Tapes highlighted in blue - temporarily absent 7 глава

MANGLER "Are You Ready For Something Like That" - Horror Death / Grind Core (Russia) 200 р.

MANDRAGORA "MCMXCIX" - Dark Metal (Lithuania) 200 р.

MANDRAGORA "Posthumous Art" - Dark Melodic Metal, 2 Demo! (Lithuania) 400 р.

MALKUTH "Glory And Victory" - Mystic Black Metal (Brazil) 200 р.
"Symphony Of Darkness" - Blasphemous Atmospheric Black Metal (Ukraine) Pro Tape 150 р.

MALICE "Symphony Of Darkness" - Blasphemous Atmospheric Black Metal (Ukraine) 200 р.

MANIAC BUTCHER "Invaze" - True Black Metal (Czech) Pro Tape 200 р.

MANIAC BUTCHER "Invaze" - True Black Metal (Czech) 200 р.

MANIAC BUTCHER "Epitaph" - True Black Metal (Czech) 200 р.

MASOCHIST "The Battle I: War Machine Against Christ" - Raw Black Metal (Brazil) 200 р.

MARQUIS "Mictlan" - After some releases the final one under this name and Marquis will be silence for some time. Members will spend their time first on a new project named Cthuluminati. Always been a band that was loved or hated. Lyrics about drugs and the occult. Psycadelic Black Metal (Netherlands) 300 р.

MARQUIS "The Schizo Collection" - Black Metal (Netherlands) 350 р.
''Raskol'' - Catching Macedonian Pagan /Black Metal (Macedonia) 200 р.

MATRIMONIVM "Chilean Baphometal" - Black /Death Metal (USA) 200 р.

MATTSSON "Another Dimension" - Progressive Metal (Finland) 200 p.

MATTSSON "Electric Voodoo" - Progressive Metal (Finland) 200 p.

MAUS "Demo I" - NS Black Metal(USA) 200 р.

MAUS "Demo II" - NS Black Metal(USA) 200 р.

MEGA SLAUGHTER "Death Remains (Demo 1990)" - Death Metal (Sweden) 200 р.

MENTAL TRANSFORMATION ''The Demos 2001-2002'' - Hateful & Technical Finnish Black Metal (Finland) 200 р.

M. NOMIZED "Pragmatic Movement" - Noise /Ambient (France) 200 р.

МЕДВЕ НА МЕЧЕ "Ясунь" - Ambient. 44 минуты мрачной обволакивающей музыки. Симбиоз электроники и окружающей среды. Акт почтения Великой Природы... (Russia) 200 р.

MENTAL DEMISE "Psycho Penetration" - Brutal Death / Death Grind Core (Ukraine) 200 р.

MENTAL HOME "Mirror Land" - Doom Metal (Russia) Pro Tape 150 р.

MENTAL HOME "Vile" - Doom Metal (Russia) Pro Tape 250 p.

MENTAL ECLIPSE "Graveside Flowers' Remembrance" - Death / Black Metal (Belarus) 200 р.

MENTAL DISSECTION "Духовное Разложение (Demo 1997)" - Death Metal (Russia) 200 р.

MENTAL DISSECTION "Эпидемия Грязной Любви (Demo 1997)" - Death Metal (Russia) 200 р.

MENNESKERHAT "Der Weg Zum Galgen" - NS Pagan /Black Metal (Germany) 200 р.

MEFISTO "Megalomania (Demo 1986)" - Old-School Thrash Metal (Sweden) 200 р.

MELANOMA "Ego" - Melodic Death /Doom Metal with raw sound… (Russia) 200 р.

MERCYLESS "Visions From The Past (Demo 1989)" - Death /Thrash Metal (France) 200 р.

MERCYLESS "Immortal Harmonies (Demo 1988)" - Death /Thrash Metal (France) 200 р.

MERCILESS "Realm Of The Dark (Demo 1988)" - Death /Thrash Metal (Sweden) 200 р.

MERRIMACK "Ashes Of Purification" - Black Metal (France) 200 р.

