Families, relations and relatives

Adoption andguardianship


Minor = under-age Несовершеннолетний A person who is under the age at which you legally become an adult and are responsible for your action
Orphan,n   Orphan-boy Orphan-girl Сирота Is someone whose parents are dead, unknown, or have permanently abandoned him or her. In common usage, only a child who has lost both parents due to death is called an orphan.
orphan, v делатьсиротой; She was orphaned in the war
orphan, adj сиротский; осиротелый
Full orphan круглый сирота
half-orphan полусирота
Handicapped orphan сирота-инвалид
War orphan сирота времен войны
AIDS-orphan ребёнок, родители которого умерли от СПИДа
Social orphan is a term denoting that a child has no adults looking after it, even though one or more parents are still alive
Foundling =doorbell baby=safe-haven baby Подкидыш A baby who has been left by its parents and who is found by sb
Baby dumping refers to parents leaving a child younger than 12 months in a public or private place with the intent of terminating their care for the child
runaway a minor who has left their parent or legal guardian without permission
Child abandonment the phrase is used to describe the physical and emotional abandonment when parents fail to offer financial and emotional support for their child
removal of children from parental custody Отобрание детей от родителей


Orphanage Приют для сирот is a residential institution devoted to the care of orphans. Orphanages are the first place (or even singleone) of providing for their care, housing and education.
family-type orphanage детскийдомсемейноготипа
infant orphanage домребёнка
educational orphanage = orphan boarding school школа-интернат  
State orphanage государственный детский дом
church-run orphanage Церковный приют для сирот
an orphan asylum детскийдом


Biological parents, and sometimes biological grandparents, are legally responsible for supporting children. But in the absence of these, no named godparent, or other relatives willing to care for the children,

they become a ward of the state.



Child custody and legal guardianship Попечительство, опекунство are legal terms which are used to describe the legal and practical relationship between a parent or guardian and a child, such as the right to make decisions on behalf of a child and the duty to care for and support the child.
Custody, n The legal right or duty to take care of sb The divorce court awarded custody to the child`s mother
Custodial Connected with the right or duty of looking after sb The mother is usually the custodial parent after a divorce
Ward Опекаемый, подопечный A child who is under the legal protection of a court of law or another person (called a guardian) she is not his daughter but his ward
a child in ward ребёнок, находящийся под опекой
under wardship person under trusteeship child under guardianship подопечный
ward of court несовершеннолетнеелицо, опекункоторогоназначаетсясудомиликотороенепосредственно опекается судом The child was made a ward of court
Wardship ~ custodianship ~ guardianship ~ trusteeship попечительство; опека. The fact of a child being cared for by a guardian (a person who is not parent) Форма охраны личных и имущественных прав и интересов малолетних, лишившихся попечения родственников и близких и устанавливающаяся по суду
trusteeship of the child Попечительство над ребёнком
trusteeshipoverminors опека над несовершеннолетними
wardship and guardianship authority guardianship and custodianship body bodies of trusteeship and guardianship орган опеки и попечительства
establish guardianship of Устанавливать опеку над
grant custody Предоставить опеку
guardianship and custody опека и попечительство
legal guardian = general guardian Опекун, законныйпредставительнесовершеннолетнего. is a person who has the legal authority to care for the personal and property interests of a minor.
appoint a guardian Назначать опекуна
actasguardian действовать в качестве опекуна
guardianbynature естественный опекун (отец или мать)
kinshipguardian попечитель по родословной линии



Foster, v To take another person`s child into your home for a period of time, without becoming his or her legal parents We couldn`t adopt a child, so we decided to foster
Fostering устройство детей-сирот и детей, оставшихся без попечения родителей, на воспитание в семьи
Foster care проживание без юридического усыновления или удочерения у приёмных родителей (в отличие от adoption) is a system in which a minor has been placed into a ward, group home, or private home of a state-certified caregiver, referred to as a "foster parent" or with a family member approved by the state.
Foster, adj Used in connection with the fostering foster home
foster parents   приёмные родители без формального усыновления. The foster parent is compensated for expenses unless a foster child are with a foster family
foster child A child who is under the foster care


Adopt, v To take another person`s child into your family and become its legal parents a campaign to encourage childless couples to adopt
Adoption Усыновление/удочерение is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting of another childand permanently transfers all rights and responsibilities from the biological parent or parents. She put the baby up for adoption
adoption of the son /daughter Усыновление / удочерение
Adopted child adoptee усыновленныйребенок. He or she has legally become part of a family he is their adopted son
Adoptive parent adopter Родители, усыновившие /удочерившие ребенка Усыновитель / удочеритель
Birth and adoptive family  
Open adoption is a form of adoption in which the biological and adoptive families have access of each other's personal information.The adoptive parents hold all the rights as the legal parents, yet the individuals of the biological and adoptive families may support the contact in varying forms: sending mail and/or photos, face-to-face visits between birth and adoptive families
Closed adoption = confidential adoption = secret adoption is a process by which an infant is adopted by another family, and the record of the biological parent(s) is kept sealed. Often, the biological father is not recorded—even on the original birth certificate. An adoption of an older child who already knows his or her biological parent(s) cannot be made secret
right of the adopter to the confidential nature of adoption право усыновителя на сохранение тайны усыновления
legal framework for adoption правовые основы усыновления
Legal validity of adoption юридическая сила усыновления
Heir by adoption наследник в силу усыновления
Adoption arrogation усыновление или удочерение ребёнка по его собственному желанию
Adoption by acknowledgement усыновление или удочерение отцом своего внебрачного ребёнка
Stepparent adoption усыновление родственниками
Adoption by agreement усыновление или удочерение, оформленное соглашением
transracialadoption усыновление ребёнка, принадлежащего к другой расе
intercountry adoption иностранное усыновление
adoptionleave отпуск по уходу за ребёнком в связи с усыновлением
place a child for adoption отдать ребёнка на усыновление
perspective adoptive parents потенциальные усыновители
Mock adoption Sham adoption фиктивное усыновление или удочерение
revocation of adoption annulment of adoption отмена усыновления / удочерения



