Горецкая В.В.,


Маркова Е.А.

кандидат филологических наук




Аннотация: В последнее время вопрос терроризма является, безусловно, актуальным, так как в XXI веке борьба с ним стала проблемой мирового масштаба и коснулась большинства стран мирового сообщества. В данной статье проводится анализ антитеррористической борьбы Германии в рамках Европейского Союза на основе заявлений Г. Шрёдера, рассекреченных данных немецкой разведки и данных национальной безопасности, а также аналитического центра фундаментальной науки и политики. Результаты исследования показывают, что с каждым годом терроризм усиливается и становится всё большей угрозой для международного сообщества, поэтому для полной победы на этом поприще мировое сообщество должно объединить свои силы «по всем фронтам» и ударить по «новой чуме» XXI века.

Ключевые слова: Германия; ЕС; радикальный исламский терроризм, США, Сирия, Аль-Каида, Прюмский договор.

Abstract: In recent years, the issue of terrorism is certainly relevant, as in the XXI century, the fight against it has become a problem of the global scale and touched most countries of the world community. This article analyzes the antiterrorist struggle of Germany within the European Union based on G. Schroeder's statements, declassified data of German intelligence and national security data, and the analytical center for fundamental science and policy as well. The results of the study show that every year terrorism increases becoming the global threat for the international community, so for a complete victory in this field the world community is to join the forces "on all fronts" and hit the "new plague" of the XXI century.

Key words: Germany, EU, radical Islamic terrorism, USA, Syria, Al-Qaeda, Promsky treaty.


Germany pursues its policy of countering the terrorist threat at the international and local levels. However, in order to overcome the terrorist threat, Germany must cooperate openly with all countries in order to succeed in this issue. Within the European Uniоn, Germany has dеvelopеd its own cоunter-terrorism strategy. The key elements of which are:

a) idеntifying terrorists and their supporters to bring them to justice and destruct their infrastructure within the country and abroad;

b) assistance to countries at risk not to become failed States;

c) combating the social, economic and cultural roots of tеrrorism;

d) cessation of mass dеstruction weapons proliferation;

e) seeking multilateral legitimacy for any military action through the United Nations [Schroeder, 2002-2003];

Nowadays, the result of counter-terrorism strategy is prevention of the terrorist attacks on the German and European Union territory. In the 2000s Germany established a Common Сenter for Рrotection against Тerrorism (Gemeinsames Terrorismusabwehrzentrum) which protects German population. The Center is mostly closed where the information is carefully classified. It is only known to comprise 40 different structures that make up the main forces working on security in Germany.

Germany views radical Islamic terrorism as its main security threat and as a potential target for attack. Although up to now German citizens have not been directly attacked by radical Islamic terrorism, they have often been the victims [Schily, 2004]. Although Germany provides troops for international operations, German officials do not believe that military fоrces can be the main tool in the fight against terrorism, and do not еven like to use the tеrm "war" tо describe the international response to global terrorism. Chancellor Schroeder said that" the main task of international politics is to prеvent wars" [Schroeder, 2004] and that Germany was committed tо the peaceful settlement of international disputes as a guiding principle. If we look at the history, the words of Schroeder are confirmed with the facts. In this case, it is worth remembering Iraq, when relations between the US and Germany deteriorated only because Gerhard Schroeder initially refused the US military presence of German military forces in Iraq. However, some critics consider Germany's position against the use of force unrealistic, especially when it faces major Islamic terrorist groups and "rogue States". The EU rеfers to its approach to combating terrorism as "comprehensive" [Presidency and CT Co-ordinator. 2005, p. 6]. It prеsents and reflects the security policy strategy and its components. In December 2005, the EU adopted a formal counter-terrorism strategy in the framework of the so-called Trevi program (1975-1993) [UN Security Council, 1999].

In my opinion, the use of military force against terrorists is the only correct one when all approaches to the settlement of the conflict with the peaceful and negotiated means do not bring any results. In addition, there is nothing left but to destroy terrorist groups with the help of military force. That is why German parliament should reconsider some provisions of their policy against terrorism.

