It’s important for the resume to be good looking – Важно, чтоб резюме было аккуратно оформлено

He spoke loudly for them (for people) to hear him – Он говорил громко, чтобы они (люди) его слышали.

It is necessary for us to do this work in time – Нам необходимо сделать эту работу вовремя.

He is fit to do the job – Он сможет сделать эту работу. (Он подходит для выполнения этой работы.)

Doesn’t it sound fantastic? – Разве это не великолепно?

It’s worth the expense – Это стоило понесенных расходов.

So do I/ Neither (Nor) do I – И я тоже. (после утвердительного/после отрицательного)

He is about to graduate – Он скоро заканчивает университет

Exercise 1. Translate into English using for + smb + to do.

1. Вам необходимо быть здесь завтра в 5 часов.

2. Ему легко это сделать.

3. Нам трудно сделать эту работу в такой короткий срок.

4. Для вас важно написать хорошее резюме.

5. Для вас важно правильно оценить свои возможности.

6. Вам нужно решить, какую карьеру выбрать для себя.

7. Вам нужно вызвать к себе интерес работодателя.

8. Вам необходимо получить интервью.

Exercise 2. Translate into Russian.

1. He is fit to do the job.

2. None of the applicants fitted our requirements.

3. The equipment is not fit to install.

4. My education is unfit to fulfill this job.

5. Doesn’t it sound fantastic to be trained at such a well known firm!

6. This job is worth the efforts.

Exercise 3. Imagine that you are talking to your friend. You have the same ideas, tastes, circumstances etc. as your friend. Use So... or Neither....

Example: - I'm very busy. - So am I.

- I don't like the boss. - Neither do I.

1. I don't feel good about the job.

2. I can't decide what job to look for.

3. I can't decide what career to pursue.

4. I'm not ready to start working.

5. I wrote a good resume.

6. I've got an interview.

7. I've found a good job.


Nouns and phrases with them

  1. ability - способность
  2. adult– взрослый
  3. applicant - лицо, обращающееся с просьбой о предоставлении работы
  4. application заявление с просьбой о предоставлении работы
  5. aptitudes - склонности
  6. attempt - попытка
  7. attitude— отношение
  8. auditor - аудитор
  9. austere – строгий, суровый
  10. bidder – лицо, предложившее наиболее выгодные условия работы
  11. broker — брокер
  12. career - карьера
  13. choice of occupation - выбор рода занятия
  14. citizen — гражданин
  15. communicator of knowledge – передающий знания
  16. consultancy – консультационные услуги
  17. cooperation - сотрудничество
  18. CV (curriculum vitae) - резюме
  19. faults - недостатки
  20. flexibility – гибкость
  21. “Fringe benefits” – дополнительные льготы
  22. hint - намек
  23. honesty - честность
  24. job counseling – консультации по устройству на работу
  25. job creation – создание рабочих мест
  26. job description - должностная инструкция; характер выполняемой работы; описание рабочего задания
  27. job opportunities - возможность получения работы или продвижения по службе
  28. job prospects – планы на будущее, связанные с работой
  29. job satisfaction – удовлетворение от работы
  30. job security - обеспеченность работой
  31. kind - вид, род
  32. kindness - доброта; сердечность; любезность; благожелательность
  33. level of unemployment – уровень безработицы
  34. loyalty - верность, преданность
  35. model of competence – образец компетентности
  36. part-time/full-time job - работа неполный рабочий день/полный рабочий день
  37. personal characteristics — личные качества
  38. personnel department - отдел кадров
  39. personnel manager – кадровик
  40. qualification — подготовленность, квалификация
  41. respect - уважение
  42. responsibility – ответственность
  43. resume резюме, анкета CV (curriculum vitae) – резюме
  44. securities firm — фирма, работающая с ценными бумагами
  45. self-assessment - самооценка
  46. team - команда
  47. temporary/permanent job – временная/постоянная работа
  48. under pressure – зд. в напряженном режиме
  49. vacant position — свободное место (рабочее)
  50. work permit – разрешение на работу
  51. workforce – рабочая сила

