Watch the following video and make up its narration of about 7 sentences.

From the text-book by Arakin do exercise 14 on page 134

1. The dress is just wonderful. It is very becoming to you.

Платье просто шикарное. Оно вам очень идет.

2.1 haven't seen you for ages. How are you getting on?

Я не видела тебя целую вечность. Как у тебя дела/Как ты?

3.I liked the cake you treated me to. How do you make it?

Мне понравился торт, которым вы меня угостили. Как вы его приготовили?(Не поделитесь рецептом?)

4. Turn over the page and do Exercise 3.

Переверните страницу и сделайте номер 3.

5. He turned out a very good story-teller. I enjoyed_ his stories immensely.

Он оказался очень хорошим рассказчиком. Мне очень(безумно) понравились его рассказы.

6. We shall discuss the matter on our way home.

Мы обсудим этот вопрос по дороге домой.

7. I'm sure you'll get over all the difficulties in the end.

Я уверена, что в конце концов вы преодолеете все трудности.

8. Pete didn't want to take his younger brother fishing, he was afraid that he would be in his way.

Пит не захотел брать своего младшего брата на рыбалку, он боялся, что тот будет мешать ему.

9. The students of Group 3 will help to decorate the hall with flowers and mottoes.

Студенты 3-й группы помогут украсить зал цветами и плакатами.

10. The father had promised to take the boys for a drive into the country on Sunday. But unfortunately the weather changed in the morning, and they had to stay (at) home/in.

Отец обещал в воскресенье отвезти мальчиков за город. Но, к сожалению, погода изменилась утром, и им пришлось остаться дома.

11. Celia waved her hand to Lanny until the train was out of sight.

Селия махала Лэнни рукой, пока поезд не скрылся из виду.

12. For such a big occasion all the children were dressed in their best.

По такому торжественному случаю все дети были одеты в свои лучшие наряды.

13. When all the things were packed in a suit-case, it turned out that the ticket had somehow got there too, and I had to turn everything upside down in search of it.

Когда все вещи были уложены в чемодан, оказалось, что билет тоже каким-то образом попал туда, и мне пришлось перевернуть все вверх дном в поисках его.

14. The children were allowed to stay in/home from school as the mother's birthday was a great occasion for all the family.

Детям разрешили остаться дома после школы, так как День рождения матери было событием для всей семьи.


Watch the following video and make up its narration of about 7 sentences.

Influenza is a specific type of infection caused by a specific virus. That is influenza A or influenza B. The cold on the other hand is caused by hundreds of different types of viruses. But the main difference that you would notice is that influenza tends to cause what we call more systemic symptoms, so you are more likely to have fever, body aches and pains, then you are with the cold, which tends to be usually just runny nose, sore throat and possibly some cough.

The best recommendation for people who have the common cold is to get plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids and to use kind of symptomatic relief methods in terms of ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help yourself feel better until your body is able to fight it off yourself.

Once you have a viral infection of any kind, there is an increased chance that you might develop a superimposed bacterial infection. So this can look like a few different things. Your infections can be an example of that you risk of developing a bacterial sinusitis could go up and your risk of developing pneumonia or a lung infection can go up as well.

However, most commonly the virus just runs its course and does not cause any long-term issues.


Ex 1, p. 123






1)Fix here ONE file with the translations of the following terms:


Gynecologist |ˌɡaɪnəˈkɑːlədʒəst|

акушер-гинеколог — obstetrician-gynecologist
хирург-гинеколог — gynecological surgeon
гинеколог; акушер — baby-puller

2)Гастроэнтеролог - gastroenterologist

3)Дерматолог- dermatologist

4)Психиатр- psychiatrist

5)Психолог- psychologist




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