Информация о местах обитания животных и схемах миграции поступает из двух источников: Государственного предприятия «Охотзоопром» и Охотничьего управления Кустубе, управляемого Региональной инспекцией лесного хозяйства и дикой природы Комитета по лесному хозяйству и охране дикой природы Министерства сельского хозяйства. Информация регулярно собирается лесниками в соответствии со стандартными методиками и записывается на особых карточках, которые отправляются в контролирующий орган.
Контолирующий Орган подтвердил 25 апреля 2016 года, что лесниками не сообщалось о местах обитания или массовых миграционных коридорах вдоль дороги редких и исчезающих парнокопытных. К начальнику инспекции отдела дикой природы была отправлена просьба подтвердить, что ситуация с указанной выше даты осталась неизменной и проверить, что находящиеся под угрозой исчезновения парнокопытные не обитают в этом районе и не будут мигрировать через дорогу.
Известно, что парнокопытные не могут использовать подземные переходы для крупного рогатого скота и требуют расположения переходов над дорогой в местах без дорожных ограждений, где они могут видеть противоположную сторону дороги. Остальные животные с легкосью перейдут через большие сетчатые ограждения, преходы для крупного рогатого скота и достаточно широкие дренажные трубы (в среднем одна труба расположена на каждом 1,5 км дороги).
В последующем, еще раз связавшись с охотничьим отделом, было подтверждено, что в этом районе нет видов, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения или краснокнижных животных, и лесники регулярно обновляют данные и следят за миграцией парнокопытных.. МЕХАНИЗМ ПОДАЧИ И РАССМОТРЕНИЯ ЖАЛОБ
Общественные жалобы в Казахстане регулируются Законом «О порядке рассмотрения запросов от физических и юридических лиц». Закон предписывает следующее:
¡ Жалобы обязаны быть приняты, зарегестрированы и рассмотрены.Отклонение жалоб противоречит закону
¡ Когда полученная жалоба не подпадает под ответственность получающего органа, она должна быть перенаправлена в соответствующий орган не позднее, чем через 3 рабочих дня с момента ее получения. Лицо, зарегистрировавшее жалобу, должно быть соответствующим образом проинформировано.
¡ Жалобы, которые не требуют какой-либо дополнительной информации или посещения места проведения работ, должны быть рассмотрены в течение 15 календарных дней; при требовании наличия дополнительной информации или посещения места проведения работ, жалоба должна быть рассмотрена и разрешена в течение 30 календарных дней.
¡ После урегулирования всех вопросов жалобы, соответствующий орган обязан сообщить результаты рассмотрения, лицу зарегистрировавшему жалобу.
¡ Анонимные жалобы и те, где не ясно изложен вопрос, не рассматриваются. Жалоба должна включать имя, должность и имя лица, на действия которого подется жалоба, ее мотивы и требования.
Местные власти (областные и местные акиматы) имеют установленный, соответствующий закону механизм рассмотрения жалоб. Несмотря на то, что документы, касаемые процедуры подачи жалоб, не предоставлены в письменной форме, этот механизм используется в течение очень долгого времени, и жители хорошо с ним знакомы.
Процесс рассмотрения жалобы обычно следует принципу «снизу вверх», сначала жители регистрируют жалобу у местных властей. Жалоба может быть подана в письменной форме по почте или устно по телефону (вся соответствующая информация, например, имена, должности, номера телефонов и адреса доступны в режиме онлайн и на информационных щитах в офисах местных органов власти). Сообщается, что почтовые ящики доступны во всех офисах. Также сообщалось о том, что для местных жителей характерно распространять жалобы через средства массовой информации, например в местные газеты или телевидение.
Также можно задать вопрос на сайтах местных органов власти:
Здесь можно просматривать вопросы и ответы других пользователей.
Имеется информация о том, что местным органом власти характерно получать большое количество жалоб в связи с местной культурой и менталитетом, это указывает на тот факт, что привозникновении в период строительства каких-либо проблем, местные жители будут знать, как зарегистрировать жалобы, предложения или задавать вопросы.
В настоящее время для Проекта не предусмотрен План взаимодействия с заинтересованными сторонами (СЭП) для сообщения о будущих мероприятиях по привлечению внимания или публикации соответствующей информации для заинтересованных сторон. The system within the regional, district and local authorities seems to be working well with clearly identified and designated roles and responsibilities in all relevant institutions. The process follows a bottom-up approach where local authorities have the responsibility to organise meetings and public hearings and to reach out to affected stakeholders in the area. In case they need information related to the land registry their officials approach the district or regional level authorities to request the necessary data.