MESHUGGAH "Nothing" - Death /Thrash Metal (Sweden) Pro Tape 200 p. Irond / Nuclear Blast

MEHAFELON / UPHIR "Поглощает Безумие / Только Смерть"- Aggressive Evil Black Metal (Russia) 200 р.

MEHAFELON "Падение В Бездну" - Raw Black Metal (Russia) 200 р.

MEMORIUM "Eons In Slumber (Demo 1993)" - Death Metal (Sweden) 200 р.

MENSCHENTOD "Staub" - Black Metal in the vein of MUTIILATION, VLAD TEPES, ILDJARN.... (Germany) 200 р.

MELANCHOLIE "Verlangen" - Post Black Metal (Netherlands) 200 р.

MELANCHOLIE "Memories so Bleak, Murmuring Winds" - Black Metal(Netherlands) 200 р.

MESTEMA "The Way Of Stupidity (Demo 1991)" - Death Metal (France) 200 р.

METALLICA "No Life `Til Leather (Demo 1982)" - Thrash Metal (USA) 350 p.

METOWER "Lost Empire (Demo 1987)" - Thrash /Heavy Metal (Germany) 200 р.

MISANTHROPIC ART "Dream Of The Dead" - Depressive Metal / Other side of Misanthropic Art's 'craft'. This is the first album (of two) in

'Dark Metal' style. Created back in 2000 a.b. and now finally released after 10 years. Atmosphere of sickest depression and Doom-ish sound will

grow into a tumor inside your brain. Misanthropic Art for misanthropic individuals!! (Russia) 200 р.
MISANTHROPIC ART "Homicides" - Unique hyper-fast-acid-sounding Black Metal, which adumbrate the end of the Earth and humanity.

Nuclear Winter. Depression. Death. Chaos. WAR. Mental Suffering. Lyrics (in russian) for this album wrote such persons from Stavropol as Suicide (Deathmoor), Nobody (SS-18), Defff and Sadist himself. Misanthropic Art for misanthropic individuals!! (Russia) 200 р.
MISANTHROPIC ART "Possessed By Bestiality" - Black Metal (Russia) 200 р.

MISERICORDIA "The Microbiological Revolution" - Techno Death Metal (Russia) 200 р.

MIXOMATOSIS "The Gorelection" - Gore Grind Core (Spain) 200 р.

MIXER "Воллюст & Сервилизм" - Porno Gore Grind Core with Russian lyrics (Belarus) 200 р.

MILITARY JANE "Blackest Paint Colored Brush" - Punk / Hard Core (Russia) 200 р.

MIDWYNTER "Four Seasons Of Frost / Into The Well Of Wyrd" - Black Metal (USA) 200 р.

MISTIGO VARGGOTH DARKESTRA (Varggoth project!) "Midnight Fullmoon" - Pagan /Ambient (Ukraine) 200 р.

MISTIGO VARGGOTH DARKESTRA (Varggoth project!) "Insatible Moon" - Pagan /Ambient (Ukraine) 200 р.

MISTIGO VARGGOTH DARKESTRA (Varggoth project!) "The Key To The Gates Of Apocalypse" - Atmospheric Pagan Metal (Ukraine) 400 p. (Oriana Productions)
MISTIGO VARGGOTH DARKESTRA (Varggoth project!) "The Key To The Gates Of Apocalypse" - Atmospheric Pagan Metal (Ukraine) 400 p. (Slava Productions)

MIND ECLIPSE "In The Light Of Eclipse Coming" - Black Metal (Russia) 200 р.

MISTWEAVER "Chaos Unto Outcasts"-Melodic Death Metal(Russia) 200 р.

MISCREANT "Occult Philosophy" - Occult Orthodox Death Metal (Russia) 200 р.

MISCREANT "Oppressive" - Mystic Death Metal (Russia) 200 р.

MISCREANT "Inside The Beyond" - Satanic Death Metal (Russia) 200 р.

