Dining and Entertainment

Power distance

This dimension deals with the fact that all individuals in societies are not equal – it expresses the attitude of the culture towards these inequalities amongst us.

Power distance is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organisations of a country accept that power is distributed unequally. Highly supported by a strong middle class, Germany is not surprisingly among the lower power distant countries (score 35).Every subordinate may disagree with the opinion of his/her chief and it is possible to state the disagreement openly. Subordinates in German consider the top management as the same people as they are. Operating structure in German companies is usually rather small. Salaries of the head and the subordinate not strongly differ from each other. German Workers possess the same status, as employees.


Individualism/ collectivism

The fundamental problem of this dimension is the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members.

In Individualist societies people are supposed to look after themselves and their families only. In Collectivist societies people belong to groups that take care of them in exchange for loyalty.

The German society is a truly individualistic one (67). Head of any organization in Germany doesn't wish to interfere with private life of employees. Collectives of firms are usually not solid because everyone hopes only for himself. Heads uses new ideas and methods, stimulates activity of workers.


Masculinity / Femininity

A high score (masculine) on this dimension indicates that the society will be driven by competition, achievement and success – a value system that starts in school and continues throughout the whole life. A low score (feminine) on the dimension means that the dominant values in society are looking after others and quality of life. A feminine society is one where quality of life is the sign of success.

With a score of 66 Germans are considered a masculine society. The «competition» here begins at the age of 10, when the school system separates children into different types of schools. People here “live in order to work” and got a lot of self-esteem from their tasks. Managers are expected to be decisive. Status is often shown, especially by cars, watches and technical devices. Excessive self-confidence is highly appreciated. Employees agree to work only for higher rates of compensation.


Uncertainty avoidance

It shows how society and its members treat that are compelled to live in uncertainty conditions. Societies with rejection of uncertainty prepare the members for acceptance of uncertainty and achieve weakening of its pressure. Societies with strong rejection of uncertainty prepare the members for attempts to control the future. Societies with strong rejection of uncertainty adjust the members on attempts to supervise the future. The members of such societies are are characterized by excitability, an emotionality and aggression is characteristic.

Germany is among the uncertainty avoidant countries. Workers in Germany have a big alarm for the future, so they prefer only stable, steady and large organizations. Germans very afraid of failure very much and do not want to risk. In business Germans seldom go on compromises with partners, usually they seek to follow the contract accurately.. Germans have a big emotional need for rules - hand-written or unwritten. They characterized by a high level of formalization and standardization. Germans are intolerant of people with deviating behavior and ideas.



Long/short term orientation

The values connected with long-term orientation, are defined by a thrift and aggressiveness; the values connected with short-term orientation, are respect for traditions, implementation of social obligations and aspiration not to lose the face.

The Germans score 31, making it a short term orientation culture. The Germans score 31, making it a short term orientation culture. Societies with a short-term orientation usually show great respect for traditions, impatience for achieving quick results, and a strong concern with establishing the truth. Germans have a big emotional need for rules - hand-written or unwritten. High level of formalization and standardization. Germans are intolerant of people with deviating behavior and ideas.


The People

Germans value order, privacy and punctuality. They are thrifty, hard working and industrious. Germans respect perfectionism in all areas of business and private life. In Germany, there is a sense of community and social conscience and strong desire for belonging. To admit inadequacy - even in jest - is incomprehensible.


Meeting and Greeting

· At a business or social meeting, shake hands with everyone present when arriving and leaving.

· When introducing yourself, never use your title. Introduce yourself by your last name only.

· Never shake hands with one hand in your pocket.


Names and Titles

· Use last names and appropriate titles until specifically invited by your German host or colleagues to use their first names.

· Titles are very important. Never use titles incorrectly and never fail to use them. If unsure, err in favor of a higher title.

· A Doctor can be either a medical doctor or a holder of a Ph.D. It is very important to know it exactly.

· Two titles should not be used at the same time, except when addressing a letter to someone. If a person does hold several titles, the higher one is used in speaking to him/her.


Body Language

Germans may appear reserved and unfriendly until you get to know them better. They extremely seldom use touches in communication and usually try to observe some distance

· Never put your hands in your pockets when talking with someone. It's impolitely.

· "Thumbs up" gesture means "one" or is a sign of appreciation or agreement.

· Never use the "okay" sign (index finger and thumb jointed together to make a circle). This is considered a rude gesture.

· Don't point your index finger to your own head. This is an insult.



Corporate Culture

· Germans take punctuality for business meetings and social occasions seriously. Tardiness is viewed as thoughtless and rude. Call with an explanation if you are delayed.

