The Alien CornW.S.Maugham


Lea Makart wished to set out for London at about six, so it was arranged that George should play at four. (liː) Makart (wɪʃt) (tuː) (sɛt) (aʊt) (fɔː) (ˈlʌndən) (æt) (əˈbaʊt) (sɪks), (səʊ) (ɪt) (wɒz) (əˈreɪnʤd) (ðæt) (ʤɔːʤ) (ʃʊd) (pleɪ) (æt) (fɔː).   At a little before four we all wandered into the drawing-room. (æt) (ə) (ˈlɪtl) (bɪˈfɔː) (fɔː) (wiː) (ɔːl) (ˈwɒndəd) (ˈɪntuː) (ðə) (ˈdrɔːɪŋrʊm).   George gave no sign of nervousness. (ʤɔːʤ) (geɪv) (nəʊ) (saɪn) (ɒv) (ˈnɜːvəsnəs).   He was already seated at the piano when I went in with his father and mother, and he watched us quietly settling ourselves down. (hiː) (wɒz) (ɔːlˈrɛdi) (ˈsiːtɪd) (æt) (ðə) (pɪˈænəʊ) (wɛn) (aɪ) (wɛnt) (ɪn) (wɪð) (hɪz) (ˈfɑːðər) (ænd) (ˈmʌðə), (ænd) (hiː) (wɒʧt) (ʌs) (ˈkwaɪətli) (ˈsɛtlɪŋ) (ˌaʊəˈsɛlvz) (daʊn).   He gave me the shadow of a smile. (hiː) (geɪv) (miː) (ðə) (ˈʃædəʊ) (ɒv) (ə) (smaɪl).   When he saw that we were all at our ease he began to play. (wɛn) (hiː) (sɔː) (ðæt) (wiː) (wɜːr) (ɔːl) (æt) (ˈaʊər) (iːz) (hiː) (bɪˈgæn) (tuː) (pleɪ).   He played Chopin. He played two waltzes that were familiar to me, a polonaise and an etude. (hiː) (pleɪd) (ˈʃɒpæn). (hiː) (pleɪd) (tuː) (ˈwɔːlsɪz) (ðæt) (wɜː) (fəˈmɪljə) (tuː) (miː), (ə) (ˌpɒləˈneɪz) (ænd) (ən) (eɪˈtjuːd).   I wished I knew music well enough to give an exact description of his playing. (aɪ) (wɪʃt) (aɪ) (njuː) (ˈmjuːzɪk) (wɛl) (ɪˈnʌf) (tuː) (gɪv) (ən) (ɪgˈzækt) (dɪsˈkrɪpʃən) (ɒv) (hɪz) (ˈpleɪɪŋ).   It had strength, and a youthful exuberance, but I felt that he missed what to me is the peculiar charm of Chopin, its tenderness, nervous melancholy and wistful gaiety. (ɪt) (hæd) (strɛŋθ), (ænd) (ə) (ˈjuːθfʊl) (ɪgˈzjuːbərəns), (bʌt) (aɪ) (fɛlt) (ðæt) (hiː) (mɪst) (wɒt) (tuː) (miː) (ɪz) (ðə) (pɪˈkjuːljə) (ʧɑːm) (ɒv) (ˈʃɒpæn), (ɪts) (ˈtɛndənɪs), (ˈnɜːvəs) (ˈmɛlənkəli) (ænd) (ˈwɪstfʊl) (ˈgeɪəti).   And I had a vague sensation, so slight that it almost escaped me, that the two hands did not quite synchronize. (ænd) (aɪ) (hæd) (ə) (veɪg) (sɛnˈseɪʃən), (səʊ) (slaɪt) (ðæt) (ɪt) (ˈɔːlməʊst) (ɪsˈkeɪpt) (miː), (ðæt) (ðə) (tuː) (hændz) (dɪd) (nɒt) (kwaɪt) (ˈsɪŋkrənaɪz).   Muriel's eyes were fixed on the pianist, but presently she dropped them and for the rest of the time stared at the floor. Muriel's (aɪz) (wɜː) (fɪkst) (ɒn) (ðə) (ˈpɪənɪst), (bʌt) (ˈprɛzntli) (ʃiː) (drɒpt) (ðɛm) (ænd) (fɔː) (ðə) (rɛst) (ɒv) (ðə) (taɪm) (steəd) (æt) (ðə) (flɔː).   His father looked at him too, and his eyes were steadfast, but unless I was much mistaken he went pale and his face betrayed something like dismay. (hɪz) (ˈfɑːðə) (lʊkt) (æt) (hɪm) (tuː), (ænd) (hɪz) (aɪz) (wɜː) (ˈstɛdfəst), (bʌt) (ənˈlɛs) (aɪ) (wɒz) (mʌʧ) (mɪsˈteɪkən) (hiː) (wɛnt) (peɪl) (ænd) (hɪz) (feɪs) (bɪˈtreɪd) (ˈsʌmθɪŋ) (laɪk) (dɪsˈmeɪ).   