School Воплощение (призывание); Level жрец 9, друид 9, чародей/волшебник 9, призыватель 6, ведьма 9

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions selected

This effect word functions as servitor I except that it summons one creature from Table 10–1 in the Core Rulebook from the 9th-level list. If a wordspell with this effect word is cast by a друид, it instead summons a creature from Table 10–2 in the Core Rulebook from the 9th-level list. If the target word is boosted, a wordspell with this effect word summons 1d4+1 of the chosen creatures.



Телепортацияation words transport the targets to other places, or even other planes of existence.



School Воплощение (телепортацияation); Level бард 3, маг 3, чародей/волшебник 3, призыватель 3, ведьма 3

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selected

A wordspell with this effect word телепортацияs willing targets to another location within line of sight of the wordcaster and within range of the wordspell.



School Воплощение (телепортацияation); Level маг 5, чародей/ волшебник 5, призыватель 5, ведьма 5

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selected

A wordspell with this effect word телепортацияs willing targets to another location on the same plane of existence. The wordcaster must be one of the targets of a wordspell with this effect word and the destination must be a place he has visited in the past.




School Воплощение (телепортацияation); Level жрец 5, чародей/ волшебник 7, ведьма 7

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selected

A wordspell with this effect word телепортацияs willing targets to another plane of existence. The caster must be one of the targets of a wordspell with this effect word. The wordcaster cannot precisely control the destination, except for specifying the plane and having the targets arrive within 5–500 miles of the intended location.



School Воплощение (телепортацияation); Level жрец 8, чародей/ волшебник 9

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions burst (эманация)

A wordspell with this effect word creates a gateway between the wordcaster’s current plane and another plane of existence. While this gate is open, creatures, spells, effects, and objects from either plane can freely pass between the planes through the gateway, which takes the form of an archway dividing the эманация in half. The wordcaster cannot control the destination on the other plane and the target воля arrive within 5–500 miles of the intended location.



Spells containing time words alter the f low of time, быстроеing it up or замедлениеing it down.



School Превращение; Level друид 1, следопыт 1

Duration 1 hour/level

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions personal

The target of a wordspell with this effect word has its base land быстрое increased by 10 feet for the duration of this effect word.



School Превращение; Level алхимик 1, бард 1, инквизитор 1, маг 1, чародей/волшебник 1, призыватель 1

Duration 1 minute/level

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions personal

The target of a wordspell with this effect word has its base land быстрое increased by 30 feet for the duration of this effect word.



School Превращение; Level алхимик 2, бард 2, маг 2, чародей/волшебник 2, призыватель 2

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect word can take one additional move action each turn. This move action can come before, after, or between other actions, but not during a full- round action.

Boost: If the target takes a full-attack action, it can, instead of taking an extra move action, make one additional attack at its highest бонус атаки.



School Превращение; Level бард 2, маг 2, чародей/волшебник 2, призыватель 2

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Воля negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect word is ошеломление for this effect word’s duration. The target is allowed a new испытания against this effect word at the end of each of its turns; a successful save ends the duration of this effect word.

Boost: The target of a wordspell with this effect word does not receive any additional испытания to end the effect. If the target fails the first испытания, it is ошеломление for the entire duration.



School прорицание; Level жрец 2, ведьма 2

Duration instantaneous

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions personal

The target of a wordspell with this effect word is cast (maximum once per round) can look into the future of one particular action that воля happen within the next hour and determine whether or not it is likely to have Добра or bad results. This prediction is not guaranteed; there is only a 70% chance of receiving an accurate prediction + 1% per caster level. If this check fails, the results are incorrect. The only information the target receives is “weal” for a Добра outcome, “woe” for a bad outcome, or both for outcomes that are both Добра and bad, or that are or neutral in regard to the caster. Additional castings concerning the same course of action always reveal the same results.



School Превращение; Level алхимик 4, бард 4, маг 4, чародей/волшебник 4, призыватель 4

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selected

The target of a wordspell with this effect word takes either a основное действие and a move action or a действие полного хода immediately after a wordspell with this effect word is cast (maximum once per round). The target skips its next turn, but any effects that would occur on its turn or spell effects that would expire on its turn occur Без чертыly. The target is not беспомощьность on its next turn, but can take no actions.

Boost: Instead of losing its next turn, the target of a wordspell with this effect word is ошеломление on its next turn.



School Превращение; Level чародей/волшебник 9

Duration instantaneous

Испытания Воля negates (повреждениеless); Устойчивость к магии yes (повреждениеless)

Target Restrictions selected

Time around the target of a wordspell with this effect word comes to a halt, allowing the target to take 1d4 основное действиеs before time resumes.

All other creatures and objects are immune to the target during these additional actions.

Other creatures cannot even be targeted while time is stopped in this way. The target can cast spells and use items on his person at the time of the casting as Без черты.



Wall words create large barriers that impede and повреждение those who pass through them.