A SEP has been prepared specifically for this project to incorporate the principles and practices already in place with the EBRD requirements and provide for a systemic consultation process following the different stages of the Project. The full details of future engagement are provided in the SEP. This will include the ability to log anonymous compliants and grievance mechanism specifc to this project.
4.4 Implementation Progress of Previous ESAPs
A review has been undertaken of the previous ESAPs that were developed for the two sections of road that have previously been financed by the EBRD which are part of the Centre - South corridor comprising the 62 km Burybaytal-Aksuek road section and the 81 km Kurty-Burybaytal road section. The aim was to assess the the progress of ESAP implementation, to understand the E&S performance and practices of the previous projects and the capacity of JSC KazhAutoZhol to manage these, including contractor management arrangements. A summary of the Annual Environmental and Social Reports (AESRs) submitted to EBRD that include the ESAP implementation progress is provided in Table 5 below.
Table 5 – Review of Reporting to EBRD
Topic | 81 km Kurty-Burybaytal Road section | 62 km Burybaytal-Aksuek Road | |
Date / Period | 12.03.2017 / Reporting period 2017 | 12.03.2017 / Reporting period 2017 | |
General | There are no new E&S and gender issues, no accidents /incidents, no penalties / fines, no exceedances of limits and no court cases | ||
Human Resources Management | There have been no collective dismissals or any planned, no changes to the representation / collective agreement, no worker grievances and no strikes | ||
Health and Safety | Training is being provided, internal inspections are being carried out (although external inspections have not yet been carried out, as the project is at an initial stage of implementation) and there have been no accidents. A medical aid post with equipment, medicines and personnel will be established for both projects | ||
Stakeholder Engagement | The Contractor has been presented to the local authorities. No changes to the SEP. A report on the comparative analysis of environmental and social impact assessment for the Kurty-Burylbaytal road project was released to the public during the reporting period. | The Contractor has been presented to the local authorities. No changes to the SEP. A summary of the report Environmental Impact Assessments for the Burybaytal-Aksuek road project was released to the public during the reporting period. | |
Specific Conditions | 15 temporary land parcel used for quarries and camp site for each project. There is an RAF/LRF and /or RAP/LRP. Employment of the local community is being provided | ||
ESAP Review | Summary of ESAP action implementation progress as follows: Exceeding Target (ET): 0 Achieved Target (AT): 0 On Target (OT): 30 Minor Delay (MD): 0 Significant Delay (SD): 0 Not Applicable yet (NA): 0 Not defined: 13 | Summary of ESAP action implementation progress as follows: Exceeding Target (ET): 0 Achieved Target (AT): 4 On Target (OT): 40 Minor Delay (MD): 0 Significant Delay (SD): 0 Not Applicable yet (NA): 0 Not defined: 1 | |
Good progress has been made on the ESAP implementation based on the information reported. Most of the actions (30 out of 43) are recorded as “On Target” with a number of actions (13 out of 43) without the implementation status recorded.
For those actions reported as on target with information provided, a summary is provided below:
¡ For the project to incorporate the ESAP and prepare annual monitoring reports - The ESAP has been issued with the contract to the contractor (Action No 1.1)
¡ For organisation roles and responsibilities - A branch of KazAutoZhol, the Construction Directorate has been established to manage the loans and to perform the function of PIU. Contracts have been signed with a Construction Supervision Consultant (CSC) - Joint Venture IRD Engineering S.r.l (Italy) and "CS Consultants" LLP (Kazakhstan) which was signed on the 24th August 2017. A contract was signed with the Contractor Sinohydro Corporation Limited (China) on the 11th July 2017 (Action 1.2)
¡ For capacity building programmes – The PIU periodically consults with the CSC and the Contractors on the implementation of the project in accordance with the requirements of the EBRD policy and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. After full mobilisation, it is planned to provide training on the implementation of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) (Action 1.3)
¡ For the development of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) aligned to ISO 14001 – The EMS is in the process of consideration and approval (Action 1.4)
¡ For labour and social policies incorporated into contractual arrangements - The ESAP is included in the agreement with the Contractor with certain items stipulated in the Contract (Action 1.5)
¡ For the requirement to obtain permits - The Contractor is engaged in the process of obtaining permits for the quarries. There is a delay due to the specially protected status of the land (Zhusandalinskaya Nature Reserve). They are also in the process of obtaining permit documentation for the production base of the Contractor (Action 1.6)
¡ For monthly inspection of contractors’ occupational health and safety (OHS) performance - Implementation is planned from the construction period (Action 1.7)
¡ For the set up and maintaince of an EHS incident reporting procedure – The reporting procedure for Contractors and CSC to submit information on EHS and H&S incidents on a monthly basis is completed (Action 1.8)