Music was in the blood of all of them, all their lives they had heard the greatest pianists in the world, and they judged with instinctive precision. (ˈmjuːzɪk) (wɒz) (ɪn) (ðə) (blʌd) (ɒv) (ɔːl) (ɒv) (ðɛm), (ɔːl) (ðeə) (lɪvz) (ðeɪ) (hæd) (hɜːd) (ðə) (ˈgreɪtɪst) (ˈpɪənɪsts) (ɪn) (ðə) (wɜːld), (ænd) (ðeɪ) (ˈʤʌʤd) (wɪð) (ɪnˈstɪŋktɪv) (prɪˈsɪʒən).   The only person whose face betrayed no emotion was Lea Makart. (ði) (ˈəʊnli) (ˈpɜːsn) (huːz) (feɪs) (bɪˈtreɪd) (nəʊ) (ɪˈməʊʃən) (wɒz) (liː) Makart.   She listened very attentively. (ʃiː) (ˈlɪsnd) (ˈvɛri) (əˈtɛntɪvli).   At last he stopped and turning round on his seat faced her. (æt) (lɑːst) (hiː) (stɒpt) (ænd) (ˈtɜːnɪŋ) (raʊnd) (ɒn) (hɪz) (siːt) (feɪst) (hɜː).   He did not speak. (hiː) (dɪd) (nɒt) (spiːk).   "What is it you want me to tell you?" she asked. "(wɒt) (ɪz) (ɪt) (juː) (wɒnt) (miː) (tuː) (tɛl) (juː)?" (ʃiː) (ɑːskt).   They looked into one another's eyes. (ðeɪ) (lʊkt) (ˈɪntuː) (wʌn) (əˈnʌðəz) (aɪz).   "I want you to tell me whether I have any chance of becoming in time a pianist in the first rank?" "(aɪ) (wɒnt) (juː) (tuː) (tɛl) (miː) (ˈwɛðər) (aɪ) (hæv) (ˈɛni) (ʧɑːns) (ɒv) (bɪˈkʌmɪŋ) (ɪn) (taɪm) (ə) (ˈpɪənɪst) (ɪn) (ðə) (fɜːst) (ræŋk)?"   "Not in a thousand years." "(nɒt) (ɪn) (ə) (ˈθaʊzənd) (jɪəz)."   For a moment there was dead silence. (fɔːr) (ə) (ˈməʊmənt) (ðeə) (wɒz) (dɛd) (ˈsaɪləns).   Freddy's head sank and he looked down at the carpet at his feet. (ˈfrɛdiz) (hɛd) (sæŋk) (ænd) (hiː) (lʊkt) (daʊn) (æt) (ðə) (ˈkɑːpɪt) (æt) (hɪz) (fiːt).   His wife put out her hand and took his. (hɪz) (waɪf) (pʊt) (aʊt) (hɜː) (hænd) (ænd) (tʊk) (hɪz).   But George continued to look steadily at Lea Makart. (bʌt) (ʤɔːʤ) (kənˈtɪnju(ː)d) (tuː) (lʊk) (ˈstɛdɪli) (æt) (liː) Makart.   She made a great sweeping gesture that took in the magnificent room with the beautiful things it contained and ail of us. (ʃiː) (meɪd) (ə) (greɪt) (ˈswiːpɪŋ) (ˈʤɛsʧə) (ðæt) (tʊk) (ɪn) (ðə) (mægˈnɪfɪsnt) (ruːm) (wɪð) (ðə) (ˈbjuːtəfʊl) (θɪŋz) (ɪt) (kənˈteɪnd) (ænd) (eɪl) (ɒv) (ʌs).   She said, "If I thought you had in you the makings of an artist I shouldn't hesitate to beseech you to give up all this for Art's sake. (ʃiː) (sɛd), "(ɪf) (aɪ) (θɔːt) (juː) (hæd) (ɪn) (juː) (ðə) (ˈmeɪkɪŋz) (ɒv) (ən) (ˈɑːtɪst) (aɪ) (ʃʊdnt) (ˈhɛzɪteɪt) (tuː) (bɪˈsiːʧ) (juː) (tuː) (gɪv) (ʌp) (ɔːl) (ðɪs) (fɔːr) (ɑːts) (seɪk).   Art is the only thing that matters. (ɑːt) (ɪz) (ði) (ˈəʊnli) (θɪŋ) (ðæt) (ˈmætəz).   