Verbs and phrases with them

  1. accept a job, to take up a job – согласиться на работу
  2. advertise - рекламировать
  3. apply for – обращаться с чем-то, претендовать, apply for a job - подавать заявление о приёме на работу (на вакантную должность)
  4. arouse interest - вызвать интерес
  5. associate – связывать, ассоциироваться
  6. be ensured – обеспечиваться, гарантироваться
  7. be in transition to a market economy – быть на этапе перехода к рыночной экономике
  8. be of interest to smb– представлять интерес для кого-то
  9. encourage – поощрять
  10. equip — зд. снабдить
  11. experience - испытывать
  12. explore — исследовать, изучать
  13. feel good (about) smth. - быть удовлетворенным
  14. fill a vacancy — заполнить свободное место (вакансию)
  15. find a job – найти работу
  16. fit - подходить, годиться
  17. flourish - процветать
  18. foster – воспитывать, побуждать
  19. gain an interview — получить приглашение на интервью
  20. get a job – получить работу
  21. give up – отказаться, бросить, give up smth — бросить, отказаться от чего-л.
  22. hire — нанимать на работу
  23. leave one’s job - бросить работу, уйти с работы
  24. liquidate ignorance – ликвидировать неграмотность
  25. look for a job, to seek a job – искать работу
  26. lose a job – потерять работу
  27. maintain relations — поддерживать отношения
  28. make a career — сделать карьеру
  29. make a choice — сделать выбор
  30. move from job to job- переходить с работы на работу
  31. offer smb. a job – предложить кому-нибудь работу
  32. perform a task - выполнять задачу
  33. pursue a career - осуществить карьеру
  34. recruit — нанимать на работу
  35. regard - учитывать
  36. remove – снимать (ограничения)
  37. require – требовать
  38. seek – искать, ожидать
  39. shape – формировать
  40. sum up – суммировать
  41. temper – сочетать
  42. turn to – обратиться к кому-либо/куда-либо


  1. accurate - правильный, точный
  2. chief главный
  3. competent– опытный
  4. competitive - конкурентный
  5. good-looking – зд. аккуратно оформленный
  6. grudging – недовольный
  7. over-generous - слишком щедрый
  8. permanent – постоянный
  9. potential потенциальный
  10. rewarding - стоящий
  11. self-employed - занимающийся индивидуальной трудовой деятельностью
  12. separate - отдельный
  13. specific– конкретный
  14. temporary – временный
  15. tempting– заманчивый


Exercise 1. Pronounce the words correctly paying attention to the pronunciation of the vowels.

[iə] career, experience, austere, atmosphere

[o:] rewarding, explore, perform, auditor, faults

[o] honesty, authority

[e] self-assessment, ‘resume, personnel, pressure, accept, temporary, competitive, tempting, benefit, attempt, respect, separate, generous

[juə] security,

[uə] insurance, ensured

[ju:] pursue, ‘interview, opportunity

[u:] lose, move, remove

[æ] accurate, attitude, adult, character, rapid, applicant, satisfaction, advertise

[ai] apply, kindness, neither, find, underwriter, vitae, environment

[۸] discover, flourish, encourage, consultancy, company, grudging, discourage

[ei] relationships, regulated

[i] liquidate, equipped

Exercise 2. Pronounce the words correctly paying attention to the pronunciation of the consonants.

[k] career, specific, vacancy, competent, recruit, qualifications, characteristics, accurate, broker, security, company, accept, prospects, description, satisfaction, equip, application, creation, encourage, counseling, economic, consultancy, discover, cooperation, curriculum

[∫] cooperation, shape, ensure, flourish, transition, associate, position, insurance, pressure, relations, occupation

[f] fit, fill, find, foster, faults, flexibility, self-employed, workforce, flourish, satisfaction, full-time, offer, officer, perform, specific, self-assessment

[r] require, regulated, character, respect, responsibility, remove, creation, rapid, country, fringe, temporary, prospects, underwriter, broker, arouse, separate, rewarding, resume

[g] good-looking, get, regulated, gain, growth, give

[ʤ] job, fringe, encourage


Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

a) personal vs personnel

1. The letter was marked "Personal".

2. The president made a personal visit to the local university and spoke with the students.

3. These are my personal belongings.

4. The personnel department deals with recruitment and problems of the staff.

5. She gave up her job for personal reasons.

6. We need to change the management personnel of the company

b) give up smth

1.... finally, he gave up smoking.

2.... in the end, he gave up his job.

3.... but she didn't give up hope.

4.... to my regret she gave up her studies.