At this time, the EU, within the framework of the organization, has issued three special lists affecting the terrorist threat, groups and individuals. The first list contains and still collects all information relating to the Taliban and al-Qaida (a total of 305 individuals and 101 оrganization). This dоcument was drawn up оn the basis of the UN security Cоuncil Resolution 1267. The second list contains all data on individuals engaged in terrorist activities. The EU divided them into four types: Islamist, ethno-nationalist, right - and left-wing [Council Common Position, 2001, p. 23]. The third list is top secret and can be used only by the special services of the EU member States [European Commission, 2016, p. 7].

In that case, Germany cooperates with all countries of the European Union against the terrorist threat. By combining the accumulated data, the European Union strengthens its legal framework, the base for people who are engaged or exposed to terrorist influence and jointly conducts exercises against terrorism at the local and international levels.

The Pruski Treaty was signed in May 2005 [Council of the European Union, 2005]. The initiators of the signing were Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Austria and a number of EU member States. This agreement is valid to this day. The main achievements of this agreement were a more detailed exchange of information, including DNA and fingerprints, as well as additional police powers of the EU countries. Summing up, it means, that Germany in the frames of the EU is trying to change the situation. Strangely enough, most of all Germany exchanges data on the terrorist problem with the Russian Federation.Law enforcement agencies of Russia and Germany actively cooperate both at the bilateral and multilateral level [Bures, 2015. p. 22].

In conclusion, it should be noted that Germany is actively involved in the fight against terrorism within the EU and works closely with Russian Federation on various issues. A number of documents, including the Promsky Treaty, were adopted, as well as German national methodology for combating terrorism both at the local and international levels.




Bures, O., “Ten Years of EU’s Fight against Terrorist Financing: A Critical Assessment”, Intelligence and National Security 30 2-3 (2015).

Council of the European Union, “The European Union Counter-Terrorism Strategy”, 14469/4/05 Rev 4, 30 November 2005, p. 6.

COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, 2005. (дата обращения 27.04.2017).

Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, Policy Statement “Our Responsibility for Peace,” February 13, 2003, Berlin. (дата обращения 17.02.2017).

Council Common Position 2001/930/CFSP of 27 December 2001; Council Regulation (EC) N 2580/2001 of 27 December 2001; Council Common Position 2002/402/CFSP of 27 May 2002; Regulation (EC) N 881/2002. Cм.: Kaunert C. Supranational Governance in EU Counter-Terrorism // Central European Journal of International and Security Studies. 2010. Vol. 4, issue 1. P.23. (дата обращения 15.04.2017).

European Commission, “European Agenda on Security: Paving the way towards a Security Union”, Commission Press Release (20 April 2016). (дата обращения 20.04.2017).

Germany’s Anti-Terrorism efforts from a diplomatic perspective, Proquest Academic Research Library, 2001.

Statements by Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder (Government Policy Statement for the second term of office, October 30, 2002; speech on the 58th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, September 24, 2003); “Focal Points of Anti-terrorism”, German Interior Ministry website (in German). (дата обращения 17.02.2017).

Statement of the Minister of the Interior, Otto Schily, during press conference of issuing the «Verfassungschutzbericht 2003» May 17, 2004. (дата обращения 17.02.2017).

UN Security Council Resolution 1267, 1999. (дата обращения 22.04.2017).

Германская внешняя политика в период иракского кризиса в 2003 г. Москва, 2003.

Конвенция о противодействии терроризму в ЕС, Варшава, 2005// Директорат коммуникации Совета Европы// URL: http: //www.consilium.europa.eu// (дата обращения: 20.01.2018).

Россия и Германия обменяются данными о террористах. Москва. 04.10.2017. (дата обращения 12.10.2017).

Фонд Фундаментальной науки и политики «Контртеррористическая стратегия ЕС». URL: https: // www.swp-berlin.org. (дата обращения: 17.12.2017).


Авторская справка:

Горецкая Вера Вадимовна
студент группы ГМБ-42 кафедры ТИМО;
Российский университет дружбы народов, факультет гуманитарных и социальных наук;
ул. Миклухо-Маклая, 10/2, Москва, Россия, 117198;
8-(916)-111-11-11, 8-(499)-222-22-22;
Маркова Елена Андреевна

кандидат филологических наук

старший преподаватель КИЯ ФГСН РУДН;

Российский университет дружбы народов, факультет гуманитарных и социальных наук;

ул. Миклухо-Маклая, 10/2, Москва, Россия, 117198;



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