In comparison with art, wealth and rank and power are not worth a straw. (ɪn) (kəmˈpærɪsn) (wɪð) (ɑːt), (wɛlθ) (ænd) (ræŋk) (ænd) (ˈpaʊər) (ɑː) (nɒt) (wɜːθ) (ə) (strɔː).   Of course I can see that you've worked very hard. (ɒv) (kɔːs) (aɪ) (kæn) (siː) (ðæt) (juːv) (wɜːkt) (ˈvɛri) (hɑːd).   Don't think it's been wasted. It will always be a pleasure to be able to play the piano and it will enable you to appreciate great playing as no ordinary person can hope to do. (dəʊnt) (θɪŋk) (ɪts) (biːn) (ˈweɪstɪd). (ɪt) (wɪl) (ˈɔːlweɪz) (biː) (ə) (ˈplɛʒə) (tuː) (biː) (ˈeɪbl) (tuː) (pleɪ) (ðə) (pɪˈænəʊ) (ænd) (ɪt) (wɪl) (ɪˈneɪbl) (juː) (tuː) (əˈpriːʃɪeɪt) (greɪt) (ˈpleɪɪŋ) (æz) (nəʊ) (ˈɔːdnri) (ˈpɜːsn) (kæn) (həʊp) (tuː) (duː).   Look at your hands. (lʊk) (æt) (jɔː) (hændz). They're not a pianist's hands". (ðeə) (nɒt) (ə) (ˈpɪənɪsts) (hændz)".   Involuntarily I looked at George's hands. (ɪnˈvɒləntərɪli) (aɪ) (lʊkt) (æt) (ˈʤɔːʤɪz) (hændz).   I had never noticed them before. (aɪ) (hæd) (ˈnɛvə) (ˈnəʊtɪst) (ðɛm) (bɪˈfɔː).   I was astounded to see how podgy they were and how short and stumpy the fingers. (aɪ) (wɒz) (əsˈtaʊndɪd) (tuː) (siː) (haʊ) (ˈpɒʤi) (ðeɪ) (wɜːr) (ænd) (haʊ) (ʃɔːt) (ænd) (ˈstʌmpi) (ðə) (ˈfɪŋgəz).   "Your ear is not quite perfect. "(jɔːr) (ɪər) (ɪz) (nɒt) (kwaɪt) (ˈpɜːfɪkt).   I don't think you can ever hope to be more than a very competent amateur. (aɪ) (dəʊnt) (θɪŋk) (juː) (kæn) (ˈɛvə) (həʊp) (tuː) (biː) (mɔː) (ðæn) (ə) (ˈvɛri) (ˈkɒmpɪtənt) (ˈæmətə(ː)).   In art the difference between the amateur and the professional is immeasurable." (ɪn) (ɑːt) (ðə) (ˈdɪfrəns) (bɪˈtwiːn) (ði) (ˈæmətə(ː)r) (ænd) (ðə) (prəˈfɛʃənl) (ɪz) (ɪˈmɛʒərəbl)."   George did not reply. (ʤɔːʤ) (dɪd) (nɒt) (rɪˈplaɪ).   Except for his pallor no one would have known he was listening to the blasting of all his hopes. (ɪkˈsɛpt) (fɔː) (hɪz) (ˈpælə) (nəʊ) (wʌn) (wʊd) (hæv) (nəʊn) (hiː) (wɒz) (ˈlɪsnɪŋ) (tuː) (ðə) (ˈblɑːstɪŋ) (ɒv) (ɔːl) (hɪz) (həʊps).   The silence that fell was quite awful. (ðə) (ˈsaɪləns) (ðæt) (fɛl) (wɒz) (kwaɪt) (ˈɔːfʊl).   "Shall I play to you?" she said. "Yes, do". "(ʃæl) (aɪ) (pleɪ) (tuː) (juː)?" (ʃiː) (sɛd). "(jɛs), (duː)".   She got up and went to the piano. (ʃiː) (gɒt) (ʌp) (ænd) (wɛnt) (tuː) (ðə) (pɪˈænəʊ).   She played Bach. (ʃiː) (pleɪd) (bæʧ).   I do not know the names of the pieces, but I recognized the music. (aɪ) (duː) (nɒt) (nəʊ) (ðə) (neɪmz) (ɒv) (ðə) (ˈpiːsɪz), (bʌt) (aɪ) (ˈrɛkəgnaɪzd) (ðə) (ˈmjuːzɪk).   She played beautifully, with a soft brilliance that made you think of the full moon shining at dusk in the summer sky. (ʃiː) (pleɪd) (ˈbjuːtəfʊli), (wɪð) (ə) (sɒft) (ˈbrɪljəns) (ðæt) (meɪd) (juː) (θɪŋk) (ɒv) (ðə) (fʊl) (muːn) (ˈʃaɪnɪŋ) (æt) (dʌsk) (ɪn) (ðə) (ˈsʌmə) (skaɪ).   