М.В. Правдина, А.Н. Трутнева





Рекомендовано Ученым советом Нижегородского государственного
технического университета им. Р.Е. Алексеева
в качестве учебного пособия для студентов очной,
очно-заочной и заочной форм, обучающихся по направлениям:

01.04.04 «Прикладная математика»,

11.04.03 «Конструирование и технология электронных средств»,

12.04.01 «Приборостроение»,

15.04.05 «Конструкторско-технологическое обеспечение машиностроительных производств»


Нижний Новгород 2017

УДК 910(-87)380.8

ББК 81.2 Англ. яз.

П 681



кандидат философских наук, доцент В.П. Полозова

Правдина М.В., Трутнева А.Н.

П 681 Английский язык в магистратуре: учеб. пособие / М.В. Прав­дина, А.Н. Трутнева; Нижегород. гос. техн. ун-т им. Р.Е. Алексеева. – Н. Новгород, 2017. – 81 с.


ISBN 978-5-502-00893-8


Развивает навыки и умения аннотирования и рефери­рования на материале профессионально ориентированных текстов. Предназ­начено для магистрантов очного, очно-заочного и заочного отделений, а также для аспирантов. Рекомендуется студентам, обучающимся по программе дополнительной квалификации «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации».

Текстовые материалы служат основой для продолжения формирования словарного запаса специальной лексики и навыков перевода литературы по специальности. Может быть использовано как для работы в аудитории под руководством преподавателя, так и для самостоятельной работы.



УДК 910(-87)380.8

ББК 81.2 Англ. яз.


ISBN 978-5-502-00893-8 © Нижегородский государственный технический университет им. Р.Е. Алексеева, 2017
© Правдина М.В., Трутнева А.Н., 2017


1.1. Master’s Degree…………………………………………………  
1.2. About Myself……………………………………………………  
1.3. My Research Work………………………………………………  
1.4. The Importance of Learning Foreign Languages………………..  
1.5. Useful Vocabulary……………………………………………….    
2.1. How to write a perfect graduate engineering CV………………...  
2.2. Letter of Application / Cover Letter……………………………..  
2.3. Job Interview……………………………………………………..  
2.4. Thank-you Letter…………………………………………………    
4.1. Сущность реферирования и аннотирования…………………..  
4.2. Реферирование и аннотирование научно-технических текстов……………………………………………………………  
4.3. Средства языкового оформления реферата и аннотации…….  
4.4. Примеры рефератов и аннотаций……………………………...  
4.5. Практические задания………………………………………….  
4.6. Тексты для реферирования……………………………………  
СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ……………………………………………...  






A university graduate with a bachelor’s degree may find that degree to be insufficient for the type of profession they would like to have. It may often be necessary to pursue an advanced degree to advance your career. Admission to the master's degree program requires bachelor’s degree with sufficiently high grades.

Students in master’s degree programs complete courses that are highly focused in their field of study (their major). Master’s degree is a graduate academic degree awarded for a completed course of special professional knowledge and innovative skills, ability to use the knowledge and skills to produce new ideas, and to fulfill innovative professional tasks in the certain branch of science and engineering.

Master’s degree course takes 4 semesters (2 years) to complete master’s thesis. Master's thesis encourages students to work independently and in a structured and scientific way. It is guided by a professor or associate professor.


When a pupil, I felt a call for exact sciences, that's why I decided to obtain higher education in this field of knowledge. When I studied at the University, I decided to major in Physics and develop a habit of research and creative work.

Upon graduation, I was eager to continue doing research in the chosen field, that's why I decided to enter master’s degree course. For me there's nothing like working under the direct supervision of experienced specialists who can help me to produce work of a high standard.

Of course, being a master student is not easy. Everything depends on your own motivation and abilities. That's why I work and study really hard and try to make the best of my abilities in order to meet the obligatory requirements of my training.

I'm really lucky to have an opportunity to work under the guidance of efficient professors of our faculty. My scientific advisor helps me with my thesis. On the one hand, it's not an easy matter to collect and process data, but on the other hand it's very interesting.

I'm going to do a research in Physics and the theme of my thesis is "The Properties of Semiconductors". I know that it will be really difficult to prove the thesis, but I'll do my best, because I'm really interested in obtaining a master's degree. My scientific advisor encourages me, and I hope that I'll succeed in performing the experiments and defending my thesis.

I'm a diligent, industrious and persistent student. I do work hard and I know for sure that for me these years won't be spent in vain, because it is the time for self-improvement and self-education.

Words and Phrases

diligent (industrious, persistent) прилежный (трудолюбивый, настойчивый)

major in специализироваться в

meet one's requirements отвечать ч-л требованиям

research supervisor (a scientific advisor) научный руководитель

make an experiment (to do research) проводить эксперимент (исследование)

collect and process data собирать и обрабатывать данные

present the thesis (the dissertation) представить диссертацию

defend the thesis защищать диссертацию


1. What higher educational establishment do you study at?

2. Why did you want to take up a master’s degree course?

3. What does it mean to be a master student?

4. What is the aim of master’s degree training?



I would like to say a few words about my investigation. The subject of my investigation is __________.

