An introduction to banking

Welcome to “An introduction to banking”. What do we mean by the term banking? We all associate banking with banks, of course, so let’s start there. The English word bank has 13th – century origins in both German and Italian. When you hear the word bank you generally think of money. Right? But actually, the word bank is derived from the Italian word banca, which is evolved from a German meaning bench. What has banking got to do with benches? Well, in the past Italian moneylenders used a bench or table in a large open area to conduct their business. So the word originally referred to the place where money-lending transactions occurred. Today the word bank refers to the institution which carries out banking services. It also refers to a building where banking services are provided.


2. Translate the following words:

the financial structure, the payment agent, to borrow money, the economic conditions.


Преподаватель   Заикина Е.М.

Министерство образования Тверской области

ГБП ОУ «Тверской химико-технологический колледж»


Рассмотрено ЦК дисциплин общеобразовательного цикла Протокол № ___ от «___»_____ 201__ г.   Председатель ЦК __________ С.Д. Никита Вид промежуточной аттестации Дифференцированный зачет УТВЕРЖДАЮ   Зам. руководителя по УР   __________ И.Н. Горло   «___»_____ 201__ г.
По учебной дисциплине (междисциплинарному курсу) ОГСЭ.03. Английский язык
Специальность 38.02.07 Банковское дело базовой подготовки
Группа 2ЭС-24/17



1. Read and translate the text.


An introduction to banking

The word originally referred to the place where money-lending transactions occurred.

Today the word bank refers to the institution which carries out banking services. It also refers to a building where banking services are provided. That is, the offices or buildings in which a bank is located. It can also be a verb: we can say “Who do you do bank with?”

Incidentally the English term bankrupt is used to describe a person who has gone out of business because they could not meet all their liabilities. This term comes from the expression banca rotta, meaning a physically broken bank.

The English word cash, debtor, creditor, ledger, and the symbol for English currency, pounds and pence, all originate from the 13th century, too.


2. Translate the following words:

to borrow money, to keep the money safe, an interest of 10%, to use money to make money.



Преподаватель   Заикина Е.М.

Министерство образования Тверской области

ГБП ОУ «Тверской химико-технологический колледж»


Рассмотрено ЦК дисциплин общеобразовательного цикла Протокол № ___ от «___»_____ 201__ г.   Председатель ЦК __________ С.Д. Никита Вид промежуточной аттестации Дифференцированный зачет УТВЕРЖДАЮ   Зам. руководителя по УР   __________ И.Н. Горло   «___»_____ 201__ г.
По учебной дисциплине (междисциплинарному курсу) ОГСЭ.03. Английский язык
Специальность 38.02.07 Банковское дело базовой подготовки
Группа 2ЭС-24/17




1. Read and translate the text.

Definition of a bank

We agree that banking is about money. But finance is also about money. Does this mean that banking and finance are the same? Not really. Banks are financial institution, but so are insurance companies and investment companies. Some financial institutions provide banking services, but they cannot be defined as a bank. Why not? Because they do not fulfill the legal definition of a bank. In Britain, all financial institutions, are controlled by the Financial Services Authority, or FSA. There is a government-licensed institution. It is established under a government charter. A banking license gives the right to conduct banking services, particularly services related to the storing, or keeping of deposits, and the extending, or offering of credit. Banks provide almost all payment services, and a bank account is considered necessary by most business, individuals and governments.

2. Translate the following words:

to conduct banking services, to borrow money, the banking license, an interest of 10%.



Преподаватель   Заикина Е.М.

Министерство образования Тверской области

ГБП ОУ «Тверской химико-технологический колледж»


Рассмотрено ЦК дисциплин общеобразовательного цикла Протокол № ___ от «___»_____ 201__ г.   Председатель ЦК __________ С.Д. Никита Вид промежуточной аттестации Дифференцированный зачет УТВЕРЖДАЮ   Зам. руководителя по УР   __________ И.Н. Горло   «___»_____ 201__ г.
По учебной дисциплине (междисциплинарному курсу) ОГСЭ.03. Английский язык
Специальность 38.02.07 Банковское дело базовой подготовки
Группа 2ЭС-24/17




1. Read and translate the text.

A current account

A current account keeps your money save. When you need cash or want to buy something or to pay a bill, you can write a cheque in payment. The name of a payee is written on the first line after the word “PAY”. If you want to withdraw money from the bank just write “CASH” or “SELF”.