MOONTOWER "Antichrist Supremacy Domain" - Evil Black Metal (Poland) 200 р.

MOONTOWER "Praise The Apocalypse" - Black Metal (Poland) 200 р.

MOONTOWER / TARAN "Devils Incarnation" - Black Metal (Poland) 300 р.
"Tama Ikuinen Talvi" - Atmospheric Fast Pagan /Black Metal (Finland) Pro Tape 200 р.

MOR "Shemhamforash" - Black Metal (Russia) 350 р.

MORGENSTERN "Rausch" - Folk Metal (Germany) Pro Tape 150 p.

M.O.D. "The Rebel You Love to Hate" - Thrash Metal /Crossover (US) Pro Tape 150 p.

MORAST "Dead Out From Graves" - Death /Doom (Luxembourg) 200 p.

MORDICUS "Grown Under Shade Of Sorrow (Demo 1991)" - Death Metal (Finland) 200 p.

MORKER "Den Sista Utfarden" - Atmospheric Black Metal (Sweden) 200 р.

MORBID ANGEL "Thy Kingdom Come (Demo 1987)" - Death Metal (USA) 200 р.

MOONREICH "Zoon Politikon" - The Violent Black Metal (France) МC 400 р.

MORODH / PEOPLE ARE MECHANISMS "Lost In Life" - Depressive Black Metal (Russia) 200 р.

MORBIUS "2-nd Demo 1993" - Death Metal (Singapore) 200 р.

MORTAL WISH "Dez Cranios Humanos Em Vossa Oferenda" - Black Metal (Brazil) 200 р.

MORAL GUTTER "Memento Mori (Demo) (1991)" - Death Metal (Poland) 200 р.

MORBID DEATH (pre-Blaspherion) "Rehearsal (Demo 1990)" - Death Metal (Belgium) 200 р.

MOURNFUL GUST "She's My Grief" - Well Played Doom Metal (Ukraine) 200 р.

M8L8TH "Черным Крылом" - NS Black Metal (Russia) 250 р. (Stellar Winter)

M8L8TH "Черным Крылом" - NS Black Metal (Russia) 250 р. (Winter Solace)
M8L8TH "Непоколебимая Вера" - NS Black Metal (Russia) 500 р.
M8L8TH "Запах Крови & Rehearsal 2003" - NS Black Metal (Russia) 450 р.
M8L8TH "Sturm (live)" - NS Black Metal (Russia) 350 р.
MOLOCH "Чернее Чем Тьма" - Black Metal (Ukraine) 200 р.

MOLOCH "Rotten Threads Of Life (Прогнившие Нити Жизни)" - Black /Ambient (Ukraine) 200 р.

МОР "Лесоморие" - Black Metal (Russia) 300 p. (Zimargla Power productions)
MORBIDITY "Don’t Demands Impossible" - Grind Core (Russia) 200 р.


MOLOCH LETALIS "Arkana Chaosu" - Black Metal (Poland) 200 р.

MONOLIT "Suffering In The Centuries" - Melodic Doom / Death Metal (Russia) 200 р. (B/w cover!)

MONOLIT "Suffering In The Centuries" - Melodic Doom / Death Metal (Russia) 200 р. (Color cover!)

MOONLIGHT "Reveria Under Moonlight" - Ambient (Russia) 200 р.

MORBIT "Incarnated Morbid Perversion (Demo 1993)" - Death Metal (Russia) 200 р.

MORBIT "Morphium" - Progressive Dark Metal (Russia) 200 р.

MORBIT "Morphium (Demo)" - Progressive Dark Metal (Russia) 200 р.

MORBID TENDENCY "…Bleeding Demos…" - Old-School Death Metal (Israel) 200 р.

MORPHAL "Memento! In Pulverem Reerteris…" - Death /Doom /Dark Metal (France) 150 p.

MORTEM "Filicide" - Brutal Death Metal Cult! (Russia) Pro Tape 250 р.

MORTEM "Amputator" - Brutal Death Metal. 1993/2015 (Russia) 200 р.

