Write down your definition of Literary Smolensk and compare it with your partner.

Read and translate the following ideas. Select from the ideas and put them in the appropriate column bellow.

Смоленщина –родина Александра Твардовского

Дом книги - один из центров общественной культурной жизни Смоленска

Рыленков Николай Иванович (1909-1969) – русский советский поэт, родился в деревне Алексеевке (второе название д. Ломня) в семье бедного крестьянина.

Смоленская земля богата не только насыщенной и разнообразной историей, многими уникальными памятниками архитектуры, разнообразными музейными коллекциями и культурными традициями… Гордятся смоляне и своими знаменитыми земляками

Александр Твардовский, Михаил Исаковский, Николай Рыленков простым и прекрасным языком воспели Родину, своими стихами подарили вдохновение нескольким поколениям советских граждан.

Здесь же, на берегах красавицы-Угры провел детство и творил описатель Иван Соколов-Микитов, прекрасно воспевший русскую природу.

Как-то особо богата литературными талантами Смоленская земля.

Вершин мастерства на литературном поприще достиг и коренной смолянин Борис Васильев, правдиво и пронзительно описывавший Великую Отечественную войну, непосредственным свидетелем и участником которой ему довелось стать.

Literary Places Famous Writers Our Smolensk


Write a paragraph about Smolensk and famous Smolensk writers.

It’s evident that Smolensk is famous for its history and people. We can’t ignore the fact that there are a lot of literary places to be visited in Smolensk for those people who are interested in Russian literature.

Read and study the instructions of how to do the project “Literary Smolensk”

Split into three groups according to the spheres you are going to do research on: Literary places in Smolensk, Famous Smolensk Writers, Smolensk in History


Guidelines for the project:

Read the hypotheses and follow the points to complete your research.

Step 1 Collect the material

Step 2 Confirm the hypotheses

Step 3 Use the materials you’ve got and prepare a presentation of the problem you’ve studied to the class.

Project “Literary Smolensk”



Hypothesis: We can create literary route in Smolensk   Hypothesis: Smolensk writers left great literary heritage   Hypothesis: Smolensk is the city to be proud of
1. Smolensk literary places 1. Famous Smolensk writers 1.Smolensk- the city of famous history
2. Monuments to Smolensk writers 2. Literary events 2 Smolensk History
3 Smolensk literary route 3. Literary prizes 3 Smolensk geographical position


Group 1

1 Collect information.

2 Give examples

4 Find out how the people feel about the topic.

Can we attract tourists to Smolensk if we create literary route? yes no Don’t know
Are there many literary places in Smolensk? yes no Don’t know
What is the main advantage of making a literary route?      
What is the disadvantage of making a literary route?      


5 Write about advantages and disadvantages of making literary routes.

6 Read through the information you’ve got and decide if you confirm the hypothesis or not.

Prepare the presentation “Literary places in Smolensk”

Group 2

1 Collect information.

2 Give examples

7 Find out how the people feel about the topic.

Can we attract tourists to Smolensk if we tell them about cultural background? yes no Don’t know
Should we learn more about literature in Smolensk? yes no Don’t know
What is the main advantage of having more information about literature in Smolensk?      
Who can we share the information about Smolensk literature?      


8 Write about advantages of speaking about literature in Smolensk.

9 Read through the information you’ve got and decide if you confirm the hypothesis or not.

Prepare the presentation “Famous Smolensk writers”

Group 3

1 Collect information.

2 Give examples

10 Find out how the people feel about the topic.

Can we attract tourists to Smolensk if we tell them about literary Smolensk? yes no Don’t know
Is Smolensk a literary place? yes no Don’t know
What is the main advantage of speaking about Smolensk?      
Why has Smolensk to be told about?      


11 Write about advantages of speaking about literary Smolensk.

12 Read through the information you’ve got and decide if you confirm the hypothesis or not.

Prepare the presentation “Smolensk is place to be proud of”


Listen to the presentations of other groups and ask questions.

Prepare a booklet about Literary Smolensk.



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