Complete the following sentences using one of the verbs in the correct form.


I. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations:

1. Мошенничество Fraud

2. Квартирная кража со взломом Burglary

3. Вымогательство Extortion

4. Поджог Arson

5. Нападение, словесное оскорбление и угроза физическим насилием Assault

6. Подлог, фальсификация Forgery

7. Убийство Murder

8. Нарушение секретности информации на бирже ценных бумаг Insider dealing

9. Угон машины на короткое время Ground theft auto

10. Препятствие осуществлению правосудия Obstruct the course of justice

11. Воровство в магазине Shoplifting

12. Возбуждать дело File a case

13. Критерий доказанности Preponderance of the evidence

14. Тяжкое уголовное преступление Felony

15. Вооруженное ограбление Armed robbery

16. Кража детей с целью выкупа Kidnapping

17. Судебное обвинение Prosecution

18. Испытательный срок Probation

19. Общественные работы Community service

20. Отмывание денег Money laundering



II. Translate into English:

1. Глобализация экономики привела к росту числа корпоративных преступлений. The globalization of the economy has lead to an increase in the numbers of corporate crimes.

2. Насильственное преступление часто оказывает сильное влияние на жертву. Violent crime often deeply affects the victim.

3. Преступление – это противоправное действие, совершенное против общества. Crime is an illegal action committed against society.

4. Антиобщественное поведение влияет на общество, в котором мы живем. Antisocial behavior influences the society that we live in.

5. Пожилые люди могут потерять свои сбережения из-за мошенничества. Elderly people may lose their savings because of fraud.

6. Преступления с применением холодного оружия часто имеют место в молодежной среде. Crimes involving bladed weapons are not uncommon amongst young people.

7. Растущий уровень бедности в больших городах привел к увеличению случаев воровства в супермаркетах. The rising level of poverty in cities has lead to an increase in the amount of shopliftings in supermarkets.

8. Корпоративные преступления часто оказывают негативное влияние на инвестиционный климат. Corporate crimes often have negative effect on the investment climate.

9. Суд может приговорить преступника к смертной казни за тяжкое уголовное преступление. Court may sentence the offender to execution for a felony.

10. Уголовное право объявляет вне закона несколько категорий преступлений: против личности, против частной собственности, против бизнеса. Criminal law prohibits several categories of crimes: against the person, against property and corporative crimes.


III. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the difference between criminal law cases and civil law cases? Criminal law deals with crimes, civil law deals with disputes.

2. What are the four most common categories of criminal offence? Offence against person, offence against property, public-order crimes, corporative crimes.

3. How do you define felony and misdemeanour? Felony – serious offence, misdemeanour – less serious offence.

4. What are the most important effects of white-collar crime on society? Investment climate may suffer because of such crimes.

5. Should people who commit business crimes be punished in the same way as people who commit other crimes? No. People who commit rape and murder should be punished differently from those who commit business crimes.


IV. Rewrite these sentences using passive constructions.

1. Somebody cleans the room every day. Room is cleaned by somebody everyday.

2. They cancelled all the flights because of fog. All flights were cancelled because of fog.

3. People do not use this road very often. This road isn’t used very often by people.

4. Somebody accused me of stealing money. I was accused of stealing money.

5. How do people learn languages? How are languages learned by people?

6. People advised us not to go out alone. We were advised not to go alone.

7. Somebody has cleaned the room. The room was cleaned by somebody.

8. They have built a new hospital near the airport. A new hospital was built near the airport.

9. The company is building a new ring road round the city. A new ring road is being built.

10. Somebody is using computer at the moment. The computer is being used at the moment.


Complete the following sentences using one of the verbs in the correct form.


cause damage hold include invite make overtake show translate write steal


1. Many accidents ARE CAUSED by dangerous driving.

2. Cheese IS MADE from milk.

3. The roof of the building WAS DAMAGED in a storm a few days ago.

4. There is no need to leave a tip. Service IS INCLUDED in the bill.

5. You WERE INVITED to the wedding. Why did not you go?

6. A cinema is a place where films ARE SHOWN.

7. In the US elections for President ARE HELD every four years.

8. Originally the book WAS WRITTEN in Spanish and a few years ago HAS BEEN TRANSLATED into Russian.

9. We were driving alone but then we WERE OVERTAKEN by lots of other cars.

10. When I was on holiday, my camera WAS STOLEN from a hotel room.


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