¡ For the provision of training - For appropriate staffing levels to manage the environmental, health and safety and social performance of the Project, the PIU has employed the following specialists: Environmental and Social Issues Expert; Safety Specialist (H&S); and an Engineer. The CSC has an expert on social and environmental issues. The contractor is at the stage for mobilisation (Action 1.9)
¡ For the development and adoption of a Human Resource Policy - This is specified in the Employment Contract and the Technical Specification (Action 2.1)
¡ For employment of local residents taking into account gender policy - The contractors will employ personnel from adjacent localities in accordance with qualification requirements (Action 2.2)
¡ For applications from the local residents in their language(s) and the set up and maintaince of a formal grievance mechanism - The PIU has a grievance mechanism. Replies and consultations are in the language of their issuance (Action 2.4)
¡ For the tender process for the construction works - As part of the tendering process, all the requirements of EHS and H&S are included in the Contract documents (Action 2.6)
¡ For the provision of maps to show settlements, dwellings etc – A map of the road has been provided and the contractor and the CSC will determine the locations for monitoring and then engage a specialised laboratory for monitoring (Action 3.3)
For those actions without the implementation status but with information provided, a summary is provided below:
¡ For the SEP is being implemented – This has been done. There is no land required permanently. The environmental and social specialist periodically provides consultations directly with stakeholders (Action 5.1)
¡ For Chance finds’ reporting and archaeological assessment - Reported as under permanent control (Action 8.3)
¡ For the disclosure of the NTS - This has been done (Action 10.2)
¡ For the appointment of a CLO - The PIU has an expert on environmental and social issues. The CSC has an expert on social and environmental issues (Action 10.4)
¡ For the disclosure of the ESIA, ESIA supplements, SEP, NTS and the ESAP – This has been done (Action 10.5)
The remaining actions are with or without the implementation status but with no information, simply reported as “in progress”.
Similarly good progress has been made on the ESAP implementation for this road section based on the information reported. There are a few actions (4 out of 45) that are recorded as “Achieved Target”, with most of the actions (40 out of 45) recorded as “On Target” with one action (1 out of 45) without the implementation status recorded.
For those actions reported as achieved target with information provided, a summary is provided below:
¡ For labour and social policies incorporated into contractual arrangements - The ESAP is included in the agreement with the Contractor with certain items stipulated in the Contract (Action 1.5)
¡ For the disclosure of the NTS - This has been done (Action 10.2)
¡ For the appointment of a CLO - The PIU has an expert on environmental and social issues. The CSC has an expert on social and environmental issues (Action 10.4)
¡ For the disclosure of the ESIA, ESIA supplements, SEP, NTS and the ESAP – This has been done (Action 10.5)
The same information has been provided on these same actions for the other road section which were recorded without an implementation status.
For those actions reported as on target with information provided, a summary is provided below:
¡ For the project to incorporate the ESAP and prepare annual monitoring reports - The ESAP has been issued with the contract to the contractor (Action No 1.1)
¡ For organisation roles and responsibilities - A branch of KazAutoZhol, the Construction Directorate has been established to manage the loans and to perform the function of PIU. Contracts have been signed with Construction Supervision Consultant (CSC) - IRD Engineering S.r.l (Italy) and "CS Consultants" LLP (Kazakhstan) which was signed on the 22nd January 2018. A contract was signed with the Contractor, Joint Venture “Todini & SMS” (Italy/Kazkhstan) on the 30th November 2017 (Action 1.2)
¡ For capacity building programmes – The PIU periodically consults with the CSC and the Contractors on the implementation of the project in accordance with the requirements of the Bank's policy and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. After full mobilisation, it is planned to provide training on the implementation of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) (Action 1.3)
¡ For the development of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) aligned to ISO 14001 – The EMP is in the process of consideration and approval (Action 1.4)
¡ For labour and social policies incorporated into contractual arrangements - The ESAP is included in the agreement with the Contractor with certain items stipulated in the Contract (Action 1.5)
¡ For the requirement to obtain permits - The Contractor is engaged in the process of obtaining permits for the quarries. There is a delay due to the specially protected status of the land (Zhusandalinskaya Nature Reserve). They are also in the process of obtaining permit documentation for the production base of the Contractor (Action 1.6)
¡ For monthly inspection of contractors’ occupational health and safety (OHS) performance - Implementation is planned from the construction period (Action 1.7)
¡ For the set up and maintaince of an EHS incident reporting procedure – The reporting procedure for Contractors and CSC to submit information on EHS and H&S incidents on a monthly basis is completed (Action 1.8)