With another part of me I watched the others and I saw how intensely they were rapt. (wɪð) (əˈnʌðə) (pɑːt) (ɒv) (miː) (aɪ) (wɒʧt) (ði) (ˈʌðəz) (ænd) (aɪ) (sɔː) (haʊ) (ɪnˈtɛnsli) (ðeɪ) (wɜː) (ræpt).   I wished with all my heart that I could get from music the wonderful exaltation that possessed them. (aɪ) (wɪʃt) (wɪð) (ɔːl) (maɪ) (hɑːt) (ðæt) (aɪ) (kʊd) (gɛt) (frɒm) (ˈmjuːzɪk) (ðə) (ˈwʌndəfʊl) (ˌɛgzɔːlˈteɪʃən) (ðæt) (pəˈzɛst) (ðɛm).   She stopped, a smile hovered on her lips. (ʃiː) (stɒpt), (ə) (smaɪl) (ˈhɒvəd) (ɒn) (hɜː) (lɪps).   George gave a little chuckle. (ʤɔːʤ) (geɪv) (ə) (ˈlɪtl) (ˈʧʌkl). "That clinches it, I fancy", he said. "(ðæt) (ˈklɪnʧɪz) (ɪt), (aɪ) (ˈfænsi)", (hiː) (sɛd).   The servants brought in tea and after tea Lea Makart and I bade the company farewell and got into the car.... (ðə) (ˈsɜːvənts) (brɔːt) (ɪn) (tiː) (ænd) (ˈɑːftə) (tiː) (liː) Makart (ænd) (aɪ) (beɪd) (ðə) (ˈkʌmpəni) (ˈfeəˈwɛl) (ænd) (gɒt) (ˈɪntuː) (ðə) (kɑː)....   We little knew what was happening at Tilby. (wiː) (ˈlɪtl) (njuː) (wɒt) (wɒz) (ˈhæpnɪŋ) (æt) Tilby.   When we left, George went out on the terrace and presently his father joined him. (wɛn) (wiː) (lɛft), (ʤɔːʤ) (wɛnt) (aʊt) (ɒn) (ðə) (ˈtɛrəs) (ænd) (ˈprɛzntli) (hɪz) (ˈfɑːðə) (ʤɔɪnd) (hɪm).   With his more than feminine sensitiveness he felt all that George was feeling, and George's anguish simply broke his heart. (wɪð) (hɪz) (mɔː) (ðæn) (ˈfɛmɪnɪn) (ˈsɛnsɪtɪvnɪs) (hiː) (fɛlt) (ɔːl) (ðæt) (ʤɔːʤ) (wɒz) (ˈfiːlɪŋ), (ænd) (ˈʤɔːʤɪz) (ˈæŋgwɪʃ) (ˈsɪmpli) (brəʊk) (hɪz) (hɑːt).   He had never loved his son more than then. (hiː) (hæd) (ˈnɛvə) (lʌvd) (hɪz) (sʌn) (mɔː) (ðæn) (ðɛn).   When he appeared George greeted him with a little smile. Freddy's voice broke. (wɛn) (hiː) (əˈpɪəd) (ʤɔːʤ) (ˈgriːtɪd) (hɪm) (wɪð) (ə) (ˈlɪtl) (smaɪl). (ˈfrɛdiz) (vɔɪs) (brəʊk).   "Look here, old boy", he said, "I can't bear to think that you've had such a disappointment. Would you like to go back to Munich for another year and then see?" George shook his head. "(lʊk) (hɪə), (əʊld) (bɔɪ)", (hiː) (sɛd), "(aɪ) (kɑːnt) (beə) (tuː) (θɪŋk) (ðæt) (juːv) (hæd) (sʌʧ) (ə) (ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntmənt). (wʊd) (juː) (laɪk) (tuː) (gəʊ) (bæk) (tuː) (ˈmjuːnɪk) (fɔːr) (əˈnʌðə) (jɪər) (ænd) (ðɛn) (siː)?" (ʤɔːʤ) (ʃʊk) (hɪz) (hɛd).   "No, it wouldn't be any good. "(nəʊ), (ɪt) (ˈwʊdnt) (biː) (ˈɛni) (gʊd).   I've had my chance. Let's call it a day!" (aɪv) (hæd) (maɪ) (ʧɑːns). (lɛts) (kɔːl) (ɪt) (ə) (deɪ)!"   "Try not to take it too hard". "(traɪ) (nɒt) (tuː) (teɪk) (ɪt) (tuː) (hɑːd)".   "You see, the only thing in the world I want is to be a pianist. "(juː) (siː), (ði) (ˈəʊnli) (θɪŋ) (ɪn) (ðə) (wɜːld) (aɪ) (wɒnt) (ɪz) (tuː) (biː) (ə) (ˈpɪənɪst).   And there's nothing doing". (ænd) (ðeəz) (ˈnʌθɪŋ) (ˈdu(ː)ɪŋ)".   George, trying so hard to be brave, smiled wanly. (ʤɔːʤ), (ˈtraɪɪŋ) (səʊ) (hɑːd) (tuː) (biː) (breɪv), (smaɪld) (ˈwɒnli).   "Would you like to go round the world? "(wʊd) (juː) (laɪk) (tuː) (gəʊ) (raʊnd) (ðə) (wɜːld)?   You can get one of your Oxford pals to go with you and I'll pay all the expenses. (juː) (kæn) (gɛt) (wʌn) (ɒv) (jɔːr) (ˈɒksfəd) (pælz) (tuː) (gəʊ) (wɪð) (juː) (ænd) (aɪl) (peɪ) (ɔːl) (ði) (ɪksˈpɛnsɪz).   You've been working very hard for a long time." (juːv) (biːn) (ˈwɜːkɪŋ) (ˈvɛri) (hɑːd) (fɔːr) (ə) (lɒŋ) (taɪm)."   "Thank awfully, daddy, we'll talk about it. I'm just going for a stroll now". "(θæŋk) (ˈɔːfʊli), (ˈdædi), (wiːl) (tɔːk) (əˈbaʊt) (ɪt). (aɪm) (ʤʌst) (ˈgəʊɪŋ) (fɔːr) (ə) (strəʊl) (naʊ)".   "Shall I come with you?" "(ʃæl) (aɪ) (kʌm) (wɪð) (juː)?"   "I'd rather go alone". " (aɪd) (ˈrɑːðə) (gəʊ) (əˈləʊn)".   But George did not go for a walk. (bʌt) (ʤɔːʤ) (dɪd) (nɒt) (gəʊ) (fɔːr) (ə) (wɔːk).   Perhaps because the shooting season was about to open he took it into his head to go into the gun-room. (pəˈhæps) (bɪˈkɒz) (ðə) (ˈʃuːtɪŋ) (ˈsiːzn) (wɒz) (əˈbaʊt) (tuː) (ˈəʊpən) (hiː) (tʊk) (ɪt) (ˈɪntuː) (hɪz) (hɛd) (tuː) (gəʊ) (ˈɪntuː) (ðə) (gʌn)-(ruːm).     He began to clean the gun that his mother had given him on his twentieth birthday. (hiː) (bɪˈgæn) (tuː) (kliːn) (ðə) (gʌn) (ðæt) (hɪz) (ˈmʌðə) (hæd) (ˈgɪvn) (hɪm) (ɒn) (hɪz) (ˈtwɛntɪəθ) (ˈbɜːθdeɪ).   No one had used it since he went to Germany. (nəʊ) (wʌn) (hæd) (juːzd) (ɪt) (sɪns) (hiː) (wɛnt) (tuː) (ˈʤɜːməni).   Suddenly the servants were startled by a report. (ˈsʌdnli) (ðə) (ˈsɜːvənts) (wɜː) (ˈstɑːtld) (baɪ) (ə) (rɪˈpɔːt).   When they went into the gun-room, they found George lying on the floor shot through the heart. (wɛn) (ðeɪ) (wɛnt) (ˈɪntuː) (ðə) (gʌn)-(ruːm), (ðeɪ) (faʊnd) (ʤɔːʤ) (ˈlaɪɪŋ) (ɒn) (ðə) (flɔː) (ʃɒt) (θruː) (ðə) (hɑːt).   Apparently the gun had been loaded and George while playing about with it had accidentally shot himself. (əˈpærəntli) (ðə) (gʌn) (hæd) (biːn) (ˈləʊdɪd) (ænd) (ʤɔːʤ) (waɪl) (ˈpleɪɪŋ) (əˈbaʊt) (wɪð) (ɪt) (hæd) (ˌæksɪˈdɛntəli) (ʃɒt) (hɪmˈsɛlf).   One reads of such accidents in the papers often. (wʌn) (riːdz) (ɒv) (sʌʧ) (ˈæksɪdənts) (ɪn) (ðə) (ˈpeɪpəz) (ˈɒf(ə)n).   