MORTIFER "If Tomorrow Comes" - Thrash Metal! Cult on Tape!!! (Russia) Pro Tape 250 р.
MORROKK / 1389 "Eternal Hatred" - NS Black Metal (Украина-Bosnia & Herzegovina) 200 р.
MORBID VICTORY "Seven Songs About The Hate" - Atmospheric Symphonic Black Metal (Belarus) 200 р.

MORGAIN "In The Forest Of Weariness" - Pagan Hypnotic Doom Metal (Slovakia) 200 р.

MORGAIN "Sad Memories Of Fairies" - Famous Amazing Slovakian Dark Metal (Slovakia) 200 р.

MORNINGSTAR "Inside The Circle Of Pentagram (Demo 1993)" - Black Metal (Finland) 200 р.

MORTEM OCCUMBERE "Salute Tuae De Domoniis Satanas" - Evil Satanic Black Metal (Russia) 200 р.

MOVIMENTO D'AVANGUARDIA ERMETICO "Alle Frontiere Dell'Anima" - Dark, Cold and Emotional Intense Pagan Black Metal. Including

2 bonus tracks! (Italy) 200 р.

MORBID TALES "Promo Tape (1993)" - Doom Metal (Poland) 200 р.

MORSA "Morsa" - Death Metal (Czech) 200 р.

MORTUUS CAELUM "Ad Libertatem Per Mortem" - Tape version for the new album of this Killer Black Metal Band. Limited to 200 Copies. Artwork on luxurious silver Paper (Greece) 200 р.

MORTIFER "The Rise Of The Archaic Bloodcult" - Black Metal (Netherlands) 200 р.

MORTIFER "Lost Under an Eternal Frozen Sky" - Black Metal (Netherlands) 200 р.
"A Sacrificial Nocturn & Astral Wanderings" - Black Metal (Netherlands) 200 р.
"A Nocturnal Hunt for Celestial Blood" - Black Metal (Netherlands) 200 р.
"Rehearsal Tape 1993" - Death Metal (Poland) 200 р.

MORCROF "Alesh" - Doom / Black Metal with bonus! (Brazil) 200 р.

MORDAEHOTH "De Ontheiliging Van Asten" - Black Metal (Netherlands) 200 р.

MORTUARY "Rejected By Death... (Demo 1989)" - Thrash /Death Metal (France) 200 p.

MORTUARY "Here Wont Be Life Anyway (Demo 1990)" - Death /Thrash Metal (Finland) 200 p.

MOURNING PALACE "Beside The Sculptured Majesty" - Atmospheric Black Metal (Ukraine) 200 р.

MIKTLANTEKUTLY "The Firway" - Black Metal (Russia) 200 р.

MISTELTEIN "Divine, Desecrate, Complete" - Black Metal (Sweden) Pro Tape 150 p.

MYSELF "Even Worse 2003/2004" - NS Black Metal (Belgium) 250 р.
"Split -C.3-" - NS Black Metal (Belgium) 200 р.
"Experiences I" - Black Metal (Belgium) 200 р.
MYSTIC DEATH "Voices Of The Obscure World" - Fast Pagan / Black Metal (Slovakia) 200 р.

MYSTERION NOCTUM "Omen" - Cold Black Metal, like mix of Countess, Blasphemy and Necromantia (Ukraine) 400 р.

MYSTERIOUS ECLIPSE "Death Wings" - War Black / Death Metal (Slovakia) 200 р.

MYSOPHILIA "Priestcraft" - Killer Savage & Chaotic Old School Black Thrash Metal (USA) 200 р.

MYTHOPOEIA "Scheps Ankh, Pesch Mezarepi. Atropopaia. Michani" - Death /Doom Metal (Czech) Pro Tape 200 p.

MYSTICAL FATE "Evernal Storm Nocturn" - Raw Black Metal (Portugal) 200 p.

MYRRDIN "Gods Of Ancient Times" - Occult Black Metal / Ambient (UK) 250 р.