¡ For the provision of training - For appropriate staffing levels to manage the environmental, health and safety and social performance of the Project, the PIU has employed the following specialists: Environmental and Social Issues Expert; Safety Specialist (H&S); and an Engineer. The CSC has an expert on social and environmental issues. The contractor is at the stage for mobilisation (Action 1.9)
¡ For the development and adoption of a Human Resource Policy - This is specified in the Employment Contract and the Technical Specification (Action 2.1)
¡ For employment of local residents taking into account gender policy - The contractors will employ personnel from adjacent localities in accordance with qualification requirements (Action 2.2)
¡ For constructors’ labour accommodation strategy and principles and code of conduct - The main requirements and tasks are written in the technical specifications of the contract documentation (Action 2.3)
¡ For applications from the local residents in their language(s) and the set up and maintaince of a formal grievance mechanism - The PIU has a grievance mechanism. Replies and consultations are in the language of their issuance (Action 2.4)
¡ For human resources management policies and plans for non-employees and the supply chain – All the requirements of EHS and H&S are included in the Contract documents (Action 2.6)
¡ For Chance finds’ reporting and archaeological assessment - Reported as under permanent control (Action 8.3)
¡ For the SEP is being developed and implemented – Reported as under permanent control (Action 10.3), similar to Action 5.1.
For the action without the implementation status but with information provided, a summary is provided below:
¡ For the SEP is being implemented – This has been done. There is no land required permanently. The specialist on environmental and social periodically provides consultations directly with stakeholders (Action 5.1)
From the review of the reporting of the implementation of the actions, the progress made to date is considered reasonable, on the basis of the project stage at the time of reporting. Although in some cases insufficient information or no information has been provided to make a clear judgement of progress against some of the actions. However, as the contruction has started for both road sections now, it is therefore recommended that a independent monitoring assessment is carried out for both road sections during this construction stage to verify the information provided to date, to evaluate and update the status of the ESAP implementation and to assess the management of EHS risks and controls through an inspection of the road construction and interviews with key personel with regard to EHS management.
5 environmental, heath, safety and social analysis
5.1 Environmental, Health, Safety and Social Impacts
The information provided in this chapter is based on observations during the visit to the existing road and interviews with key stakeholders. In addition further findings are presented in Chapter 6 of the gap analysis of the EIA.
It is not clear yet how materials will be safety stored (both hazardous and non-hazardous) and it is recommended that containment measures are introduced for the storage of materials.
Work camps and construction pads will have storage areas for waste. It was reported that there is a landfill between the road section and Almaty but it is not clear if this is a licenced site. It has been recommended that licensed facilities for disposal of construction waste and other waste streams including hazardous waste should be identified. WATER USE AND WASTEWATER
The following water sources for technical water have been identified: Kapchagai reservoir, Ile canal and Kurty river. Potable drinking water will be supplied by the water pipeline network of the nearby villages including Kapchagai town, Kurty village, Akshi village.
Balkash-Alakol Basin Inspectorate approved the EIA for the project on the 17.05.2017, subject a number of conditions, including:
¡ Compliance with environmental protection actions designed within the project
¡ Having all relevant permits in place;
¡ Keeping the area clean and tidy; and
¡ Avoiding storing hazardous materials and/or waste, washing cars where it poses danger to surface and ground waters.
Water consumption for the construction period was declared at 464857.1981m3, however, it is not clear how this will be monitored. OTHER ISSUES
Other impacts relating to air quality and noise are not considered to be significant issues due to the lack of settlements along the route and the low traffic volumes. However a number of recommendations are provided on the basis that there is no baseline data and there a few farms that are located near to the road, in particular Farm 4 which will be 50m from the road junction. Other farms or residents in close proximity to the road include a residential area in Kapshagai where a realigned section will mean that the road is closer, Farm 3, Farm 4, Farm 5, Farm Brigada 9 and Farm 11.
For the full list of environmental topics assessed against the information provided in the EIA, refer the Chapter 6.
The team was unable to examine any health and safety (H&S) issues related to the construction, as the works have not started yet. From our experience of other road constructions in Kazakhstan, health and safety standards often require strengthening. Areas will include the use of adequate PPE, provision of adequate welfare facilities (i.e. bathrooms, kitchens), duration for breaks/resting periods and working hours in compliance with national legislation and international best practice.
