Match the pictures with the word combinations.


N figure

N athletic

N broad-shouldered

N fat

N middle-sized

N plump

N short

N slim

N stooping

N straight

N tall

N thin

N well-built

N arm

N leg

N hair

N bun

N fringe

N pigtail

N plait

N pony tail

N locks

N curly

N wavy

N face

N bony

N freckled

N sunburnt

N ugly

N wrinkled

N complexion

N eye

N close-set

N deep-set

N hazel

N slant-eyed

N wide apart

N eye-brow

N arched

N bushy

N penciled

N eye-lashes

N curving

N forehead

N nose

N mouth

N lips

N absent-minded

N bad-tempered

N capable

N confident

N considerate

N creative

N difficult

N easy-going

N efficient

N energetic

N friendly

N generous

N good-natured

N hard-working

N idle

N impatient

N impolite

N intelligent

N lazy

N loyal

N patient

N quarrelsome

N quick

N quick-minded

N reliable

N reserved

N rude

N sensible

N sly

N sociable

N sullen

N tactful

N unfriendly

N unintelligent

N versatile

N witty


1. Translate into English!

Полные губы, свежий цвет лица, тонкие брови, некрасивое лицо, носик пуговкой, атлетическая фигура, золотистые локоны, красиво очерченные рот. длинные ресницы, глубоко посаженные глаза, высокий лоб, впалые щеки, пухлое лицо, густые брови, раскосые глаза, симпатичная девушка, привлекательное лицо, привлекательные черты лица, красивый мужчина, прекрасная фигура, красивая женщина.


Match the pictures with the word combinations.

    A Full lips    
B Retreating forehead
      C Aquiline nose    
D Bushy eye-brows
    E Long curving eye-lashes  
F Hooked nose
    G Thin lips    
H Roman nose
    I Snub nose    
J Grecian nose


3. Read the following extracts and explain the difference between the adjectives attractive, pretty, good-looking, beautiful, handsome in English:

1. She was not beautiful but she was undeniably attractive. And the cause of that attraction lay in her abounding vitality.

2. “She is pretty girl, isn`t she?” “Rather more than pretty.” “Exactly. As a matter of fact, she`s uncommonly good-looking. ”

3. There was no doubt that Michael Garfield was a very beautiful young man. Women could be beautiful, but Hercule Poirot was not at all sure that he liked beauty in men. He would not have liked to be a beautiful young man himself. There was only one thing about his own appearance which really pleased Hercule

Poirot, and that was the profusion of his moustaches. They were magnificent. He had never been handsome or god-looking.

4. For some peculiar reason Henry found himself trying to decide that he was not good-looking. But the more he examined the man`s features, the more he saw how uncommonly handsome he really was.


4.Match the words in the left-hand column with their definitions in the right-hand column.

1) efficient a) able to perform duties well
2) confident b) clever at deceiving people
3) generous c) able, clever at smth. needing practical skill
4) loyal d) certain, sure
5) patient e) showing, readiness to give money, help, kindness
6) considerate f) good-natured, taking life easily
7) sly g) cleverly amusing
8) easy-going h) true to one`s friends, country
9) capable i) thoughtful of the rights or feelings of others
10) witty j) having the ability to wait for smth. calmly for a long time


Translate into Russian.

a) creative person, quarrelsome woman, capable student, unreliable people, sullen face, sensible ideas, impatient gestures, rude words, sly old man, efficient secretary, temperamental character, bad-tempered man

b) 1) He is very capable boy, isn`t he? 2) We are confident of success. 3) His chief says he is very efficient. 4) I`d like to have a loyal friend. 5) I hope you are quite sensible. 6) The child is rather difficult. 7) He is difficult to get on with. 8) We find her rather aloof. 9) He is a sly dog. 10) His remark is tactful. you shouldn`t be hurt. 11) This news comes from a reliable source. 12) The girl is always considerate of others.



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