Контрольная работа. По дисциплине «Профессионально-ориентированный английский язык (судовой)»

Контрольная работа

По дисциплине «Профессионально-ориентированный английский язык (судовой)»

Номер варианта контрольной работы, которую надлежит выполнить конкретному учащемуся, определяется по порядковому номеру фамилии студента в классном журнале.


Порядковый номер фамилии студента в классном журнале Вариант контрольной работы Порядковый номер фамилии студента в классном журнале Вариант контрольной работы


Контрольные работы оформляются в рукописном виде в тетради. На лицевую сторону тетради наклеивается титульный лист, выполненный в печатном виде.

Образец оформления титульного листа контрольной работы представлен в Приложении.

Контрольная работа должна включать:

1. Титульный лист.

2. Задания контрольной работы.

3. Ответы на задания.

В конце работы студент ставит подпись и дату.

Работа сдается в сроки, определяемые графиком отделения заочного обучения и переподготовки.

Рекомендуемая литература

1. Бобровский В.И., Вохмянин С.Н. Деловой английский язык для моряков. – М.: Моркнига, 2013. – 240с.

2. Китаевич Б.Е. Учебник английского языка для моряков. – М.: РКонсульт, 2009. – 400с.

3. Стандартные фразы ИМО для общения на море. – СПб.: ЦНИИМФ, 2015. – 368с.

4. Феоктистова Н.Г. Английский для моряков. – СПб.: Сова, 1997. – 365с.

5. Шерешевская А.Д. Русско-английский разговорник для курсантов морских училищ. – СПб.: ГМА им. Макарова, 2005. – 204с.





I.Write and translate the text (Спишите и переведите текст)



Ships anchor either inside or outside the harbour. To bring the ship to anchor, it is necessary to reduce speed and stop the engine at the proper time. They may ride to one or to two anchors. As a rule, before anchoring, the ship’s head must be brought up into the wind. With a strong current or tidal stream the ship should be stem on to the current. Before the ship reaches the anchorage, both anchors must be ready to let go. The captain sees to the anchorage of his ship. At the proper moment he gives the command to let go the port or starboard anchor. The third mate is usually at the forecastle and reports to the bridge how much of chain has been paid out. After anchoring, the watch officer takes anchorage bearings and soundings and enters this information into the log book.


II. Answer the following questions to the text (Ответьте на вопросы по тексту)


1. Where do the ships anchor?

2. What is it necessary to bring the ship to anchor?

3. May the ships ride to one anchor only?

4. How must the ship’s head be brought before anchoring?

5. How should the ship be stem with a strong current?

6. Are both anchors let go at the same time?

7. Who sees to the anchorage of the ship?

8. Where is usually the third mate?

9. Who determines how much of chain has been paid out?

10. What information should be entered into the log book?

11. Who enters the information into the log book?


III. Translate the following words and expressions (Переведите следующие слова и выражения)


1. shackle of chain

2. to order a watch officer

3. starboard anchor

4. the port lighthouse

5. to alter course to starboard

6. to notify the engine room

7. That’s our berth.

8. to get the anchors ready

9. five shackles of chain

10. to take soundings


IV. Put the following sentences into the Present Perfect or Past Simple (Поставьте следующие предложения в Present Perfect or Past Simple)


1.… the vessel (anchor) yet?

2. The vessel (arrive) yesterday at 5 p.m.

3. I ….just (lose) my anchor in position…

4.… you ever (see) this type of ship?

5. The Master (sign) the Contract and I (deliver) it to the port authorities.

6. He (try) many times to call to the pilot station.


V. Choose the correct answer (Выберите правильный ответ)


1. My anchor is clear of the ….

a). position b). berth c). bottom

2. …. sees to the anchorage of the ship.

a). the Third Mate b). the Captain c). the watch officer

3. Ships anchor either ….. the harbour.

a). at berth b). inside or outside c). in the port

4. Before anchoring the ship’s head should be stem on to the …..

a). position b). berth c). current

5. The Captain gives the command to let go the …. anchor.

a). port or starboard b). inner or outer c). left or right

6. …..is usually at the forecastle and reports to the bridge how much of chain

has been paid out.

a). the Captain b). the Engineer c). the Third Mate



I.Write and translate the text (Спишите и переведите текст)



In some ports ships must take pilots. 24 hours prior to the ship’s arrival at a port the ship sends a radiogram to the company’s agent ashore indicating the estimated time of arrival (ETA). The ship hoists the signal when she approaches the pilot station or the Master contacts the pilot station by radiotelephone. The ships must take pilots to manoeuvre the ship into or out of the port. Ships requiring a pilot should make customary signals. In daylight ships display the flag “G”(GOLF) of the International Code of Signals. It means “I require a pilot”. At night the signal for a pilot is blasts on the ship’s siren. A pilot may board the ship near the pilot station or in the offing. A pilot is usually taken aboard from the lee side. The watch officer usually meets the pilot at the ladder and shows him to the bridge. Then the pilot manoeuvres the ship into the port to her berthing place. While proceeding to the port the pilot is consulted to what course the ship should be steered, but nevertheless the Master of the ship is responsible for the safety of the ship.