· Rank is very important in business. Never set up a meeting for a lower ranked company employee to meet with a higher ranked person.

· Germans don't like to waste time. So, they usually start discussing business questions after a few minutes of general discussion.

· Germans take business very seriously. Levity is not common in the workplace.

· Business cards in English are acceptable. But it's better if they are in German.

· Germans value their privacy. They tend to keep their office doors closed. Always knock on doors before entering.

· Decision making is slow with thorough analysis of all facts.

· Germans produce massive written communications to elaborate on and confirm discussions.

· Reports, briefings and presentations should be backed up by exact facts, figures, tables and charts.

· Germans have an aversion to divergent opinions, but will negotiate and debate an issue fervently.

· Do not call a German at home unless it is an emergency.

· Business appointment are made in advance and seldom transferred. Preferably for a while from 11.00 till 13.00 and from 15.00 till 17.00, except Friday when the working day is shorter.

· Never approach too close to the German and don't allow anybody to come nearer to yourself on distance less than 30-40 cm are a so-called intimate zone, it is allowed to cross which border only to spouses and close relatives. The higher rank of your partner, the more this zone.



Dining and Entertainment


· Lunch with business colleagues generally involves social conversation. Do not discuss business during lunch or dinner unless your German partner initiates the conversation.

· Nobody drinks at a dinner party in Germany before the host has drunk. The host will raise his glass to the woman on his right and then toast to the health of the group. Thereafter, people may drink as they see fit.

· When toasting as a guest, hold the glass only at the stem, clink your glass with everyone near you at the table

and say Prosit, then take a drink. Then look into the eyes of someone at your table and lift your glass just slightly, then bring your glass down to the table.

· A guest of honor is seated to the left of the hostess if it is a man and to the right of the host if it is a woman.

· Keep your hands on the table at all times during a meal -- not in your lap. However, take care to keep your elbows off the table.

· Use a knife and fork to eat sandwiches, fruit, and most food. Do not use a knife to cut potatoes or dumplings (suggests food is not tender). The general rule is whatever does not need a knife, should not be touched with your knife. Never cut fish with anything but a fish knife. If a fish knife is not offered, two forks are acceptable.

· Do not smoke until after dinner is finished and coffee is served. Then ask permission.

· If you are taking a break during the meal, but would like to continue eating or would like more food, cross the knife and fork on your plate with the fork over the knife.

· Germans don't tend to stay long after dinner. The honored guests are expected to make the first move to leave.

· Do not ask for a tour of your host's home, it would be considered impolite.



Incorrectly picked up clothes often are perceived by Germans as provocation: "This person doesn't consider it necessary to show me the respect". Thus has no value, for what reason you violated etiquette rules – deliberately or on ignorance. Your partner sees only your impudence.

· Being well and correctly dressed is very important.

· Strict clothes style is still preferable in business sphere. More easy clothes style is allowed only in traditionally "youth" professions: in journalism, in the sphere of advertising and computer technologies.

· Women still aren't allowed to wear shorts, undershirts, air blouses and tight trousers, to men – white or color socks and too bright ties.

· The skirt as part of business clothes has to close knees. If woman's hips are open while sitting, it is considered as provocation. Besides, the need will constantly correct a skirt to distract you from business negotiations.

· In business clothes are permissible muffled colors. Black, gray and blue colors testify about high professionalism and competence. Pastel tones often look childly, bright tones seem loud. Also it is necessary to avoid bright drawings, for example wild flowers.

· According to the color of clothes it is possible to judge about taken position. There is very old rule: the higher is rank, the darker is a color of a suit. This rule didn't lose its importance in banks, financial institutions and insurance companies.

· It is necessary to pick up to a suit suitable for color, best of all light, a shirt or a blouse. Classical contrast is the combination of black and white, involuntarily causing respect of surrounding people.

· The coat from expensive and qualitative material is irreplaceable in clothes of the businessman. It is better for women to choose a long coat as it is inadmissible when the skirt is looked out under the coat. It is accepted to wear free coats from a soft material (for example, cashmere). Color of a coat – beige, brown, gray or black. It is better to refuse a material with drawing.

· Artificial fabrics are inadmissible in the business sphere: such clothes, first, don't allow skin to breathe, and secondly, don't look elegantly. It is necessary to choose clothes from the mixed fibers, easy woolen materials or cotton.

· Even in hot weather stockings are necessary for women. Black, gray and blue colors are suitable. It is possible to wear stockings of corporal shades in the summer.

· The footwear choice in many respects defines what impression you will make. The cheap footwear on a plastic sole in one second will destroy your perfect image. Prefer leather footwear on a low heel. Color of footwear – neutral. At office it isn't accepted to wear the ornated shoes, metallic color footwear, and also sandals. Besides, the white footwear and shoes with an open nose doesn't approach to an official style of clothes.



