Culture and moral crisis

difficult phenomenon of public life can't be estimated unambiguously "well" or "badly", as in it maybe that and another. A lot of things depend on criteria of an assessment. So, in spiritual culture of any society two equally real shapes differ: shape of stability, harmony, unanimity, and shape of changes, conflicts, intensity and unresolved problems. It should be meant in the analysis and an assessment of a condition of culture of any society, including ours.the scanty part of the state budget is spent for culture. Many centers of culture are closed, without having opportunity to cope with financial difficulties. The majority remained not to die away absolutely instead of bearing to people art and creativity, are compelled to be engaged in commerce.and further cultural development and moral is the most important condition of updating of our society. But the culture doesn't stand still, it constantly changes. From there is a question: what culture to us should be revived?answer a question is not simply as can seem at first sight. After all in one society there is no uniform "true", "correct", "ideal" culture. It is impossible from the cultural heritage, developing for eyelids, to delete something, to leave something only for ideological reasons. As a rule, life itself selects the most valuable in moral and esthetic sense of work. Most often idealization of the past takes place when don't want or aren't able to estimate modern achievements really.the new, humane tenor of life based on the best national traditions of the past and the present, still shy, but forces the way through, rejecting all that prevented people to develop their inner world, to improve everyday life, to create under laws of beauty and moral purity.of protection and preservation of a cultural heritage of the past which has incorporated universal values, - is a problem all-planetary, features is having in everyone country. For our country this problem is particularly acute most. Fight against the religion, accepted in the 30th years of last century character of natural disaster, poured out in mass destruction of churches, in the next years the part of the Chinese city wall, Red gate, etc. D. Likhachev were demolished at the same time noticed that to known limits of loss in the nature are reparable. Otherwise business is with culture monuments. Their losses are, as a rule, irreplaceable because monuments of culture are always individual, each monument collapses forever.means of the latest developments of a scientific and technological revolution, mass media the cultural wealth which has been saved up by mankind, becomes more available, but each person still needs "to touch" them to become spiritually richer. All the matter is that the one, who looks for in culture only an entertainment, without having found it, easily finds substitute. The culture will organize human life, the culture of society consists from this that it is necessary to know and in what it is necessary to trust his members to work in the mutually acceptable way and to play socially significant roles. The culture, moral are created by people, in culture are trained as she isn't given genetically, each generation reproduces it and transfers to the following generation. As a result of assimilation of cultural values, beliefs, norms, rules and ideals there is a formation of the personality and regulation of her behavior. Therefore revival of cultural and moral values - is one of significant problems of any society, the people, and the state.

War and peace problem

person always was at war with himself. From the point of view of natural regulation is an absurdity, but the fact! From the 3500th year B. C. there were 14530 wars. And only 292 years people lived without the conflicts.put forward in the book "About War" Karl von Clausewitz are very interesting, in my opinion. Brought up under the influence of the German school of philosophy, and especially Hegel, he developed the theory about war and about influence of policy on it., according to Clausewitz, is the act of violence, aiming to force the opponent to execute someone's will. The violence works inventions of arts and opening of sciences to resist to violence. In the XX century the civilization "gave birth" to the new monster - the nuclear weapon.problem of war and peace turned in global literally before our eyes, and first of all as a result of sharply increased power of the only nuclear weapon it is saved up so many that its explosive force in some thousands of times exceeds power of the ammunition using in all wars which were waged before.nuclear charges which total power in some million times exceeds the power of the bomb dumped to Hiroshima are stored in arsenals of the different countries. And after all from this bomb over 200 thousand people were lost! 40% of a square of the city were burned to ashes, 92% were spoiled to incognizance. Fatal consequences of nuclear bombing are felt still by thousands people.large amount of explosives is the share of each person now only in the form of the nuclear weapon. If people had so much food, how many all types of weapon and explosives exist on a planet!. This weapon it is possible to destroy many tens times any life on Earth. And after all today already and "usual" means of warfare is quite capable to cause global damage and to mankind, and the nature. Besides it must be kept in mind that technologies of conducting wars evolves towards the increasing destruction of civilians.waits mankind if it is untied even if local war with application of the most modern means of its maintaining?experts consider, use of the modern weapon will bring, at least to 100 - to multiple excess of number of victims among civilians in comparison with a death toll of military.of various eras condemned wars, passionately dreamed of an everlasting peace and developed various aspects of a problem of a universal peace. Many of them paid and pay attention generally to its ethical aspect. They believe that war of aggression is immorality generation that the peace can be achieved only as a result of moral re-education of people in the spirit of mutual understanding, tolerance to various religions, elimination of nationalist remnants, and education of people in the spirit of the principle "all people - brothers".

Environmental problem

general House - mother Earth is rather close. Length of its circle on the equator a little more than 40 thousand kilometers, a surface - 510 million km, from them less than a third - land. The sum of consumption of natural resources in kilocalories on each person per day made in prehistoric times - 2-4 thousand, now in the USA - 200-500 thousand. Meanwhile amplitude of demographic growth of mankind such is that at the time of the Roman Empire it made 150 million people, in ninety years - with 1840 on 1930 - the world's population grew by billion and on as much for the last five years. To the middle of the XXI century population will reach a point of 13 billions people. In total 11% of a fertile surface of Earth were for the last half a century destroyed, and it is more, than the total area of India and China.very often statements reach that for hunger, in the future mankind the World Ocean and it is capable to rescue "inexhaustible natural resources". But the World Ocean already now suffers from civilization influence. In blue chasm oil products, synthetic fibers, vegetable fossils are annually thoughtlessly is obvious that generators of such deplorable condition of the biosphere are the organizational and economic mechanisms of unlimited activism caused by appetites of an increment of the capital or thoughtless planning of "buildings of a century".the philosophical relation future is, eventually, vulnerable and developing present. Therefore, present intolerable rates of development are that it is possible to call peculiar "the abuse transferred to the future" which with a decupled force will be reflected in our descendants.same, who justifies nature destruction by need of increase of welfare of society, need to remember that improvement of the personality is impossible at the expense of the nature, and has to be accompanied by improvement of the nature.further strategy of development of humanity and the civilization, new moral and philosophical priorities in relationship with the nature, it is necessary to remember that the biosphere existed before emergence on Earth of the person, can exist and without it. But the person without biosphere can't exist is an axiom. Means, performance of the principle of joint development of the biosphere and society is demands from the person of a known regulation in the actions, certain restrictions.


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