MYTHRIM "Absurditas In Nihilum" - Utterly Violent & Twisted Nihilistic French Black Metal of the most savage kind. Hateful and Misanthropic Black Metal in its truest form (France) 250 p.

MYTHIC "Rehersal Tape 1991" - Death Metal (USA) 200 р.

MYTHIC "The Immortal Realm (Demo 1991)" - Death Metal (USA) 200 р.

MUST MISSA "Sex Beyond The Grave" - Old-School Black Metal (EW) 200 р.

MUTILATED "Resurrected (Demo 1991)" - Death Metal (France) 200 р.

MUTILATION / 9-TH PLAGUE "United In Real Brutality" - Brutal Gore Death Metal в духе Cannibal Corpse / Satanic Death Metal в духе Morbid Angel (Serbia-Sweden) 200 р.

MURDERMASS / MORTIIS DAEMONIUM ''Split'' - Raw & Slow Depressive Black Metal (Italy) 200 р.

MUNRUTHEL "Ориянские Сказанья" - Pagan /Folk Metal (Ukraine) 250 p.
MUNRUTHEL "Явь, Навь И Правь" - Pagan Music (Ukraine) 350 p.
NACHTVORST ‎"Meditations I" - Depressive Black Metal (Netherland) 200 p.

NACHT "Impressions Of The Night" - Atmospheric Depressive Black Metal (Germany) 200 р.
NACHTVRUCHT "Nachtvrucht" - Black Metal(Netherlands) 200 р.

NACHTKRIEGER "L'Apogee Du Pouvoir Blanc" - NS Black Metal (Canada) 200 р.

NACHTMYSTIUM "Reign Of The Malicious" - Black Metal (USA) 200 р.
NADIMAC "Manifest Protiv Sudbine" - Thrash Metal (Serbia) 200 р.
NADIR "The Silent Scream Of Our Souls" - Melodic Black Metal (Italy) 200 p.

NAER MATARON "Skotos Aenaon" - Black Metal (Greece) 350 p.
NAG "Nag" - Crust /Black Metal (Norway) 250 р.
NAPALM DEATH "Fear, Emptiness, Despair" - Grind Core /Death Metal (UK) 200 p. (Velveeta records)

NAMTAR "De Morte" - Dark, Sick and twisted Satanic ritual art. It combines industrial, Old-School Black Metal and Ambient, but with own ceremonial obscure atmosphere. 11 tracks - 80 min. (Germany) 200 р.

NAMTAR / DEAD CHRIST CULT "In Hell… Through Pain… And Death" - Black Metal (Ukraine) 200 р.

NATURAL SPIRIT "Starthrone" - Melodic War Pagan /Folk Metal (Ukraine) 200 р.
NAMELEZZ PROJEKT "Beyond The Nothing" - Black Metal (Brazil) 200 р.
"Diabolous Incarnatus"- Black Metal (Cuba) 200 р.
NACHTMERRIE / NEFTARAKA / HEERSCH / BLACK ABYSS "Unholy Congregation Of Demonical Reign" - Black Metal(Netherlands-Malaysia) 200 р.
"Ferveur Et Vehemence / Daulat Jugra" - NS Black Metal /RAC (Canada-Malaysia) 200 р.

NACHTKRIEGER / JUGRA "Ferveur Et Vehemence / Daulat Jugra" - NS Black Metal /RAC (Canada-Malaysia) Pro Tape 250 р.

NACHTKRIEGER / HYMNORG "Hyperboree / Sifting" - Evil Black Metal (Canada-USA) 200 р.NATIONALISTIC MARSHAL "Nationalistic Pride" - Black Metal / Avant-Garde (Italy) 200 р.

NAHUAL "Massive Onslaught From Hell" - Black Metal (Peru) 200 р.

NAHUAL "Mysteries Of The Cosmic Serpent" - Black Metal (Peru) 200 р.

NACHTMERRIE "De Dood Niet Waardig" - Black Metal (Netherlands) 300 р.
"Hosanna Tibi De Profundis (Demo 1993)" - Death Metal (Slovakia) 200 р.