Your cheque is personal to you, because it is printed with your name and account number on the right of the cheque. Account management is free of charge. You can make withdrawal from your account at any time. The transfer is carried out at current account rates of exchange.


2. Translate the following words:

free of charge, to keep the money save, the retail banks, to conduct banking services, to pay a bill


Преподаватель   Заикина Е.М.


Министерство образования Тверской области

ГБП ОУ «Тверской химико-технологический колледж»


Рассмотрено ЦК дисциплин общеобразовательного цикла Протокол № ___ от «___»_____ 201__ г.   Председатель ЦК __________ С.Д. Никита Вид промежуточной аттестации Дифференцированный зачет УТВЕРЖДАЮ   Зам. руководителя по УР   __________ И.Н. Горло   «___»_____ 201__ г.
По учебной дисциплине (междисциплинарному курсу) ОГСЭ.03. Английский язык
Специальность 38.02.07 Банковское дело базовой подготовки
Группа 2ЭС-24/17




1. Read and translate the text.

Both wholesale and retail banks provide the three essential functions of deposits, payments and credits, which are the basis of their services. Wholesale banks, which include merchant banks, provide large-scale services to companies, government agencies and other banks. Retail banks, on the other hand, mainly provide smaller-scale services to the general public. These banks include the trading or commercial banks, and savings banks.

The main government-controlled bank in a country, the central bank, fixes the main interest rates, issues currency, supervises commercial banks and tries to control foreign exchange. In the US, banks are under the jurisdiction of the central bank of The United States – The Federal Reserve Bank. In the United Kingdom the central bank is The Bank of England.


2. Translate the following words:

to deal in financial instruments, demand and time deposits, the wholesale banks


Преподаватель   Заикина Е.М.


Министерство образования Тверской области

ГБП ОУ «Тверской химико-технологический колледж»


Рассмотрено ЦК дисциплин общеобразовательного цикла Протокол № ___ от «___»_____ 201__ г.   Председатель ЦК __________ С.Д. Никита Вид промежуточной аттестации Дифференцированный зачет УТВЕРЖДАЮ   Зам. руководителя по УР   __________ И.Н. Горло   «___»_____ 201__ г.
По учебной дисциплине (междисциплинарному курсу) ОГСЭ.03. Английский язык
Специальность 38.02.07 Банковское дело базовой подготовки
Группа 2ЭС-24/17




1. Read and translate the text.

The main government-controlled bank in a country, the central bank, fixes the main interest rates, issues currency, supervises commercial banks and tries to control foreign exchange.

The term bank is generally understood as an institution that holds a banking license. Banking licenses are granted by bank regulatory authorities and provide rights to conduct the most fundamental banking services such as accepting deposits and making loans. Banks generate income through charging interest on loans and charging transactions fees on their financial services.

In the US, banks are under the jurisdiction of the central bank of The United States – The Federal Reserve Bank. In the United Kingdom the central bank is The Bank of England.



2. Translate the following words:

the banking license, demand and time deposits, The Federal Reserve Bank, to issue bank notes.


Преподаватель   Заикина Е.М.

Министерство образования Тверской области

ГБП ОУ «Тверской химико-технологический колледж»


Рассмотрено ЦК дисциплин общеобразовательного цикла Протокол № ___ от «___»_____ 201__ г.   Председатель ЦК __________ С.Д. Никита Вид промежуточной аттестации Дифференцированный зачет УТВЕРЖДАЮ   Зам. руководителя по УР   __________ И.Н. Горло   «___»_____ 201__ г.
По учебной дисциплине (междисциплинарному курсу) ОГСЭ.03. Английский язык
Специальность 38.02.07 Банковское дело базовой подготовки
Группа 2ЭС-24/17




1. Read and translate the text.

The main government-controlled bank in a country, the central bank, fixes the main interest rates, issues currency, supervises commercial banks and tries to control foreign exchange.

In the US, banks are under the jurisdiction of the central bank of The United States – The Federal Reserve Bank. In the United Kingdom the central bank is The Bank of England. Banks generate income through charging interest on loans and charging transactions fees on their financial services.

Banks can be categorized into wholesale banks, retail banks and central banks. It’s a bit more complicated than that in reality, but those are the main categories. Both wholesale and retail banks provide the three essential functions of deposits, payments and credits, which are the basis of their services.


2. Translate the following words:

the banking license, demand and time deposits, to hold a banking license, to issue bank notes.



Преподаватель   Заикина Е.М.



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