Exercise 2. Answer these questions using: interest, to be of interest, to arouse interest, to show an interest, to have (an) interest, to express (an) interest, to lose interest

1. How can one arouse employer's interest?

2. Do you show an interest in politics?

3. What subjects on your curriculum are of particular interest to you?

4. What are your interests and hobbies?

5. Are people losing all interest in election?

Exercise 3. Answer the questions, using:

а) relations (отношения), attitude (отношение)

1. Do people have a more relaxed attitude to their work these days?

2. Are attitudes towards older people changing in our country?

3. With what countries do we traditionally have good relations?

b) to succeed in (smth, doing smth)

1. What skills do people need to succeed in today's economy/in finance/in business?

2. What personal qualities do people need to succeed as managers?

3. Do you hope to succeed in the career you've chosen?

4. Do you always succeed in examinations?

Exercise 4. Fill each gap with a suitable word from the box. Some words are used not only once.

  1. spend, get, start, gained, enjoy, leave, take

Most people... a third of their lives at work. So it is important for people to... their work. And enjoying work means choosing the right career in the first place.

People in Britain can... work at the age of sixteen, though many young people stay at school after this age. When young people... school at the age of sixteen they can... a low-paid job working in a shop or a factory. At the same time they can... one day a week at a college of further education. Many young people wishing to... a practical skill - for example, car mechanics, hairdressers etc. — do this. At the end of their college training they... a qualification. It is a good beginning to... a career because such young people have... practical experience in their job which is important for their promotion.

2. abilities, to liquidate, to communicate, respect, conditions, fostering, industry, praised, relationship, to shape, to regard, attitude, capacity.

1) One of the most important tasks of the Revolution was … illiteracy in Russia.

2) Russian school creates the best possible … education for the younger generation.

3) We must envisage the … of feeling of patriotism.

4) To make his work more successful a teacher should … his pupils’ interests.

5) Together with education pupils learn how … with each other.

6) His report was good and the teacher … him.

7) I … him for his broad erudition and knowledge.

8) Thanks to his … he could prepare for exams in a short period of time.

9) What is your … to this new teaching method?

10) Many films tell about … between teachers and pupils.

11) Children’s …can be developed in the course of studies.

12) The teacher helps … a child’s character

13) Psychologists say that there is no limit to the … of our memory

Exercise 5. Read the text, insert prepositions where necessary, say what the Employment Service in Britain does for people seeking jobs.

There are many ways in which people find jobs. These include replying... advertisements in the national, local or specialist press, direct approaches... employers and through a job centre or employment agency.

A lot of governments provide a range of services...job seekers... employment services.

The Employment Service in Britain gives information... job opportunities, vocational training programs, about how to raise skill levels. Much attention is given... school-leavers, students, and graduates who are seeking jobs because... some areas of Britain a lot of young people are out of work. There are areas with high youth unemployment. The British government has introduced a large number... programs to give school-leavers and young people a better chance... getting full-time or part-time jobs. Besides, those who fail to find a job, get unemployment benefits.

American students are also fond... getting temporary or part-time jobs, especially... the summer. Many students work as counselors in summer camps... young children. Most students work... supermarkets or in fast food restau­rants. Others take jobs as messengers, delivery people or sales clerks. Occa­sionally, students work... some of these jobs during the school year as well as during the summers.

Exercise 6. Match the pairs of equivalents from two columns:


cushy job не пыльная работа
demanding job ответственная работа
out of job постоянная работа
full-time job Низкооплачиваемая работа
menial job работа на не полный рабочий день
part-time job работа на полный рабочий день
steady job без работы

Text 1


Exercise 1. Read and translate the text

In many countries, businesses, the private sector, provide the majority of jobs. But one could also make a career in government or in the not-for-profit sector. Career is more than just a job. It is something that may include a lot of separate jobs. People, as a rule, move from job to job during their lifetime.


A career involves choices of occupation. There is work that we enjoy and feel good about. And there is work that we don't enjoy. Every career includes some work of both kinds. How much of each kind there is in your career depends very much on decisions that you yourself make.

Seeking work (particularly first job) that is interesting and rewarding requires effort and careful thought. What can help to make career choices? What makes people give up their jobs? How to take the first steps in starting a career? These questions are very often asked. Here are some hints that may be useful.

First you must assess your interests and abilities. Self-assessment is useful in helping you decide what to look for, what career to pursue. When you have a clear idea of the kind of work you would like to do and you are ready to look for a specific job, you should explore the labour market, visit job centres, talk to friends, read advertisements about vacancies. After that you must start writing and sending out resumes or CVs. Your resume not only sums up your experience and education but also advertises you to potential employers. Its purpose is to arouse employer's interest in you and thereby to gain an interview.