NARGATHROND "Carnal Lust And Wolfen Hunger" - Melodic Black Metal (Russia) 200 р.

NAVTEPHERET "Deep From The Darkness" - Black Metal (Serbia) 200 р.

NAVROG ''Pogled'' - Unique Atmospheric & Hateful Pagan /Black Metal (Serbia) 200 р.

НАБАТ "Голод" - Radical NS War Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

НАВИ ЭХО / ВЕТРАВОЛ "Стремление, Сопротивление, Единство!" - NS Black Metal (Russia) 300 р.

НАВЬ "Из Нави в Явь" - Black Metal (Russia) 650 p.
НАВЬ "Чертоги Смерти" - Black Metal (Russia) 550 p.
НАВЬ "Гимн Холодному Безмолвию (Demo II 1997)" - Black Metal (Russia) 200 p.
НАСЛЕДИЕ ПРЕДКОВ "Северная Страна" - Melodic NS Metal / White Power (Russia) 200 р.

НА РАСПУТЬЕ / SIEG "Ледяное Пламя Гипербореи" / "Sonnenkreuz" - NS Black / Pagan Metal (Russia) 250 р.

НА РАСПУТЬЕ "Где Землю Хранит Одеяло Снегов... " - NS Pagan Metal (Russia) 250 р.

НА РАСПУТЬЕ "Early Demos (1998 - 2003)" - Aryan Black Metal (Russia) 200 р.

НА РАСПУТЬЕ "Upon The Abyss" - Aryan Black Metal (Russia) 200 р.

НА РАСПУТЬЕ "The Throne Of Immortal Ones / Hammer Of Holocaust" - Aryan Black Metal (Russia) 250 р.

NaziSSexNoise "Facewash Expungance Of Jewish Juice! Manifesto Aryan Sexology! Total Hikikomori!" - Experimental /Abstract /Noise /Sound Collage (USA) 200 р.

НЕБОКРАЙ ''На Рубеже (At The Boundary)'' - Pagan /Black Metal (Russia) 300 р.

NECROSQUATCH ''Demo 2008'' - Brutal Death Metal (US) 200 р.

NOXEN / LUEUR SPECTRALE ''Diary Of A Schizoid'' -Filthy & Alienate Schizoid Noise Ambient /Depressive Drone Dark Ambient (France) 200 р.

NOXEN ''Ogmios'' - Sickened Nekro Dark /Black Metal, a tribute to Ogmious Underground (France) 200 р.

NEBULA VII / ABSTINENTIADIVINORUM "Drugscape" - Ambient / Noise / Drone (Russia) 200 р.

NEBELWALD "War In Marghas" - Old-school Black Metal (Germany) 200 р.

NECROCANNIBALISTIC VOMITORIUM / ASS PROTECTOR "Возьми Меня, Пока Я Не Остыла…" - Porno Grind Core (Ukraine) 200 р.
NEGATIVUM "Old Rehearsals" - Atmospheric Raw Black Metal /Ambient (Mexico) 200 р.
NERLICH "Innards" - Death Metal (Finland) 200 р.
NECROMANTIA "Demo 1993" - Raw Black Metal (Greece) 200 р.

NECROMANTIA "Vampiric Rituals 1990-1992" - Raw Black Metal (Greece) 200 р.

NECROSLAUGHTER "Sacrifice To Satan" - Satanic Death/Thrash Metal, версия виниловой 7"EP + кавер-версия Beherit (DE/PL) 200 р.

NECROPLASMA "X Corona Bestia Vox Noris" - Black Metal (Sweden) 250 р.

NECROPHOBIC "Unholy Prophecies (Demo 1991)" - Death Metal (Sweden) 200 р.

NECROMENTAL "I" - Cold Ritual Occult Ambient (Russia) 200 р. (b/w cover!)

NECROPTIC "Meticulous Pathology" - Brutal Death Metal (Denmark) 200 р.

