Видовременные формы глагола в английском языке: примеры употребления

После теории изучите несколько примеров с использованием разных временных форм глагола для закрепления материала:

Simple (Indefinite) Tenses / Простые (неопределенные) времена  
I know what you mean. Я знаю, что ты имеешь в виду.
I’m not afraid of ghosts. Я не боюсь привидений.
I didn’t like that idea from very beginning. Мне не понравилась эта идея с самого начала.
Did she go to school yesterday? Она ходила в школу вчера?
I won’t make it tomorrow because I have other tasks. Я не буду заниматься этим завтра, потому что у меня есть другие задания.
Will the house be built? Будет ли построен дом?
  Continuous (Progressive) Tenses / Продолжительные (длительные) времена  
She is riding a horse at the moment. В данный момент она катается на лошади.
I’m not working on the project now. Сейчас я не работаю над проектом.
She was not cooking when I came home. Когда я вернулся домой, она не готовила.
I was typing while he was reading the text to me. Я печатал, пока он читал мне текст.
I can one hundred percent guarantee you she’ll be sleeping when you call her. Я могу стопроцентно гарантировать тебе, что она будет спать, когда ты позвонишь ей.
Will we be listening to music this time tomorrow? Будем ли мы слушать музыку в это время завтра?
  Perfect Tenses / Совершенные времена  
They have known each other for ages. Они знают друг друга вечность.
I haven’t understood the concept yet. Я еще не понял концепт.
Tom was tired as he had studied all day. Том устал, так как весь день учился.
We will have written the books by spring. Мы напишем книги к весне.
John will not have been in Monaco at 5 in the evening. Джон не будет в Монако в 5 часов вечера.
  Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tenses / Совершенные длительные (продолжительные) времена  
We have been living there since childhood. Мы живем там с детства.
These two famous people have been cooperating for many years. Эти два знаменитых человека сотрудничают уже много лет.
There were a lot of puddles because it had been raining all night. Было много луж, потому что всю ночь шел дождь.
She had not been sleeping well for a week when she decided to buy medicines. Она не спала хорошо уже в течение недели, когда решила купить лекарства.
We will have been learning English for 2 years next year. К следующему году будет уже 2 года, как мы учим английский.
How long will he have been living there by the time you move? Как долго он будет жить там к моменту твоего переезда?

Стоит отметить, что среди всех временных форм чаще всего встречаются времена группы Simple. В речи можно встретить и времена Present Continuous и Present Perfect. Остальные же встречаются реже, если вынуждает ситуация. Самыми менее употребляемыми являются времена группы Perfect Continuous. Во-первых, потому что эта группа может использоваться в очень редких случаях. Во-вторых, она очень часто заменяется группой Perfect.

Задание 2. Закрепление нового материала (Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense). Выполнить упражнения письменно. Прислать фото.


Exercise 1. Раскройте скобки, выбрав правильную форму глагола:


1. Our teacher (speak/speaks) two foreign languages.

2. These students (live/lives) in the hostel of the college.

3. My parents (go/goes) to the country every Sunday.

4. I (don`t/doesn`t like) milk.

5. Their daughter (do/does) well at school.

6. Do/does you speak any foreign language?

7. That student (study/studies) well.

8. His mother-in-law (works/work) in a hospital.

9. We (don`t/doesn`t) watch TV in the morning.

10. Her relatives (visit/visits) her very often in summer.

11. His parents (come/comes) home early.

12. I (do not/does not) like her character.

13. She (have/has) a flat in Moscow.


Exercise 2. Дайте краткие ответы на следующие вопросы:

Example: Do you know him?

Yes, I do. (No, I don`t).

1. Do you like her?

2. Do you often see them?

3. Does your brother study at school?

4. Does he like me?

5. Does your friend get up early too?

6. Does your husband tell you everything?

7. Do you go to bed late at night?

8. Does his father work as a driver?

9. Do they want to study at the college?

10. Does your friend know her sister?


Exercise 3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Who helps you to prepare your lessons? 2. Who cooks dinner for you? 3. Who wakes you up in the morning? 4. When do you come home after your lessons? 5. When does your mother come home? 6. When do your classes begin? 7. When does your father usually leave home? 8. Where do you study? 9. What do you do in the morning? 10. How many books do you read a month?