II. Answer the following questions according to the text (Ответьте на вопросы по тексту)


1. When does the ship send a radiogram ashore?

2. What does a Master indicate in the radiogram?

3. Why must ships take pilots in the ports?

4. What customary signals should ships make in daylights?

5. What does this flag mean?

6. What is the signal for a pilot at night?

7. Where may a pilot board the ship?

8. From what side is a pilot usually taken aboard?

9. Who meets the pilot at the ladder?

10. Is the pilot consulted to what course the ship should be steered?

11. Who is responsible for the safety of the ship while proceeding to the port?


III. Translate the following expressions (Переведите следующие выражения)


1. Do you require a pilot?

2. At what position can I take a pilot?

3. At what time will the pilot be available?-

4. You may navigate by yourself or wait for pilot at…

5. You must rig pilot ladderon port star board side

6. Pilotage suspended for all vessels

7.Pilotage resumed for small vessels

8.Stop the engine until the pilot boat is

9. The pilot is responsible for the safety of the ship.

10. Stop where you are and wait for the pilot


IV. Choose the right variant (Выберите правильный ответ)


1. Assistance is not required. You may …

a). search b). proceed c). send

2. I am on fire and have dangerous... on board.

a). in the engine b). boat c). cargo

3. Large vessel …. Keep clear of approach channel.

a). sending b). leaving c). aground

4. I am coming to your ….

a). assistance b). collision c). tank

5. The watch officer takes anchorage bearings and soundings and enters this information into the ….

a). register book b). log book c). magazine

6. At what berth shall we moor?

а). у какого причала мы должны швартоваться?

б). у какого причала мы будем швартоваться?

с). у какого причала мы швартовались


V. Translate the sentences and put the modal verbs in the correct form (переведите предложения и поставьте модальные глаголы вместо точек в правильной форме)


1. We … repair the engine ourselves.(can)

2. The Captain… reduce speed because there was heavy traffic there. (have to)

3. The ship … to leave the port at 5 p.m. (to be)

4. He …to alter the course to port because there is a danger of collision with the

other ship.(have to)

5. You …rig pilot ladder on port side.(can)

6. Why does the vessel … leave today? (have to)





I.Write and translate the text (Спишите и переведите текст)



When a ship approaches her berth she must proceed at slow speed. Heaving lines, mooring ropes and fenders should be ready for use. Both anchors must be ready to let go. The third mate is usually on the forecastle deck and the second mate is on the after deck. They both attend to the berthing of the ship. The captain directs the work from the bridge. At an appropriate distance from the berth the engine is stopped. The ship’s headway is used to bring the ship alongside the quay. The engine and the rudder are used from time to time to help the ship to do so. The off-shore anchor is sometimes dropped for the same purpose. When the ship is near her berth, heaving lines and mooring ropes are passed ashore. The mooring ropes are secured to the shore bollards. Ships make fast either alongside the quay or stern to. In both cases the mooring ropes should be constantly watched.


II. Answer the following questions to the text (Ответьте на вопросы по тексту)


1. At what speed must a ship approach her berth?

2. What should be made ready for use on deck?

3. Who usually directs the work of mooring?

4. Where are usually the third mate and the second mate?

5. When is the engine stopped?

6. What is used to help the mooring of the ship?

7. What anchor is sometimes dropped to help the ship?

8. When the ship has approached the berth what line is passed ashore first?

9. What other ropes are passed ashore and secured to the bollards?

10. How can the ships make fast?


III. Choose the correct answer (Выберите правильный ответ)


1. The captain directs _________ from the bridge.

a)the berth b) the work c) the anchor

2. Both anchors must be ready to let ______.

a) run b) bring c) go

3. When the ship is near her berth, heaving lines and mooring ropes are _______ ashore.

a) secured b) passed c) passed

4. The _______ anchor is sometimes dropped to help the ship securely berthed.

a) heaving b) mooring c) off-shore

5. The engine and the ______ are used from time to time to help the ship to get moored.

a) rudder b) fenders c). bollard

6. The mooring ropes are secured to the shore ______.

a) berth b) bollard c) quay


IV. Translate the following expressions (Переведите следующие выражения)


1.Where do you come from?

2.What was your last port of call?

3.What is your ETA (estimated time of arrival) at…?

4.What is your destination?

5.What are my berthing instructions?

6. Your berth is clear (at … hours)?

7. You will be that …

8. Vessel..will turn at …

9. Vessel..will leave.. at.. hours.

10. Vessel …. is leaving …


V. Put the following sentences into the Past Simple or Past Perfect (Поставьте следующие предложения в the Past Simple or Past Perfect)


1. The mooring ropes (be ready) before the ship (approach) her berth.

2. The vessel (leave) the port by the end of September.

3. After they (deliver) the cargo he (pay) money.

4. The loading (finish) before the customs officer (come) aboard.

5. The captain (send) a radiogram to the agent 10 minutes ago.

6. Both anchors (be ready) to let go.




Оформление титульного листа


Рыбинский филиал Федерального государственного бюджетного

образовательного учреждения высшего образования

«Московская государственная академия водного транспорта»




по дисциплине

«Профессионально-ориентированный английский язык (судовой)»

Вариант _____


Выполнил(а) ___________________

Студент(ка) группы _____________

Преподаватель _________________

Оценка ________________________

Подпись преподавателя __________

Дата ___________________________


Рыбинск 20__




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