Objectives of Accounting

Кафедра Гуманитарных наук

Контрольная работа №6

По дисциплине «Иностранный язык»


Студент Пашковская С.В. Ми-ЗЭЭ-502 ___________ ________

(Ф.И.О., № группы, номер зачетной книжки) (подпись) (дата)


Руководитель Бородич С.А. ___________ ________

(Ф.И.О.) (подпись) (дата)


на кафедре ___________ ________

(Ф.И.О.) (подпись) (дата)


Минск 2018

Task 1 In each of the following sentences indicate whether the highlighted verb is finiteor nonfinite.

David plays the piano. (finite) My sister spoke French on holiday. (finite)

It took courage to continue after the accident. (nonfinite) Leaving home can be very traumatic. (nonfinite) Leave immediately when you are asked to do so. (nonfinite) I was watching TV when the phone rang. (finite)

Task 2 Rewrite the sentences using nonfinite verbs.

Example: These trees grow quickly. – These are quickly-growing trees.

1) A computer that functions adequately. – It is an adequately functioning computer;

2) The children who are screaming. – The children who are screaming.

3) Her heart was broken by someone. – Screaming children;

4) The dog was lost by someone. – Here is someone's lost dog;

5) All his friends rejected him. He decided to become a monk. – He was rejected by friends because of what he decided to become a monk;

6) This point was mentioned above. – The above moment.

Task 3 Complete the following words.

1) Companies make this when they sell their goods for more than it costs them to make them. Profit.

2) Companies make this when they sell their goods for less than it costs them to make them. Loss

3) Goods which are bought by the company. Purchases

4) Customers who have received goods but not paid for them yet. Debtors

5) This is the name of the difference between the credit and debit sides of the account. Balance

6) The loss of value of the assets. Devaluation

7) Money which is borrowed. Loan

8) A financial plan for the future. Budget


Task 4 Fill in the missing prepositions of change in the sentences below. Translate the sentences into Russian.

At between by from of to

1) Labour cost has fallen from 22% of total production costs to 14% in the last year. That’s 8%! - Стоимость рабочей силы упала с 22% от общих производственных затрат до 14% в прошлом году. Это 8%!

2) There was a dramatic fall in sales to the USA between 1997 and 2000.–Между 1997 и 2000 годомпроизошлорезкоепадениепродажвСША.

3) Thecompanyiscurrentlyselling 20,000 units at $23 each. -В настоящее время компания продает 20 000 единиц по 23 доллара США каждый.

4) The growth in sales has led to a rise by 30% in profits.

5) A 10% drop in sales has reduced the profit to 40%. - Снижениепродажна 10% уменьшилоприбыльна 40%.

6) Capital investment for the year stands at $6,000.- Капитальныевложениязагодсоставляют 6000 долларов.

Task 5 Read the text “Importance of Accounting”. Find examples of each non-verbal form and put them under the appropriate heading.

Gerund Infinitive Participle I Participle II
Recording to pay off running issued
Classifying to allocate taking repaid
Summarizing to ensure relating recognized
Asserting to fulfill limiting recorded
Managing to produce going summarized
Determining to record coming written

Task 6 Read the text and fill in the gaps with the prepositions where it is necessary. Translate the word combinations into Russian.

The process of communicating; and interpreting the results; Withoutproper accounting; to help owners in assessing; the process is often referred to as; to plan for the future by anticipating business needs and resources; concerned with providing information; rely on such information in forming their decisions; to assist them in making sound financial decisions; for analyzing the feasibility of investing in the company.

Процесс общения; интерпретация результатов; без надлежащего учета; помочь владельцам в оценке; этот процесс часто называют; планировать будущее, предвидя потребности и ресурсы для бизнеса; занимающихся предоставлением информации; полагаться на такую информацию при формировании своих решений; для оказания им содействия в принятии обоснованных финансовых решений; для анализа возможности инвестирования в компанию.

Task 7 Read the text and translate in a written form.


Accountancy is the process of communicating financial information about a business entity to users such as shareholders and managers.

Accounting has been defined as:the art of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of financial character, and interpreting the results thereof.

Accounting provides a basis for decisions through the process of recording, summarizing and presenting historical and prospective information.

The recording part of accounting, often known as book-keeping and financial accounting, is obviously crucial to ensure that those running a business have a formal record of business transactions in order for them to know basic information such:

How much they owe to suppliers, tax authorities, banks, employees and others?