Research of this problem began with the idea of my scientific adviser. And I appreciate the opportunity to work with such a scientist.

During my studies I’ve had an opportunity to get knowledge from remarkable teachers like professors …., candidates of science …. They have achievements in their fields of scientific research, publish scientific works, take courses of lectures, carry out seminars, tutorial and laboratory works.

I especially appreciate my scientific adviser professor …, who supervises my work. My scientific adviser is professor …. His/her biography includes … years of work at the plant as an engineer and … years as a lecturer at the University. He/she has published about … scientific works and articles, has about … inventions and patents. Professor… is an incredibly energetic person and is always busy delivering lectures for students, communicating with great number of industrial engineers and scientists from another institutes. I suppose that my scientific advisor is the person, who completely fulfilled himself/herself as an engineer, as a scientist and a personality as a whole.

I've been already working on my investigation for more than a year. During all this time I've been writing articles. I think it is very important for young researchers to print the results of their scientific works periodically.

Besides I take part in conferences. Conference is an important event in researcher's life. Especially it is inspiring for young researchers. Sometimes it is said that a scientific conference is the best school for young scientists who want to advance science. Conferences are intended to let scientists to share their achievements and opportunity for everyone to exchange opinions and discuss scientific and organization problems of common interests. I think, that making personal contacts with people is sometimes much more important than reading papers. The goal of conference is to encourage researchers to solve problems of modern science and to stimulate international ties.

The success of the completion of the thesis greatly depends on the chosen research methods, because they help to achieve the necessary purpose. One of the empiric methods of research is experiment. Experiment must meet a number of special requirements: activity, systematic character, clear purposes presence, a good plan.


1. What are the fields of investigation at your department?

2. What is your scientific research about?

3. What contribution are you going to make to the problem in question?

4. What do you like and dislike about doing a research?

5. How long have you been working on your research?

6. Have you already published articles in any journals?

7. Who is your scientific adviser?

8. What are your adviser’s current research interests?

9. Have you taken part in scientific conferences?

10. What research methods do you use when working on your thesis?



The problem of learning languages is very important today. Foreign languages are in great demand nowadays when the progress in science and technology has led to an overflow of information.

English is the global language, an official or co-official language of 45 countries. Around a quarter of the world's population can communicate in English for work or leisure. Its importance is growing faster than at any time in the last 400 years. Half of all business deals are conducted in English. 2/3 of scientific papers are written in English.

With the knowledge of foreign languages many opportunities are opened up for post-graduate students. Once they start writing their thesis they face the problem of reading scientific literature in a foreign language. They also publish their scientific articles in English and place their findings on the Internet, so as they could be available for scientists all over the world. Post graduates are often involved in international conferences where they are required to know foreign languages to prove their worth. In addition, English language helps to communicate with scientists of different countries directly during international scientific conferences and seminars, by means of e-mail or phone.

That is why to know English is absolutely necessary for any educated person, for any good specialist. It can improve their career prospects and boost their salaries.

When learning a foreign language, it is important to know about the culture of the country where the language is spoken. Cultural awareness is just as important as linguistic skills. What is more, if you are a post-graduate student, it will make your research far more interesting, useful and exciting.

I study English because it’s a world language, a language of progressive science and technology. High level of language knowledge gives me the opportunity to get necessary information via Internet, from world famous magazines like “The Economist”.

Words and Phrases

open up opportunities предоставлять возможности

efficient means of information эффективные средства обмена

exchange информации

integrate into объединять, составлять целое

contribute to сделать вклад в

be highly appreciated цениться, быть в цене

prove one's worth доказать свою значимость

improve one's career prospe cts улучшить перспективы профессионального роста

exchange experience обменяться опытом

cultural awareness знание, понимание культуры страны изучаемого языка

overcome communication barrier преодолеть коммуникационный барьер

have access to иметь доступ к

master a language овладеть языком

have a good command of English хорошо владеть английским языком

enhance your potential улучшать (увеличивать) потенциал

possess proficiency in English обладать высоким уровнем английского языка

have a competitive edge over others иметь конкурентные преимущества над другими

stay on the cutting edge of technology оставаться на переднем крае технологического прогресса

make headway in career достичь прогресса, успеха

open wider career prospects открывать широкие карьерные возможности


1. Why are foreign languages in great demand, especially at the present time?

2. What is value of learning languages?

3. How does learning English help post-graduate students in writing a thesis?

4. What opportunities does a post-graduate with a good command of a foreign language have?

5. How can English enhance your career prospects?

6. What are spheres for your practical using of English?



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