muscles participating in inhalation contract under the influence of nerve impulses. The diaphragm descends (flattens). Contraction of the external intercostal (межреберный) and certain other muscles elevates the ribsincreasing the capacity of the thoracic cavity. Since the pleural cavity contains no air both lungs expand and atmospheric air rushes into the lungs through the air passages. (So, an inhalation involves a contraction of muscles, an increase in the capacity of the thorax, an expansion of the lungs, and entrance of atmospheric air into the lungs through the air passages)

Inhalation is followed by exhalation. The muscles participating in inhalation relax and the diaphragm rises. The ribs drop and the capacity of the thorax decreases. The lungs become compressed, the pressure in them rises and the air rushes out through the air passages.

The respiratory movements are rhythmic. An adult at rest makes 16-20 respiratory movements per minute, children make more movements (a newborn child makes up to 60 movements a minute). Physical exertion and some diseases are usually accompanied by accelerated respiration. Sleep is accompanied by a slowing of respiration.


Задание 3. Прочтите и переведите данные гнезда слов:


1. to respire, respiration, expiration, inspiration, respiratory, inspiratory, aspiratory;

2. to produce, product, production, productive, producing;

3. to inhale, inhalation, to exhale, exhaled, exhaling;

4. to breathe, breath, breathing, breathless, breathlessness;

5. to pass, passage, passage-way.



Задание 4. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами, данными ниже:


1. … drop and the capacity of the thorax decreases.

2. The lungs become compressed and the air … through the air passages.

3. Respiration consists of … repeated inhalations and exhalations.

4. Since the pleural cavity contains no air both lungs ….

5. Inhalation is followed by ….

6. The pressure … in the lung when they become compressed.

7. Inhalation involves a contraction of ….

8. When the lungs expand the atmospheric air … them through the air passages.

9. Contraction of the external intercostal muscles … the ribs increasing the capacity of ….

10. The muscles participating in inhalation … under the influence of ….


rise, elevates, the thoracic cavity, rushes into, muscles, contract, exhalation, nerve impulses, the ribs, rhythmically, expand, rushes out

Задание 5. Переведите следующие предложения. Запомните перевод данных глаголов, требующих после себя определенных предлогов:


to refer to, to speak of, to take care of, to send for, to wait for, to think of


1. Respiration is usually thought of us the mechanical process of breathing.

2. Disease germs are sometimes referred to as bugs.

3. Those patients are taken care of by the nurses.

4. By the discovery of tubercule bacillus Robert Koch had been already much spoken about.

5. This lecture has long been waited for.


Задание 6. Подберите дефиницию для слов из левой колонки:


1. inhalation A. the thin fluid-filled space between the two pulmonary pleurae of each lung.
2. respiration B. a space occupied or traversed by air.
3. to elevate C. the flow of air into an organism. In humans it is the movement of air from the external environment, through the airways, and into the alveoli.
4. air passages D. mental or physical effort
5. exertion E. to go or move from a higher to a lower place or level
6. exhalation F. to increase the amount or intensity of smth.
7. pleural cavity G. inhalation and exhalation of air; breathing
8. to descend H. the flow of the respiratory current out of the organism. In humans it is the movement of air out of the bronchial tubes, through the airways, to the external environment during breathing.


Задание 7. Ответьте на вопросы:

1) What does the process of respiration consist of?

2) How is contraction of the muscles participating in inhalation regulated?

3) Why does the capacity of the thoracic cavity increase?

4) What processes does the inhalation involve?

5) What are the average (нормальный, средний) respiratory movements in adults/ children?

6) What processes are usually accompanied by accelerated respiration?


II. Grammar.


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