School Разрушение [Воздуха]; Level жрец 3, друид 3, маг 3, следопыт 3, чародей/волшебник 3, призыватель 3

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions barrier

This effect word creates a vertical wall of swirling Ветра. This Ветра does not obscure sight, but missile weapons that pass through the wall automatically miss (with the exception of large missiles, such as giant-thrown rocks and siege weapons). Creatures that pass through the wall treat it as difficult terrain and must make a СЛ 10 Сила check. Failure indicates that the creature cannot pass through the wall this round, but may try again in future rounds. Gases, gaseous губительное дыханиеs, and creatures in газообразность cannot pass through the wall.



School Разрушение [Огня]; Level друид 4, маг 4, чародей/ волшебник 4, призыватель 4

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Реакция half; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions barrier

This effect word creates a vertical wall of crackling flame. Creatures in the space of the wall when it forms or that attempt to pass through the wall take 2d6 points of Огня damage + 1 point of Огня damage per level of the wordcaster (maximum +20). A Реакция save halves this damage. The wall blocks line of sight.



School Разрушение [cold]; Level друид 4, маг 4, чародей/ волшебник 4, призыватель 4

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions barrier

This effect word creates a vertical wall of solid Льда. The wall must be a smooth, uninterrupted surface when formed. The wall is 1 inch thick per caster level and has 3 пункты здоровья per inch of thickness. The wall blocks line of sight.



School Воплощение (creation); Level жрец 5, друид 6, маг 5, чародей/волшебник 5, призыватель 5

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions barrier

This effect word creates a vertical wall of solid stone.

The wall must be a smooth, uninterrupted surface when formed. The wall is 1 inch thick per caster level, has hardness 8, and has 15 пункты здоровья per inch of thickness.

The wall blocks line of sight.



School Воплощение (creation); Level жрец 6, призыватель 5

Duration 1 round/level

Испытания Реакция half; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions barrier

This effect word creates a vertical wall of whirling blades that deals 1d6 points of damage per level to any creature that comes in contact with it. If a creature is in the area of the wall when it forms, that creature can make a Реакция save to avoid the damage entirely. Creatures that pass through the wall can make a Реакция save to halve the damage.

Regardless of the outcome of their roll, they still move through the wall. This wall provides cover to creatures on the other side, but does not block line of sight.



Words from the Погоды Семьи control the forces of nature, призывание Ветра, rain, and snow.



School Воплощение (creation); Level жрец 1, друид 1, чародей/ волшебник 1, ведьма 1

Duration 1 minute/level (D)

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions barrier, burst (эманация)

This effect word creates a thick fog in its area of effect. It obscures all sight, including ночное зрение, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have concealment, whereas creatures farther away have total concealment. A moderate Ветра or Огня effect removes the fog in the affected area. The fog is stationary.

Boost: If a wordspell with this effect word uses the burst target word, it can be directed to move up to 10 feet each round by the caster as a быстрое действие.



School Разрушение [Воздуха]; Level друид 2, чародей/волшебник 3

Duration 1 round

Испытания Стойкость negates; Устойчивость к магии yes

Target Restrictions line

This effect word creates a blast of Воздуха that can стук over or hinder those in its path. When a wordspell with this effect word is cast, any Large or smaller creature within the area of the wordspell must make a Стойкость save or be knocked распластан and pushed back 10 feet. Any creature wishing to move through the line of Воздуха must make a СЛ 20 Сила check.

Failure means the creature wastes 5 feet of movement, but is otherwise unhindered and can continue to move (so long as it does not move through the line of Воздуха). The СЛ increases to 30 if the creature attempts to move toward the source of the Ветра. Полетing creatures take a –4 penalty on saves and Сила checks made against this effect.



School Воплощение (creation); Level друид 3, маг 3, чародей/ волшебник 3, ведьма 3

Duration 1 round/level (D)

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions burst (эманация)

This effect word causes heavy snow to fall in the area of effect. This provides concealment as the fog bank effect word, but it cannot be removed by Ветра. In addition, the ground in the area of effect is treated as difficult terrain for the duration and as being very slippery for the purposes of Акробатика and Лазание skill checks.

Boost: Each creature in the area of effect takes 2d6 points of cold damage each round at the end of its turn. Boosting this effect word increases its level by 1.



School Превращение; Level жрец 7, друид 7, чародей/волшебник 7, ведьма 7

Duration 1 hour/level (D)

Испытания none; Устойчивость к магии no

Target Restrictions personal

A word spell with this effect word grants the target the ability to alter the Погоды around it in a 1-mile radius. The target can change the conditions by shifting the Погоды one step at a time up or down a scale of Погоды effects. The scale is as follows: freezing cold, blizzard, snow, cold rain, cold Ветра, calm, Войныm Ветра, Войныm rain, thunderstorm, tornado, extreme heat. Each change takes 10 minutes to fully take effect. Thus if the Погоды currently чертаures Войныm Ветра and the caster wanted to change that to cold Ветра, she would need to first change the Погоды to calm, and then to cold Ветра. The target cannot control the specifics of the Погоды, merely what type of Погоды is occurring (the target cannot, for example, make Светаning strike a house, but it can cause Светаing to strike within the area).

Boost: Each change in the Погоды takes only 5 minutes.



Ранящее words afflict the target with cuts and bruises, causing pain and tearing at its flesh.



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