LeaМакарт пожелал отправиться в Лондон около шести, так что было решено, что Джордж должен играть в четыре. На чуть раньше четырех мы все забрел в гостиную. Джордж не дал никаких признаков нервозности. Он уже сидел за пианино, когда я вошел с отцом и матерью, и он наблюдал за нами спокойно оседание себя вниз. Он дал мне тень улыбки. Когда он увидел, что все мы были в нашей легкостью он начал играть. Он играл Шопена. Он играл два вальсы, которые были мне знакомы, полонеза и этюд. Я хотел, чтобы я знал музыку достаточно хорошо, чтобы дать точное описание его игры. Он имел силу, и юное изобилие, но я чувствовал, что он пропустил то, что для меня это своеобразное очарование Шопен, его нежность, нервной меланхолии и задумчивой весельем. И у меня было смутное ощущение, настолько мала, что почти вырвалось у меня, что две руки не достаточно синхронизировать. Глаза Мюриэл были зафиксированы напианистом, но в настоящее время она бросила их и за остальное время смотрел в пол. Отец посмотрел на него тоже, и его глаза были тверды, но если я не был сильно ошибусь, он побледнел, и лицо его предал что-то подобное ужасу. Музыка была в крови всех из них, всю свою жизнь они слышали величайших пианистов в мире, и они судили с инстинктивной точностью. Единственным человеком, чье лицо не выражало никаких эмоций былоLeaМакарт. Она слушала очень внимательно. Наконец он остановился и обернулся на свое место перед ней. Он не говорил. "Что это вы хотите, чтобы я вам сказать?" она спросила. Они смотрели друг другу в глаза. "Я хочу, чтобы ты сказал мне, есть ли у меня какой-то шанс стать во времени пианист в первом ряду?" "Не в тысячу лет». На мгновение была мертвая тишина. Голова Фредди затонула, и он посмотрел вниз на ковер у его ног. Его жена протянула руку и взяла его. Но Джордж продолжал уверенно смотреть на LeaМакарта. Она сделала большой широкий жест, который взял в великолепной комнате с красивыми вещами и содержащимся в нем Айыл нас. Она сказала: "Если бы я думал, что ты имел в вас задатки художника я не должен смущаться умоляю вас отказаться от всего этого ради искусства. Искусство это единственное, что имеет значение. По сравнению с искусством, богатства и ранга и власти не стоят соломы. Конечно, я могу видеть, что вы работали очень трудно. Не думаю, что это было потрачено впустую. Она всегда будет приятно, чтобы иметь возможность играть на пианино, и это позволит вам оценить большую игру как ни один обычный человек не может надеяться сделать. Посмотрите на свои руки. Они не из рук в руки пианиста ". Невольно я посмотрел на руки Джорджа. Я никогда не замечал их раньше. Я был поражен, чтобы увидеть, как пухлый они были и как короткие и приземистые пальцы. "Ваше ухо не совсем совершенен. Я не думаю, что вы можете надеяться когда-либо быть больше, чем очень