Exercise 4. Задайте специальные вопросы к следующим предложениям. Начните с вопросительного слова в скобках:

1. My sister gets up very early. (When? Who?)

2. The spring begins in March. (When?)

3. Our family does not go to the country in summer. (Where?)

4. At home Tommy wears his new slippers. (What?)

5. His parents work at the hospital. (Where?)

6. Late at night Tom walks his dog in the park. (Who? Where?)

7. There is a cup of hot tea on the kitchen table. (What?)

8. All children like to listen to fairy-tales. (What kind of books?)

9. My sister doesn`t work as a secretary. (Who?)

10. They usually watch TV in the evening. (When?)


Exercise 5. Составьте такие вопросы, для которых следующие предложения являются ответными:

Example: She gets up at 7o`clock in the morning. When does she get up?

1. This is my mother. 2. He has breakfast at nine o`clock. 3. She gives her lessons in English. 4. They live in Moscow. 5. Every day we have 6 lessons. 6. Her favourite subject is Mathematics. 7. My sister does well at school. 8. Her children go to school.


Exercise 6. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be:

1. We (am/are/is) students of the Vologda College of Communication.

2. My best friend (am/are/is) fifteen years old.

3. Her children (am/are/is) schoolchildren.

4. This plump girl and that nice little boy (am/is/are) her grandchildren.

5. I (am/are/is) fond of reading.

6. My parents (am/is/are) workers.

7. They say, he (am/are/is) the best cook in this restaurant.

8. This (am/are/is) my niece.


Exercise 7. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be в описательном обороте There is/are:

There is/are one window in my room. There is/are white curtains on the window. Under the window there is/are a desk. There is/are a vase on it. There is/are three roses in the vase. To the right of the window there is/are a lamp. In front of the desk is/are a chair. There is/are a vase of flowers on the floor near the lamp. There is/are a computer to the left of the desk and there is/are a box of computer disks under the computer. On the wall behind the computer there is/are a calendar. There is/are a picture on the wall to the left of the computer. There is/are a lamp above the picture. Neat the wall there is/are a table with a telephone on it. There is/are pillows on the bed.


Exercise 8. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1. Я люблю читать книги по вечерам.

2. Обычно обед готовит моя бабушка, но иногда я ей помогаю.

3. Он не любит переводить трудные английские тексты сам. Он просит помочь ему его сестру.

4. Кто тебя будит по утрам?

5. Когда вы обычно приходите домой?

6. Я не знаю эту девушку. Я вижу её в первый раз.

7. Ты помогаешь своей младшей сестре делать домашнее задание? - Да.

8. Моя подруга любит классическую музыку.

9. Они часто ездят за границу во время отпуска.

10. Чем ты обычно занимаешься в зимние каникулы?


Exercise 9. Раскройте скобки, выбрав нужную форму глагола. Полученный рассказ переведите на русский язык:

Kate Fox (to get up) at 6.45. She (to work) at an employment agency in the city of London. But she (to live) in Surrey. Kate (to have) breakfast at 7.10. She (to leave) the house at 7.30. She (to travel) to work every day by train. It (to take) her about half an hour. She (to start) her work at 8.15. Kate (to see) a lot of young people every day and she (to help) them to find a job. She (to tell) her friends that she (to be) satisfied with her work.


Exercise 10. Составьте вопросы, используя предложения из упражнения выше (from Ex. 9):

1. Where... work? 2. Where... live? 3. What time... get up? 4. How... get to work? 5. How long...it take her? 6. What... she do at work? 7. What... she help young people to do? 8. What... tell her friends?


Exercise 11. Исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях:

1. I doesn`t like to watch TV.

2. My friends lives in a big flat in the centre of the city.

3. Our office are on the second floor.

4. Her sister doesn`t works as a teacher.

5. Do you have a sister? – Yes, I does.

6. They don’t to speak English well.



Choose the correct answer:

1. Football … a very interesting kind of sport.

a) am b) is c) are

2. There … many nice pictures in this book.

a) is b) am c) are

3. They … to the fitness club on Sundays.

a) go b) goes c) gone

4. Many children … ice cream.

a) like b) likes

5. … pupils study Mathematics at school?

a) does b) do

6. You … a student of the college, aren`t you?

a) am b) is c) are

7. … the lessons begin at 8 o`clock? – Yes, they ….

a) do, do b) does, does c) do, does

8. Where … the bus station, please?

a) is b) are c) am

9. The … not think they … wrong.

a) does, are b) do, are c) are, do

10. … he like reading books? – Yes, he …. He likes reading English books.

a) do, do b) does, does c) does, is




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