Health and safety measures will be the sole responsibility of the construction companies. A number of recommendations have been provided in the ESAP that include inspection programmes of H&S performance, incident reporting procedures, occupational H&S Plans and an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan.
Community health and safety will need to be addressed through recommendations that include the development of Construction Environmental Management Plans (inclusive of Traffic Management Plans).
The safe crossing of herds during the construction period should be addressed with the use of temporary crossing points designated and publicised as such for the construction phase.
The ESAP will inform the tender documents that need to be prepared for the construction companies and will constitute a legal requirement in the contract.
5.1.4 SOCIAL
The Project is unlikely to result in significant long-term adverse social or gender impacts. The site visit confirmed that the impacts on social issues can be identified and mitigated through the ESAP. The majority of the impacts will be related to the construction (i.e. noise, dust, increased construction traffic, influx of workers) and will not continue during the operation phase of the road. The construction related impacts may have a slightly more significant impact on vulnerable groups who by virtue of age, gender, physical and mental wellbeing may experience the impacts differently and by the fact that some of the isolated settlements are located near to the road. See section below on vulnerable groups.
The section financed by EBRD starts in Kapshagai Town and ends at the Kurty junction, near to Kurty Village. At present it is not known where the worker camp will be located as it was reported that it will be up to the contractor to select the location. A key factor on location will be ability to connect to utilities, although it was suggested that it could be somewhere in the middle of the reconstruction road (near to Brigada 9 or Sulusay where the power is available) and that there could be up to 500 workers. There may be more than one camp. Another may be located in Kurty due to considerably higher work load at the junction.
The influx of these workers could pose a significant impact on the local population. The management of the labour camp and its vicinity is of crucial importance to avoid any unnecessary stress on the population. The ESAP will recommend a Labour Accommodation Management Plan and a Code of Conduct for the workers to be developed and implemented prior to any construction activities start. In addition, public consultation should be carried out to reach agreement on use of local services and socio-economic and health baseline data should be obtained. It is likely, though, that certain business opportunities will be created by the workers’ camp and the Project will attract residents from nearby settlements to provide food and other services to the workers. See section below on Gender Impacts.
The road itself will facilitate safer and quicker transport of goods and services both on a national and international level and will support the local farmers in getting their produce to the markets in bigger cities more efficiently. Although in some cases where the farmers will join the road will have increased slightly in distance. However, a review of the access off ramps in relation to farms indicates that that this has been considered in the road design and consultations have taken place on this subject. It is understood that the new road will not result in an increased number of public transport vehicles or more frequent services in the area in the immediate future; however, it will greatly improve transport safety.
Republic of Kazakhstan adopted two gender laws in 2009:
¡ "Law on State Guarantees of Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities for Men and Women", dated December 8, 2009, No. 223-IV ZRK, and
¡ "Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence", dated 4 December 2009, Law No. 214.
Additional relevant documents developed in Kazakhstan include:
¡ Kazakhstan's gender policy; and
¡ Concept of Family and Gender Policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2030 and its implementation plan. These documents are aimed at promotion of women to the decision-making level.
There are certain limitations to women’s employment according the Government Regulation No. 1220 dated 28th October 2011. Jobs restricted to women under this Government Regulation include mining, metalwork, factories and jobs deemed hazardous, however, women are permitted to work the same night hours as men. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan guarantees the equal opportunities both for men and women in the employment process and wage rates. Labour Code Article 22.1.15 prescribes “equal payment for equal labour without any discrimination”.
As the project is unlikely to cause significant social impacts, the gender impacts of the project are also minimal. The key issues identified are related to the workers’ accommodation and its impacts on local communities and neighbouring settlements. It is recommended that a code of conduct is prepared and implemented for workers settlement in order to prevent the possible impact, including potential harassment, anti-social behaviour or other criminal activities.
In Kazakhstan, the land is usually registered in the name of the husband, which is confirmed by the fact that women are not identified as affected landowners. It is therefore unlikely that they will benefit from the compensation packages provided for the landowners. There is no physical relocation foreseen and the 30 m right of way acquired for the new lanes does not have a significant impact on livelihoods and the availability of pasture land in the area.
There are limited business and employment opportunities in the area especially for women. It is recommended that women employment opportunities on the Project and the related infrastructure are supported. This includes non-traditional positions such as engineers, machine operators and any other positions where qualified women could apply. In case of significant number of resident female workers and employees, the workers’ camps should allow for separate facilities for men and women to avoid any unwanted contact or attention. Qualified women are likely to be available to fill positions such as medical professional or service and maintenance providers in the area of the camps. The engagement of local women and men in employment is encouraged and this is included in the ESAP.