грамотный любитель. В искусстве разница между любителем и профессионалом неоценим ". Джордж не ответил. за исключением бледность никто не знал бы, что он слушает в подрыве всех его надежд. Тишина, упавшая было довольно ужасно. "Должен ли я играть с вами?" она сказала. "Да, делать". Она встала и подошла к пианино. Она играла Баха. Я не знаю названия частей, но я узнал музыку. Она играла красиво, с мягким блеском, что заставило вас думать о полной луны сияющего в сумерках в летнем небе. С другой стороны меня, я наблюдал за другим, и я видел, как сильно они были увлеченный. Я хотел всем своим сердцем, что я мог бы получить от музыки замечательного экзальтацию, владевшие им. Она остановилась, улыбка парил на ее губах. Джордж дал немного хихиканье. "Это заклепок это, мне кажется", сказал он. Слуги принесли чай, и после того, как чай LeaМакарта, и я предложил цену прощание компании и сел в машину.... Мы мало знали, что происходит на Tilby. Когда мы вышли, Джордж вышел на террасу и в настоящее время его отец присоединился к нему. С его более женской чуткостью он чувствовал все, что Джордж чувствовал, и теснота Джордж просто разбило его сердце. Он никогда не любил своего сына больше, чем тогда. Когда он появился Джордж приветствовал его с легкой улыбкой. Голос Фредди сломался. "Послушай, мальчик", он сказал: "Я не могу думать, что вы имели такого разочарования. Вы хотите, чтобы вернуться в Мюнхен еще на один год, а затем посмотреть?" Джордж покачал головой. "Нет, это не было бы хорошо. У меня был мой шанс. Давайте назовем это день!" "Постарайтесь не принимать это слишком трудно". "Вы видите, единственное в мире, я хочу, чтобы быть пианистом. И нет ничего делать ". Джордж, так старался быть храбрым, тускло улыбнулся. "Хотели бы вы пойти по всему миру? Вы можете получить один из ваших приятелей Оксфорд, чтобы пойти с вами, и я буду оплатить все расходы. Вы работали очень трудно в течение длительного времени ". "Спасибо ужасно, папа, мы будем говорить об этом. Я просто собираюсь на прогулку в настоящее время".   "Должен ли я пойти с тобой?" "Я предпочел бы идти в одиночку". Но Джордж не пошел на прогулку. Возможно, потому что съемки сезона собирался открыть он взял его в голову, чтобы войти в батарейной комнате. Он начал чистить пистолет, что его мать дала ему на его двадцатилетия. Никто не использовал его, так как он уехал в Германию. Вдруг слуги были поражены докладе. Когда они вошли в оружейной комнате, они обнаружили, Джордж лежал на полу выстрелом в сердце. По-видимому, пистолет был загружен и Джордж, играя с ним о случайно застрелился. Читаешь таких аварий в газетах часто.