· Gifts are normally not exchanged at business meetings, but small gifts may be appropriate at the successful conclusion of negotiations.

· Present books, bourbon, whiskey. American-made gifts are very appropriate.

· Do not give pointed objects like knives, scissors, umbrellas (considered unlucky), personal items, extravagant gifts or wine (Germans are very proud of their wine cellars).

· When you are invited to someone's home, always bring a small gift for the hostess.It can be bunch of flowers, box of expensive candies or cookies

· For a large party, it is nice to send flowers before the party or the next day.

· Do not give red roses (love symbol) or carnations (mourning). Yellow and white chrysanthemums and calla lilies are given for funerals only.



Helpful Hints

· A man or younger person should always walk to the left side of a lady.

· Traditional good manners call for the man to walk in front of a woman when walking into a public place. This is a symbol of protection and of the man leading the woman. A man should open the door for a woman and allow her to walk into the building, at which time the woman will stop and wait for the man. The man should then proceed to lead the woman to her designation.

· Don't be offended if someone corrects your behavior (taking jacket off in restaurant, parking in wrong place, etc.). Policing each other is seen as a social duty.

· Don’t lose your temper publicly. This is viewed as a sign of weakness.

· Stand up when an elder or higher ranked person enters the room.


thrifty [ˈθrɪftɪ] - бережливый

conscience [ˈkɔnʃəns] - совесть

inadequacy [ɪnˈædɪkwəsɪ] - несоответствие; недостаточность

even in jest - даже в шутку;

incomprehensible [ɪnˈkɔmprɪˈhensəbl] - непостижимый;

appropriate [ə'prəuprɪət]- соответствующий;уместный;подходящий

gesture[ˈdʒestʃə] - жест

circle[ˈsə:kl] - круг

view [vju:]- рассматривать

delay[dɪˈleɪ] - задерживать

levity[ˈlevɪtɪ] - легкомыслие

elaborate[ɪ'læb(ə)reɪt]- разрабатывать; развивать; уточнять

confirm [kənˈfə:m]-подтверждать


spouse[spauz] супруг;супруга

elbow[ˈelbəu] - локоть

dumpling[ˈdʌmplɪŋ]- клецка

impolite[ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt] – невежливый value[ˈvælju] - ценность

etiquette[ˈetɪket] - этикет

impudence[ˈɪmpjudəns] - наглость

skirt[skə:t] - юбка

distract[dɪsˈtrækt] - отвлекать

competence[ˈkɔmpɪtəns] - компетентность

coat[kəut]- пальто

cashmere[kæʃˈmɪə] - кашемир

beige[beɪʒ] - бежевый

inadmissible[ˌɪnədˈmɪsəbl] - недопустимый

fiber[faɪbə] - волокно

shade[ʃeɪd] - оттенок

funeral [ˈfju:nərəl –похороны

proceed [prəˈsi:d] – продолжать

policing – охрана

thrifty [ˈθrɪftɪ] - бережливый

conscience [ˈkɔnʃəns] - совесть

inadequacy [ɪnˈædɪkwəsɪ] - несоответствие; недостаточность

even in jest - даже в шутку;

incomprehensible [ɪnˈkɔmprɪˈhensəbl] - непостижимый;

appropriate [ə'prəuprɪət]- соответствующий;уместный;подходящий

gesture[ˈdʒestʃə] - жест

circle[ˈsə:kl] - круг

view [vju:]- рассматривать

delay[dɪˈleɪ] - задерживать

levity[ˈlevɪtɪ] - легкомыслие

elaborate[ɪ'læb(ə)reɪt]- разрабатывать; развивать; уточнять

confirm [kənˈfə:m]-подтверждать


spouse[spauz] супруг;супруга

elbow[ˈelbəu] - локоть

dumpling[ˈdʌmplɪŋ]- клецка

impolite[ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt] – невежливый value[ˈvælju] - ценность

etiquette[ˈetɪket] - этикет

impudence[ˈɪmpjudəns] - наглость

skirt[skə:t] - юбка

distract[dɪsˈtrækt] - отвлекать

competence[ˈkɔmpɪtəns] - компетентность

coat[kəut]- пальто

cashmere[kæʃˈmɪə] - кашемир

beige[beɪʒ] - бежевый

inadmissible[ˌɪnədˈmɪsəbl] - недопустимый

fiber[faɪbə] - волокно

shade[ʃeɪd] - оттенок

funeral [ˈfju:nərəl –похороны

proceed[prəˈsi:d] - продолжать

policing – охрана



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