The reasons I enjoy holidays ...

1. I can wear casual clothes. →

2. I can watch TV when I want. →

3. I can see my friends. →

4. I can travel abroad. →

5. I can stay up late. →

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Я умею переводить такие тексты. 2. Как вы думаете, когда вы сможете опубликовать эту книгу? 3. Я никогда не умел переводить такие статьи. 4. После лечения он смог вернуться на работу. 5. Я не могу много работать последнее время. 6. Это платье было слишком дорогое. Я не могла его купить. 7. Я вчера плохо себя чувствовал. Я не мог ничего есть. 8. Никто меня не беспокоил, поэтому я смог быстро написать письмо. 9. Почему ты вчера остался дома? Ты мог бы пойти в кино. 10. Кажется, я не смогу сдать экзамен. 11. Я мог поехать в Китай отдыхать в прошлом году. (missed opportunity) 12. Я бы хотел уметь говорить по-английски бегло. 13. Мы, бывало, могли проводить все лето в


Exercise 9. All of these sentences can be used to ask for permission. Rewrite each

one using ‘ can’.

1. Do you mind if I open this window a little?... Can I open this window just a little?


2. I’d like to ask you just one more question............................................................

3. Is it all right if I give you a ring some time later?................................................

4. Is it okay if we go swimming?............................................................................

5. Do you mind if I sit down?.................................................................................

6. I’d like an ice-cream please...............................................................................

7. Do you think I could go home now?.................................................................

8. I wonder if I could come back later..................................................................

Exercise 10. Change these statements into polite questions, using could. (Request)

1. I want to have another cup of coffee.→ Could I have another cup of coffee, please?

2. Give me a cigarette.

3. Tell me when the train leaves.

4. We want to have a table near the window.

5. I want to have a ticket to London.

6. I want to go home early today.

Exercise 11. Rewrite these sentences asking for permission, starting with the phrases given.

1. I’d like to have a little more time./ I wonder if.. I could have a little more time.

2. Can I start now?/ Do you think...........................................................................

3. Can I listen to the radio while you’re working?/ Do you mind if.......................

4. May I come in now?/ Is it all right if.................................................................

5. I’d like to speak next./ Do you think.................................................................

Exercise 12. Rewrite these sentences giving permission, starting with the words given.

1. You’re allowed to do whatever you want./ You can... do whatever you want...

2. It’s all right to have visitors after three o’clock. / You’re allowed to..................

3. You may all go home as soon as you’ve finished work. /You can all................

4. I don’t mind you coming back late as long as you don’t make too much noise./You can......

5. With this banker’s card you can cash a cheque for up to £250. / With this card you are allowed to....................................................................

6. I’ll let you use my pen until I need it myself. /You can....................................

Exercise 13. In which of these sentences is it possible to use can? Write Yes or No.

1. The butterfly....... be recognised by the orange streaks on its wings.

2. ‘She’s probably on holiday.’ ‘Yes, you...... be right.’

3. Peter....... have a big screwdriver. I’ll go and ask him.

4. Infections....... sometimes actually be made worse by taking antibiotics.

5. Moving to a new job...... be a very stressful experience.

6. I think Michael........ enjoy himself if he joins the football club.

7. This 17th century of interest to you.

8. The seeds from this plant....... be up to 20 centimetres long.

9. With the factory closing next week, he..... lose his job.

10. Around this time of year, eagles....... sometimes be seen in the mountains.

Exercise 14. Fill in the gaps with could (not) or was/were (not) allowed to, as in the example.

1. The children.... weren’t allowed the late film last night. They had to go to bed at half past eight.

2........................ I use your pen for a minute, please?

3. When I was fourteen, I........... stay out until ten o’clock. I had to be home by 9:30.

4. The policeman informed us that we.................park the car outside the French Embassy.

5. The head teacher told the students that they.................. bring their skateboards to school any more.

6. When Derek lived in his own flat, he................ come and go whenever he wanted.

7. I...................... stay at my friend’s house at the weekend and we had a great time.

8. When we were young, we................... play outside until ten o’clock during the school holidays.

Exercise 15. Translate the following sentences into English. (can, could, to be able to)

1. Они не хотели продавать дом, но мы сумели убедить их сделать это. 2. Она

умела довольно хорошо играть на пианино. 3. Я видел горы через окно (Через окно мне были видны горы). 4. Я живо помню, как мама рассказывала мне страшные истории о ее школьных годах. 5. Это химическое вещество может быть использовано как невидимые чернила. 6. В любом случае конкуренты фирмы имели бы возможность продавать более дешевую мебель. 7. Настоящий успех заключается только в том, чтобы иметь возможность жить так, как ты хочешь. 8. Нужно уметь отличать ценности от всякой ерунды. 9. Нужно уметь оценить продавца.10. Имея возможность выбора, мы чувствуем на себе меньше давления. 11. Утром он, без сомнения, все сможет объяснить. 12. Мы можем завтра пойти в кино.

Exercise 16. Read this passage and complete the sentences below.

In Britain you are not allowed to leave school or to get married until you are at least sixteen years old. You cannot drive a car until you are seventeen, and you cannot drive a taxi until you are twenty-one. You are allowed to vote at the age of eighteen.

1. When you are sixteen you can... leave school...and you can also................ but you are not allowed to................ until you are eighteen.

2. You are allowed to......................when you are seventeen, but you can’t................until you are twenty-one.

3. You the age of seventeen and you the age of eighteen.

4. It seems silly that you are allowed to.................................when you are only sixteen, but you’re not allowed to...................................... until you are seventeen.

5. I think you should be allowed to...............a year earlier, when you are seventeen.

6. If you the age of seventeen, I don’t see why you shouldn’t be allowed to...............................................



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