A sibling is one of two or more individuals having one or both parents in common.

A male sibling is a brother, and a female sibling is a sister.


Full siblings Кровные братья/сестры. Рис.1
Full brothers or full sisters = brother and sister They have the same biological parents andhave 50% of common genes.

Half-siblings Единокровные братья / сестрыРис.2 They share one parent but not both and have 25% of common genes.
maternal half-brothers/half-sisters = uterine siblings Братья / сестры по матери(единоутробные) They have the same mother but different fathers
paternal half-brothers/half-sisters = agnate siblings = consanguine Братья / сестры по отцу They have the same father but different mothers
half-brother   Единокровный брат A boy with either the same mother or the same father as they have
half-sister   Единокровная сестра A girl with either the same mother or the same father as they have

Stepsiblings Сводные братья / сестры- дети от предыдущих браков лиц, вступивших между собой в новый брак, неединокровные и неединоутробные. Неродные, сведенные в одну семью. They are unrelated by blood (haven`t common genes). На предыдущем рисунке сводными братьями/сестрами являются дети из левой и правой частей рисунка. Однако, если в такой сводной семье появляются совместные дети(квадратики в центре рисунка),то для детей от предыдущих браков они становятся единокровными
stepbrothers / stepsisters are the children of one's stepparent from a previous relationship.
It is wrong to call half siblings with a common father (that's right — "half", or half) or mother (that's right — "half" or half)?
Foster siblings 1) children who are raised in the same foster home, 2) foster children of the person's parents, 3) foster parents' biological children.
They are neither legally related no blood-related


Adoptive siblings adopted child and the child of the adoptive parent of one and the adoptive parent
They are legally related but not blood-related


Families, relations and relatives

Consanguinity= blood relation кровноеродство
natural relatives Кровные родственники
nuclear family Parents and their child (children)
pivot family Family in which one or both spouses have children from a previous marriage?
Summary relatives Сводные родственники- состояние родства, возникающее при вступлении двух родителей в повторный для каждого из них брак, между детьми от предыдущих браков - state of relationship between children from previous marriages that occur when joining the two parents in the repeated for each marriage
Step - Related as a result of one parent marrying again
stepfamily = blended family =r bonus family семья, в которой дети происходят от разных браков is a family where at least one parent has children that are not genetically related to the other spouse or partner
step-relatives родственные отношения после второго брака одного из родителей
stepfather The man who is married to your mother but not your real father
stepmother A woman who is married to your father but not your real mother
Stepchild (pl. stepchildren) stepson/stepdaughter A child of your husband or wife by an earlier marriage
“Stepfather or stepmother, do not possess individual rights and responsibilities towards stepchildren and step-daughters that if they were not, they (she) adopted or his (her) foster children. All rights and obligations, if they have not been limited by court order, to preserve the biological parents of the child”
adopting a stepchild the most common form of adoption

It is interesting

The Baby Scoop Era a period in history starting after the end of World War II and ending in the early 1970s, characterized by an increased rate of pre-marital pregnancies over the preceding period, along with a higher rate of newborn adoption.
Orphan diseases. орфанныезаболевания (A disease that is so rare that it is not considered commercially viable to develop drugs to treat it
Euro-orphan =r EU orphan = White Orphans is a neologism used metaphorically to describe a “social orphan” in the European Union whose parents have migrated to another member state, typically for economic reasons. The child is left behind, often in the care of older relatives. The expression itself is a misnomer, since it is meant to describe temporary child abandonment, rather than the death of both parents
Abandoned child syndrome behavioral or psychological condition that results primarily from the loss of one or both parents. Abandonment may be physical (the parent is not present in the child’s life) or emotional (the parent withholds affection, nurturing, or stimulation).
Forced adoption the practice of taking the babies from unmarried mothers, against their will, and placing them for adoption
Street children   is a term for children experiencing poverty (homelessness) who are living on the streets of a city, town, or village. Homeless youth are often called street kids or street youth; the definition of street children is contested, but many practitioners and policymakers use UNICEF’s concept of boys and girls, aged under 18 years, for whom “the street” (including unoccupied dwellings and wasteland) has become home and/or their source of livelihood, and who are inadequately protected or supervised.
Half-caste(offensive!!!) A person whose parents are from different races More acceptable word “ a person of mixed race”
blood brother or blood sister is a person to whom one has sworn loyalty through a ritual blood oath.Not to be confused with a consanguineous sibling















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