How much each customer owes the business?

How much capital is invested by the owners in the business?

How profitable is the business?

Such information is necessary for a business to fulfill its legal obligations and asserting its own legal rights. Without proper accounting, it would be very difficult for a business to determine for example the exact amount (net of any discounts, VAT, etc.) it needs to pay a certain supplier (who could be one of dozens of suppliers for that business) from whom they may have made several purchases in last month alone. Organizations need to have a reliable way of recording information relating to transactions and that is where accounting is so vital.

Historical accounting information is summarized to produce financial statements. Financial statements provide an overview of financial activities of a business during a period (e.g. income and expenses) as well as information relating to its financial position on a certain date (e.g. the amount of cash and inventory). Financial statements help owners in assessing the performance and position of their business can guide their investment decisions (e.g. whether they should invest more in the business, diversify or dispose their investment).


Objectives of Accounting

Key objectives of accounting can be summarized as follows.


The most basic role of accounting is to record and summarize business transactions and balances. This process is often referred to as 'book-keeping' and is fundamental in managing any business.

Business transactions and balances once recorded can be summarized in the form of financial statements. Financial statements provide key information relating to a business such as:

How much capital has been invested in the business?

How have the funds been utilized in the business?

What is the amount of profit or loss in a period?

How much does the business owe to others (i.e. liabilities)?

The amount of cash, receivables, inventory and other assets

Such information is not only useful for managers (e.g. to keep track of the financial health and profitability of the business) but is also important for other stakeholders, e.g. users of financial statements.


Organizations need to plan how they intend to allocate their limited resources (e.g. cash, labor, materials, machinery and equipment) towards competing needs in the future. An effective way of doing so is by using various forms of budgets.

Budgeting is a major component of managerial accounting. Budgets enable organizations to plan for the future by anticipating business needs and resources. It also helps in coordinating the different business segments of an organization.


A key role of accounting is to provide information and analysis for management decision and control.Examples of such analysis include:Variance Analysis, Investment Appraisal, Disinvestment Decisions, Make or Buy Decisions, Limiting Factor Analysis, Ratio Analysis.



Accounting provides a basis for analysis of the performance over a period of time which promotes accountability across several layers of an organization.

Shareholders can ultimately hold the directors responsible for the overall performance of their company through performance appraisal on the basis of accounting information published in the financial statements.

Maintaining accounting records and preparing financial statements is often a legal responsibility for most businesses above a certain size.

Accounting nowadays is no longer concerned only with historical information. Budgeting, appraisal and analysis based on prospective information has become an important aspect of management accounting.

Management accounting is concerned with providing information to managers for decisions, planning and control of business. Examples of such information include:

Varianceanalysis, investment appraisal, relevant cost analysis, limiting factor analysis, and ratio analysis.

Accounting has evolved into different specialties to address the diverse information needs of its users.

Users of Accounting Information - Internal & External

Accounting information helps users to make better financial decisions. Users of financial information may be both internal and external to the organization.

Internal users (Primary Users) of accounting information include the following:

Management: for analyzing the organization's performance and position and taking appropriate measures to improve the company results.

Employees: for assessing company's profitability and its consequence on their future remuneration and job security.

Owners: for analyzing the viability and profitability of their investment and determining any future course of action.

Accounting information is presented to internal users usually in the form of management accounts, budgets, forecasts and financial statements.

External users (Secondary Users) of accounting information include the following:

Creditors: for determining the credit worthiness of the organization. Terms of credit are set by creditors according to the assessment of their customers' financial health. Creditors include suppliers as well as lenders of finance such as banks.

Tax Authorities: for determining the credibility of the tax returns filed on behalf of the company.

Investors: for analyzing the feasibility of investing in the company. Investors want to make sure they can earn a reasonable return on their investment before they commit any financial resources to the company.

Customers: for assessing the financial position of its suppliers which is necessary for them to maintain a stable source of supply in the long term.

Regulatory Authorities: for ensuring that the company's disclosure of accounting information is in accordance with the rules and regulations set in order to protect the interests of the stakeholders who rely on such information in forming their decisions.

External users are communicated accounting information usually in the form of financial statements. The purpose of financial statements is to cater for the needs of such diverse users of accounting information in order to assist them in making sound financial decisions.



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