Lea Makart wished to set out for London at about six, so it was arranged that George should play at four.

At a little before four we all wandered into the drawing-room.

George gave no sign of nervousness.

He was already seated at the piano when I went in with his father and mother, and he watched us quietly settling ourselves down.

He gave me the shadow of a smile.

When he saw that we were all at our ease he began to play.

He played Chopin. He played two waltzes that were familiar to me, a polonaise and an etude.

I wished I knew music well enough to give an exact description of his playing.

It had strength, and a youthful exuberance, but I felt that he missed what to me is the peculiar charm of Chopin, its tenderness, nervous melancholy and wistful gaiety.

And I had a vague sensation, so slight that it almost escaped me, that the two hands did not quite synchronize.

Muriel's eyes were fixed on the pianist, but presently she dropped them and for the rest of the time stared at the floor.

His father looked at him too, and his eyes were steadfast, but unless I was much mistaken he went pale and his face betrayed something like dismay.

Music was in the blood of all of them, all their lives they had heard the greatest pianists in the world, and they judged with instinctive precision.

The only person whose face betrayed no emotion was Lea Makart.

She listened very attentively.

At last he stopped and turning round on his seat faced her.

He did not speak.

"What is it you want me to tell you?" she asked.

They looked into one another's eyes.

"I want you to tell me whether I have any chance of becoming in time a pianist in the first rank?"

"Not in a thousand years."

For a moment there was dead silence.

Freddy's head sank and he looked down at the carpet at his feet.

His wife put out her hand and took his.

But George continued to look steadily at Lea Makart.

She made a great sweeping gesture that took in the magnificent room with the beautiful things it contained and ail of us.

She said, "If I thought you had in you the makings of an artist I shouldn't hesitate to beseech you to give up all this for Art's sake.

Art is the only thing that matters.

In comparison with art, wealth and rank and power are not worth a straw.

Of course I can see that you've worked very hard.

Don't think it's been wasted. It will always be a pleasure to be able to play the piano and it will enable you to appreciate great playing as no ordinary person can hope to do.

Look at your hands.

They're not a pianist's hands".

Involuntarily I looked at George's hands.

I had never noticed them before.

I was astounded to see how podgy they were and how short and stumpy the fingers.

"Your ear is not quite perfect.

I don't think you can ever hope to be more than a very competent amateur.

In art the difference between the amateur and the professional is immeasurable."

George did not reply.

Except for his pallor no one would have known he was listening to the blasting of all his hopes.

The silence that fell was quite awful.

"Shall I play to you?" she said. "Yes, do".

She got up and went to the piano.

She played Bach.

I do not know the names of the pieces, but I recognized the music.

She played beautifully, with a soft brilliance that made you think of the full moon shining at dusk in the summer sky.

With another part of me I watched the others and I saw how intensely they were rapt.

I wished with all my heart that I could get from music the wonderful exaltation that possessed them.

She stopped, a smile hovered on her lips.

George gave a little chuckle.

"That clinches it, I fancy", he said.

The servants brought in tea and after tea Lea Makart and I bade the company farewell and got into the car....

We little knew what was happening at Tilby.

When we left, George went out on the terrace and presently his father joined him.

With his more than feminine sensitiveness he felt all that George was feeling, and George's anguish simply broke his heart.

He had never loved his son more than then.

When he appeared George greeted him with a little smile. Freddy's voice broke.

"Look here, old boy", he said, "I can't bear to think that you've had such a disappointment. Would you like to go back to Munich for another year and then see?"George shook his head.

"No, it wouldn't be any good. I've had my chance. Let's call it a day!"

"Try not to take it too hard".

"You see, the only thing in the world I want is to be a pianist.

And there's nothing doing".

George, trying so hard to be brave, smiled wanly.

"Would you like to go round the world?

You can get one of your Oxford pals to go with you and I'll pay all the expenses.

You've been working very hard for a long time."

"Thank awfully, daddy, we'll talk about it. I'm just going for a stroll now".


"Shall I come with you?"

"I'd rather go alone".

But George did not go for a walk.

Perhaps because the shooting season was about to open he took it into his head to go into the gun-room. He began to clean the gun that his mother had given him on his twentieth birthday.

No one had used it since he went to Germany.

Suddenly the servants were startled by a report.

When they went into the gun-room, they found George lying on the floor shot through the heart. Apparently the gun had been loaded and George while playing about with it had accidentally shot himself. One reads of such accidents in the papers often.



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