Employers want to hire people who fit the job; they want to fill the vacancies with competent people. If there is a personnel department in the company then the staff help to recruit a qualified applicant. Employers usually consider professional qualifications and personal characteristics. Preference is given to applicants who can maintain good relations, who have positive attitudes, who can work in a team and under pressure.

It is important for the resume to be good-looking and accurate.

Before writing your resume, ask yourself what an employer would want to know about you, what tasks you could perform, what kind of experience you have had, what skills you can offer and what job you expect the employer to give you.

Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences. Consult the text:

1. A career involves....

2. A person is ready to look for a specific job when....

3. Self-assessment is useful in....

4. Employers want to hire people who....

5. A resume sums up....

6. The purpose of one’s resume is to arouse....

7. It is important for the resume to be....

8. Before writing your resume ask yourself what....

9. There are many jobs in the financial systems, such as....

10. Seeking job requires....

Exercise 3. Give answers to the questions.

1. Where can young people make a career?

2. Do people change jobs, occupations and careers? What makes them do it?

3. How can one make the first steps in starting a career?

4. What should precede writing resumes?

5. What is the purpose of a resume?

6. What employees do employers want to hire?

7. What skills are appreciated by employers?


Text 2

Exercise 1. You will hear a telephone message, containing the information about an applicant for the job. Write down the missed information, use figures, words or word-combinations.

A. Name _________________________

B. Age __________________________

C. Education ______________________

D. Language ______________________

E. Last job _______________________

F. Character: confident and __________

G. Telephone _____________________

Exercise 2. You will here a story of a teacher. While listening choose the correct variant of the ending of each sentence.

1. The narrator was afraid that her students wouldn’t accept Daniel because he

1. acted strangely 2. wore poor clothes 3. had bad manners

2. According to the narrator the residents of the village

1. were fabulously rich 2. were well-to-do 3. lived in misery

3. Daniel came up to Charles during the game to

1. encourage 2. show him how to hit the ball 3. tease him

4. The narrator thought that her students

1. were gentle most of the time 2. could be indifferent at times 3. could be cruel at times

5. When Daniel gave his Christmas gift to the narrator she

1. was taken aback 2. was disappointed 3. got fairly excited

6. the narrator thinks of Daniel

1. only at Christmas 2. once in a while 3. very often

7. The narrator’s daughter loves her mother’s story about Daniel because she

1. can do the end of the story herself 2. admires Daniel’s personal qualities

3. knows Daniel has become successful

Text 3

Exercise 1. Read the text, state the main idea of the text and headline it.

The greater part of promising students studying in industrialized countries does not return home upon graduation and stay on there. Besides, most intelligent people, especially scientists, wishing to make more money and improve their living and working conditions go to other countries.

Afro-Asian and Latin American countries as well as Central European countries in transition lose lots of skilled specialists annually. Western powers drawing numbers of specialists out of poorer countries benefit a lot. For example, in some years, the profits received by US corporations from the use of Third World experts exceeded their "aid for development". Russian students engaged in research at universities want to continue it upon graduation.

Text 4


Exercise 1. Read the text and give the gist of the article.

Britain has a lower level of unemployment than any other major European Union (EU) country. The total workforce is almost 30 million. Features of the labour market include the growing proportion of women in the workforce and increases in part-time and temporary employment among both women and men.

"Teleworking" — working from home using information technology - is also becoming more widespread, for example, in journalism, consultancy and computer programming.

About 3.3 million people are self-employed in Britain. The sectors with the highest concentrations of self-employed people are agriculture and con­struction.

Britain now has one of the least regulated labour markets among the major industrialized nations. The aim of the government is to create an economic climate in which business can flourish. It is done by increasing the flexibility of the labour market, by removing regulations which have restricted job creation, by encouraging better training and by tax policy.

Exercise 2. Compare the situation with the situation in Russia.



  1. Answer the questions about your future profession
  2. Make up a dialogue about your ambitions and future career



1. You future profession. What are its advantages and disadvantages? Why have you chosen this profession? Why do you think you can become a good specialist?

2. What qualities and qualifications can help to get a good job? What does “a good job” mean?



Выберите слова или сочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки
To: Secretarial Supervisor
(1) _____: Claire McElroy
(2) _____: Demonstration of new office equipment

The (3) _____ of Smart Equipment will visit us on 28 April to demonstrate their new computer and fax-machine which you are sure to be interested in.
Please arrange the time to meet him so that all your staff could be present.
(4) _____

A. From B. Subject C. Sales Manager D. C.M.


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