Монологическое связное высказывание по теме с коммуникативной функцией «Выразить свое мнение» и «Убедить собеседника примерами и фактами»
Opinion phrases | I don’t profess to be an expert on the subject of… I firmly believe that… I’m absolutely convinced that… There’s no doubt in my mind.. From my point of view... It’s my considered opinion that… No one, I think, is challenging the view that… At first, I’d like to focus the attention on… |
Giving examples, facts | For example, …For instance, …To be more precise,…. In particular, Let me give you an example of what I mean… Let me illustrate it with an example… There’s enough evidence that… |
Clearing up, emphasizing | I’d like to draw you attention to the fact that… One of the things that must be of concern (importance) to us is… I’d like to remind you that… We have to bear in mind that… To go right to the heart of the problem I’d like to say that… |
Logical assumption Adding new ideas | Firstly,..Secondly, … Thirdly, …. In addition, … Further more, …. Moreover, ….Besides, … Let’s move to another question. Let’s look at the situation in… |
Диалог с коммуникативной функцией
«Выразить своё согласие/несогласие» и «Убеждение (аргументация)»
Agree | Disagree |
I’m exactly of the same opinion | I see your point, however… |
We’re in agreement on that… | I differ from you.. |
I completely agree | I’m afraid I can’t agree with you |
I agree to some extent | Sorry, but I can’t accept your point of view… |
I agree in principle, but… | With all respect, I feel I must disagree entirely… |
Support with your arguments |
because there are several reasons I’d like to present Firstly, … Secondly, … Finally,… Let me illustrate it with an example… There’s enough evidence that… I’d like to draw you attention to the fact that… We have to bear in mind that… |
Conclude |
To sum it up I’d like to say…All things considered,… |
3.3 Диалог с коммуникативной функцией «Задать вопрос / Переспросить», «Попросить повторить», «Подтверждаем понимание»
Sorry, I didn’t quite catch Do you mean…? What do you mean by..? Could you be more precise? Could you rephrase or give an example to illustrate? | What I am trying to say is… I mean To clarify, To illustrate my point, I’d like to give an example… |
Could you repeat that, please? Could you say it again, please? I’m not sure I get what you mean. Could you speak a bit slower / louder? | |
I got it. I see. Right. |
Диалог с коммуникативной функцией «Спросить мнение собеседника», «Задать уточняющий вопрос»
Would you mind if I asked? I am interested to know… I wonder if What’s your position on that? What do you think of …? What’s your opinion of..? | What do you mean by saying…? Could you be more precise? Could you explain in a little more detail? Could you give us more details? What are you driving at? Where exactly do you stand on this position? |
Диалог с коммуникативной функцией «Выразить сомнение в том, что говорит собеседник»
I have little doubt that… No questions about it. Opponents argue that… On the other hand… There are two ways of looking at this… | By the way… Just for the record… It is not a final word on the matter. It doesn’t necessarily mean that… There was mixed reaction to… |
Диалог с коммуникативной функцией «Извиниться за то, что прерываете собеседника и сделайте дополнение по содержанию беседы» и «Вежливо не дать прерывать себя и/ или вернуть дискуссию к предыдущей мысли, аргументу»
Now, where was I? Where were we? Coming back to what I was saying…
Реплика-реакция «Заполнение пауз в речи», «Попытка выиграть время на обдумывание», «Когда нечем ответить собеседнику»
How could it slip my mind? | That’s a difficult question to answer |
I’m trying to collect my thoughts | It’s rather difficult to say at present |
Let me think… | That’s a very interesting question |
Oh, it’s a pity, I don’t remember …(his name) | I’m afraid I don’t have enough information at my disposal |
Wait a moment / just a moment /minute… |
[1] Татарина Т.М., Юсупова Л.Н., From Imperial To Soviet Russia: учебное пособие по английскому языку для обучающихся по направлению подготовки бакалавриата «История»/ Т.М. Татарина, Л.Н.Юсупова. – Петрозаводск: Изд-во Петр ГУ, 2018. – с. 88, ил
[2] The material is taken from Malcolm Goodale, Language of meeting, Publishing House: Heinle, Cengage learning, 1987, 128p.