Времена группы Perfect Continuous.



Тематика занятия

Словообразование: суффикс прилагательных - able

Изучение таблицы времен группы Perfect Continuous.


I. Вопросы для обсуждения:


1) Cуффикс прилагательных – able


2) Употребление времен группы Perfect Continuous.


3) Способы образования времен группы Perfect Continuous.


4) Особенности употребления вспомогательного глагола to have во временах группы Perfect Continuous.


5) Особенности перевода сказуемого во временах группы Perfect Continuous на русский язык.


6) Способы образования отрицательных и вопросительных предложений во временах группы Perfect Continuous.


II. Выполнение заданий по теме: Словообразование: Cуффикс прилагательных - able. Времена группы Perfect Continuous.


1. Прочитайте и устно переведите следующие слова:

permeable, available, suitable, comfortable, intractable


Найдите сказуемые, назовите формулу, по которой они образованы. Предложения переведите письменно.

1. Plant biotechnologists have been adopting tissue culture for many years to create and clone new plant varieties.. 2 We will have been studying biology for three months by the end of the term. 3 The scientist had been investigating this phenomenon for two years by the time the new microscope was invented.


Перепишите пары предложений, подчеркните сказуемые и определите, в чем их различие. Предложения переведите устно.


1 a) I am waiting for the findings of my blood analysis b) I have been waiting for the findings of my blood analysis for an hour

2. a) Dry rales are disappearing slowly b) Dry rales have been disappearing during this week.

3. a) The nurse is giving the injections. b) The nurse has been giving the injections for two hours.


Переведите данные предложения в Perfect Continuous. Запишите предложения вначале в вопросительной форме, а затем в отрицательной.


1. The patient has been suffering from the acute pain in the heart for about the whole month already. 2. Murmurs had been decreasing gradually for the last two weeks. 3. The young cardiologist has been investigating the character of heart defect in this child since the beginning of the year. 4. Fever had been increasing for three days last week. 5. The neurologist has been examining the patient for half an hour already. 6. This female has been staying at our department for 20 days.


5. Напишите вопросы к выделенным членам предложения.

1. My mother has been suffering from a bad pain in the substernal area for three hours. 2 The patient had been complaining of a considerable muscular pain before he was admitted to the hospital. 3 By 3 o'clock the professor will have been delivering the lecture for half an hour


Письменно переведите предложения с русского языка на английский.


1. Терапевт обследует больного уже полчаса, но еще не пришел ни к какому определенному заключению. 2. Вчера больной хорошо спал в течение нескольких часов до прихода врача. 3. Размер печени больного постепенно уменьшался в течение прошлого месяца. 4. Общее состояние больного постепенно улучшается, так как ему назначили витамины в инъекциях. 5. Температура больного держалась на уровне 38С в течение месяца. 6. Мой брат находится в стационаре уже 2 месяца. 7. Она работала в библиотеке весь вчерашний день.


III. Лексический минимум по теме «PLANT CELLS AND TISSUE CULTURES».


starch - n. крахмал


sucrose - n. сахароза


moss - n. мох


fern - [fə:n] n. папоротник


conifer - ['kəunifə] n. хвойное дерево


palisade cells - [pжli'seid] n. палисадные клетки


culture - n. разведение, культивация


totipotent - a. тотипотентный (способный к делению)


micropropagation - n. микрораспространение


suitable - ['sju:təbl] a. соответствующий, правильно подобранный


permeable - ['pə:mjəbl] a. водопроницаемый


medium - n. среда


nutrient - ['nju:triənt] a. питательный


appropriate - [ə'prəupriət] a. соответствующий, подходящий


to adopt - v. принимать


available - [ə' veiləbl] a. доступный



IV. Базовый текст.


Прочитайте и переведите текст.




Plants are one of the major groups of living organisms. They are all multicellular, eukaryotic, photosynthesizing organisms that nave cell walls containing cellulose. Most plants store carbohydrates as starch or sucrose.

The Plant Kingdom includes mosses, ferns, conifers, and flowering plants. Although there is no such thing as "typical" plant cell, palisade cells have features commonly found in most plant cells.

The structure of a palisade cell is revealed by an optical microscope. A cell wall surrounds the cell surface membrane. The wall is made of cellulose, a tough rubbery material that is completely permeable to water.

Like animal cells, palisade cells have a cell surface membrane enclosing the cell contents, which are divided into two main parts: the nucleus and cytoplasm. And, as in animals cells, the nucleus contains the genetic material and the operating instructions for the cell, while the cytoplasm contains organelles that carry out specific functions.

Structures visible under the optical microscope that are found only in plant cells include

· chloroplasts, large organelles that absorb sunlight to photosynthesize sugars from carbon dioxide and water

· a relatively thick cell wall surrounding and protecting the plasma membrane

· a large sap-filled cavity called the vacuole, containing starch grains that act as a food store within the cytoplasm

Cell walls are much thicker than plasma membranes. They allow plant cells to become full of water without bursting, and to develop pressure that helps to support the plant.

Chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis, the process by which plants take in carbon dioxide and water and use energy from sunlight to make glucose. As a result of the photosynthesis, oxygen is produced. Chloroplasts contain all the biochemical machinery for harvesting light and making glucose.

Electron micrographs show that chloroplasts are large double-membraned organelles. The double membrane allows them to act as compartments, isolating photosynthesis from other cellular activities.

The vacuole contains sap consisting of a watery solution of sugars, mineral salts, enzymes, pigments, and other substances, including some waste products.

Under suitable conditions, each cell of a plant is totipotent; that is, it has the potential to give rise to a whole plant. This property is used to culture plants asexually from very small pieces of tissue cut from the parent and grown in artificial containers. The process, called tissue culture, micropropagation, or cloning, requires the following conditions:

· a source of energy

· water

· a suitable nutrient medium with appropriate mineral salts, vitamins, and growth regulators

· a suitable temperature

· suitable light levels

· sterile conditions

Plant biotechnologists have been adopting tissue culture for many years to create and clone new plant varieties, particularly when only a small piece of genetically modified (GM) tissue is available. The GM tissue can be grown in vitro ("in glass", e.g. a test tube) and cloned into many copies by subdivision.


2. Вопросы для обсуждения:


1) What is a totipotent plant cell?

2) What plants does The Plant Kingdom include?

3) What are chloroplasts?

4) What conditions tissue culture




1. Учебник английского языка для медицинских вузов. – 3-е изд. Испр. И доп. – М.: Лист Нью, 2002.- 336 с. / под ред. Масловой А.М

2. Ron Pickering. Complete Biology for IGCSE. Oxford University Press. 2006

3. Michael Kent. As Biology. Oxford University Press. 2007




1. R Murphy. English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 2012



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