School Иллюзия (glamer); Level бард 4, чародей/волшебник 4, ведьма 4

Duration 1 minute/level

Испытания Воля negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions burst (эманация)

When cast, a wordspell with this effect word makes any objects or creatures designated by the caster within the area невидимость so long as they remain in the area and do not attack or otherwise take offensive actions. All possessions carried by the creatures remain невидимость as long as they remain in the area, so an arrow Огняd from a bow would become visible when it leaves the area.

Boost: The target does not become visible if it attacks or takes an offensive action. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 2.



Words from this Семьи destroy life and создание нежити abominations.



School Некромантия [Зла]; Level жрец 2, чародей/волшебник 3

Duration instantaneous

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions selected

This effect word can only target the corpses of мертв creatures. These creatures rise as either skeletons or zombies, as decided by the caster. These нежить follow the caster’s приказs to the best of their limited ability. They remain нежить creatures until destroyed. The caster can create at most 2 Кости Здоровья worth of нежить per caster level with each casting of a wordspell with this effect word. The caster can control no more than 4 КЗ per caster level of нежить creatures. If additional нежить are created, the caster chooses which нежить to lose control of to get back under the limit.



School Некромантия; Level жрец 4, друид 5, инквизитор 5, паладин 4

Duration 1 minute/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect word receives a +4 священный бонус on saves against all Смерти spells and Магии Смерти effects. The subject cannot gain any negative levels while the wordspell with this effect word persists, but any existing before this wordspell is cast remain. The subject automatically первая помощьs if brought below 0 пункты здоровья and is not slain.



School Некромантия [Зла]; Level маг 4, чародей/волшебник 4, ведьма 4

Duration 1 hour/level

Испытания Стойкость negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect word takes 1d4 temporary negative levels. If these negative levels cause the subject to die, it rises as a ghost 1d4 Дняs later unless buried in освящениеd ground.

Boost: The negative levels from a wordspell with this effect word are permanent. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 5.



School Некромантия [Смерти, Зла]; Level жрец 6, друид 7, чародей/волшебник 6, ведьма 6

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Стойкость partial; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect word takes 10 points of damage per caster level, to a maximum of 150 points of damage. If the save is successful, the target instead takes

3d6 points of damage + 1 per caster level (maximum +15). A wordspell with this effect word only affects living creatures.


Разрушения WORDS

These words cause катастроф when they are uttered, сломать ing and destroying all they encounter.


DAMAGE (Разрушения)

School Разрушение; Level бард 3, жрец 3, чародей/волшебник 2

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Воля negates (object); Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selected

This effect word causes one object within range to lose half of its maximum пункты здоровья and gains the сломан condition. This item can weigh no more than 10 pounds per caster level. Магии items gain a +4 bonus on the испытания to resist this effect + their Без черты bonus. Items in another creature’s possession use the save of the creature or the item, whichever is better. Artifacts are not affected by this word.


RUMBLE (Разрушения)

School Разрушение [Земли]; Level жрец 8, друид 8

Duration 1 round

Испытания see text; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions burst (эманация)

This effect word causes the ground within the area to shake and rumble, like an землетрясение. Each creature in the area must make a Реакция save or be knocked распластан and take 8d6 points of damage. If the creature makes its save, it takes half damage and is not knocked распластан. Пещер, cliffs, tunnels, and other natural surfaces collapse in this area, triggering a landslide and possibly burying creatures underneath. Structures take 100 points of damage from this effect, typically enough to cause wooden and masonry buildings to collapse, but not stone or reinforced masonry buildings. See page 429 of the Core Rulebook for more information on landslides and collapses.


КАТАСТРОФ (Разрушения)

School Разрушение [Воздуха]; Level жрец 9, друид 9, ведьма 9

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания see text; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions burst (эманация)

This effect word causes heavy Облаковs to form in the sky above the area of wordspell with this effect word. The area is pelted by heavy rain and hail, obscuring видение and making ranged attacks impossible. Melee attacks take a 20% miss chance. Creatures in the area take 4d6 points of damage from pounding hail at the start of their turn. In addition, the caster can call down a bolt ofСветаning once per turn that deals 1d6 points of электричество damage per caster level. The caster can split this bolt to hit as many targets as she likes and can divide the damage dЛьда up among the targets as she sees fit. The targets receive a Реакция save to halve the damage. Targets that fail are also knocked распластан by the force of the blast. The ground in the area of a wordspell with this effect word is considered difficult terrain for the duration, but not for the caster.



Detection words are used to learn things that simple observation cannot. They reveal secrets and uncover hidden things. Detection words are special in that they can be combined with other words from the Detection group in the same wordspell. Detection words cannot be combined with any other group’s effect words within the same wordspell.



School прорицание; Level бард 0, жрец 0, друид 0, инквизитор 0,

маг 0, чародей/волшебник 0, призыватель 0, ведьма 0

Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D)

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions cone

A wordspell with this effect word detects аура магииs. By concentrating each round, the caster can determine the number and location of each aura in the target area. He can make a Знание (магия) skill check to determine the school of each aura (one check per aura, the СЛ of this check is 15 + the круг заклинания or 15 + 1/2 the caster level for a nonspell effect). If the aura radiates from a Магии item, the caster can attempt to опознание the item’s properties as if using обнаружение магии (see Колдовство). If the aura emanates from a spell of 7th level or higher, or is a nonspell effect with a caster level of 12th or higher, the caster knows that the aura is strong, even if the Знание check to опознание the school is unsuccessful.



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