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Discoveries and Inventions in Medicine
1. Medical history was written by doctors and their discoveries through the ages. They have changed our life and made it easier and more comfortable. Discoveries in medicine improved the healthcare greatly. Here are only some discoveries and inventions in the medicine which have saved many human lives.
2. The late 19th century saw the discovery of anesthesia, which numbs all sensation in the patient. An early anesthetic was cocaine. It was an effective agent, but as we know, it is also addictive. Around the same time, chloroform was also used to numb pain but this too had potentially lethal side effects. Luckily, today’s anesthetics are both effective and save.
3. On of the most important inventions is the Penicillin, the first of antibiotics. Antibiotics are natural substances that are released by bacteria and fungi into the environment, as a means of inhibiting other organisms. It is chemical warfare on a microscopic scale. In 1928 penicillin was accidentally discovered by Alexander Fleming, who noticed that a certain type of mold could actually kill bacteria. Many natural and semi-synthetic variants have since been produced (ampicillin, amoxicillin). The ancient Greeks and ancient Chinese already used molds and other plants to treat infection. But they could not distinguish the active component in the molds.
4. Another breakthrough that is used on a daily basis is insulin, the life-saving hormone that keeps the blood glucose level in check. Insulin was first isolated in 1921 by scientists from the University of Toronto – Frederick Grant Banting and Charles Best – in a search for a cure for diabetes. They were later awarded the Nobel Prize for their discovery.
5. Every healthcare provider uses a syringe. In the 9th century AD the Iraqi-Egyptian surgeon Aliaf-Mawsili created a syringe to remove cataracts from patients’ eyes. In 1853 a French doctor Charles Pravaz developed a hypodermic syringe with a needle thin enough to pierce the skin. In 1956 a New Zealand pharmacist Colin Murdoch was granted the patents for a disposable plastic syringe.
6. Listening to sounds of internal organs with an instrument began in the 19th century. In 1816 the Frenchman Laennec invented a wooden tube (a stethoscope) which was capable of isolating the organic noises from the surrounding environment and making them louder. Later, two hollow tubes were used so that the sounds could be heard with both ears.
7. The discovery of germs was a huge moment in the history of medicine. The actual cause of disease – germs – were discovered by various scientists, but the breakthrough came in 1854, when John Snow linked an outbreak of cholera to a specific water pump in London. However, his work was rejected by the government of the time. A few years later, Louis Pasteur managed to prove germ theory in laboratory conditions and it is his name that is generally linked to the theory.
8. Science and technology give us new inventions every day: cloning, nanotechnology… May be in the future you will be an inventor of a new drug or an effective method of treatment.
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(12 – 15 предложений)
3. Вспомните, как образуется прошедшее длительное время (the Past Progressive Tense) и выполните упражнение (письменно)
Past Progressive Tense (прошедшее длительное) выражает прошедшее действие в процессе его совершения, т. е. незаконченное длительное действие. Переводится на русский язык прошедшем временем глагола несовершенного вида. Употребляется для выражения длительного действия, начавшегося до определенного момента в прошлом и все еще совершавшегося в этот момент. Этот момент может быть определен такими обозначениями времени, как at 5o’clock (в пять часов), at noon (в полдень), at that moment (в тот момент), либо другим прошедшим действием, выраженным глаголом в Past Simple. Образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в форме прошедшего времени (was, were) и формы причастия настоящего времени (Participle I), так называемой «инговой» формы:
He was writing his exercises Он писал упражнения в
at 5o’clock. пять часов (т. е. он начал
писать до пяти часов и в
пять часов все еще писал)
He was writing his exercises Он писал упражнения,
when I entered the room. когда я вошел в комнату.
He was not (wasn’t) writing his exercises when I entered the room.
Не забывайте про обратный порядок слов в вопросительном предложении. В специальном вопросе после Who всегда ставим was (3 л. ед. ч.)
Was he writing his exercises when I entered the room?
When was he writing his exercises?