NECROTIC MUTATION "Advanced Tape (Demo 1992)" - Death Metal (Canada) 200 р.

NEBELKRIEGER "Asaland" - Pagan /Back Metal (Germany) 200 р.

NEBULA DISRUPT "Libations Of Omnipotence" - Melodic Black Metal (South Africa) 250 р.

NECROST "Necrost" - A Mixture of Brutal & Melodic Techno Death Metal (Russia) Pro Tape 150 р.

NEKROKULT "Desecration Of Blood" - Black /Thrash Metal (Brazil) 250 р.
NESSERIA "Fractures" - Black /Death Metal (France) 250 р.

NEGLECTED FIELDS "Mephisto Lettonica" - Techno Death Metal (Latvia) 200 р.

NEOLITH "Immortal" - Death /Black Metal (Poland) 200 р.

NEOTRUTH "Short Infinity" - Death /Doom Metal with keyboards (Russia) Pro Tape 150 p.

NEKROMORPHINE "Senseless Ecstasy" - Experimental And Strange Dark Black with Ambient, Psychedelic and “avant-garde” Parts… Tape

version of this Album limited to 100 Copies. Artwork on special luxurious gold Paper (Portugal) 200 р.

NEKRON "Border Of Light And Darkness" - Atmospheric Black Metal / Dark Ambient. The music sounds enough gloomy and primitive but has great combination of guitars and wonderful atmospheric keyboard sounds. All staff is wrapped in powerful evil growling and misanthropy. It creates weird atmosphere of uncompromised misanthropy, austereness followed by old motives of ancient spirits and paganism inside nature. The black metal maniacs who appreciate old-school sound of 90-s will definitely find this album authentical. The 51 minute music of oblivion and solitude takes its place on a tape version. (Poland) 200 р.

NEKRON "Diadre" - The debut release of Black Metal Misanthropic one-man project. This is one of the releases which is created in classical underground. In uncompromised way it takes us in times when obscure gloomy climate going from deep inside of black hearts dominated on recordings of Burzum maniacs from „Hvis Lyset Tar Oss” albums or „Filosofem”. All 37 minutes are occupied by Atmospheric Black Metal and specific dark ambient. (Poland) 200 р.

NOIA "Pure Scorn" - Black Metal with Punk/Hardcore Influences (Italy) 200 р.

NO RAZA "Misantropía" - Death Metal (Colombia) 250 р.
NOKTURNAL MORTUM "Lunar Poetry" - Pagan /Folk Metal (Ukraine) Pro Tape 350 p. (MetalAgen)

NOKTURNAL MORTUM "Goat Horns" - Pagan /Folk Metal (Ukraine) 200 p. (MetalAgen)

NOKTURNAL MORTUM "Returne Of The Vampire Lord" / LUCIFUGUM "Path Of The Wolf" - BM (Ukraine) Pro Tape 200 p. (MetalAgen)

NOKTURNAL MORTUM "Goat Horns" - Pagan /Folk Metal (Ukraine) 400 p. (Oriana Productions)
NOKTURNAL MORTUM "Lunar Poetry" - Pagan /Folk Metal (Ukraine) 350 p. (Oriana Productions)
NOKTURNAL MORTUM "To The Gates Of Blasphemous Fire" - Pagan /Folk Metal (Ukraine) 850 р. (Oriana Productions)
NOKTURNAL MORTUM "Нехристь" - Pagan /Folk Metal (Ukraine) 500 p. (Oriana Productions)
NOKTURNAL MORTUM "Return of The Vampire Lord / Marble Moon"- Pagan /Folk Metal (Ukraine) 350 p. (Oriana Productions)
NOKTURNE "Kruely Kampaign" - War & Filled with Hate Black Metal. This the thrid album of Nokturne (USA) 300 р.
NOKTURNE "Embracer Of Dark Ages" - Hateful, Taking No Fucking Prisioners. Simply die you worthless human scum! (USA) 300 р.
NORTHAUND / VINTERRIKET "Split Tape" - Dark Ambient (Norway- Germany) 200 р.


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