They may deal in financial instruments such as share certificates, certificates of deposit, and bills of exchange. A financial instrument is a legal document. It shows that money has been lent or borrowed, invested or passed from one account from another.
These services include most or all of the following: accepting demand and time deposits and paying interest on them, making loans, and charging interest on them, investing in securities, issuing bank drafts and cheques, drafts and notes.
Banks also provide other banking services including deposit facilities, leases, mortgages, credit cards, ATM networks, securities brokerage, investment banking, mutual pension funds, and so on.
2. Translate the following words:
the national legislation, to provide banking services, to invest in securities, drafts and notes.
Преподаватель | Заикина Е.М. |
Министерство образования Тверской области
ГБП ОУ «Тверской химико-технологический колледж»
Рассмотрено ЦК дисциплин общеобразовательного цикла Протокол № ___ от «___»_____ 201__ г. Председатель ЦК __________ С.Д. Никита | Вид промежуточной аттестации | Дифференцированный зачет | УТВЕРЖДАЮ Зам. руководителя по УР __________ И.Н. Горло «___»_____ 201__ г. |
По учебной дисциплине (междисциплинарному курсу) | ОГСЭ.03. Английский язык | ||
Специальность | 38.02.07 Банковское дело базовой подготовки | ||
Группа | 2ЭС-24/17 |
1. Read and translate the text.
Roles and functions of the banks.
Banking can be defined, therefore, as the management of financial instruments and money, in the form of time deposits, securities, bank drafts, cheques, etc., within the context of specific national legislation.
The roles and functions of the banks have evolved and changed over the years. Today, the variety of services that a bank offers depends on the type of bank, and the country. They may deal in financial instruments such as share certificates, certificates of deposit, and bills of exchange. The essential function of a bank is to provide services relating to the storing and management of money for its customers. These services include most or all of the following: accepting demand and time deposits and paying interest on them, making loans, and charging interest on them, investing in securities, issuing bank drafts and cheques, drafts and notes.
2. Translate the following words:
to provide banking services, to pay interests, legal document, certificate of deposit.
Преподаватель | Заикина Е.М. |
Министерство образования Тверской области
ГБП ОУ «Тверской химико-технологический колледж»
Рассмотрено ЦК дисциплин общеобразовательного цикла Протокол № ___ от «___»_____ 201__ г. Председатель ЦК __________ С.Д. Никита | Вид промежуточной аттестации | Дифференцированный зачет | УТВЕРЖДАЮ Зам. руководителя по УР __________ И.Н. Горло «___»_____ 201__ г. |
По учебной дисциплине (междисциплинарному курсу) | ОГСЭ.03. Английский язык | ||
Специальность | 38.02.07 Банковское дело базовой подготовки | ||
Группа | 2ЭС-24/17 |
1. Read and translate the text.
Roles and functions of the banks
Banking can be defined, therefore, as the management of financial instruments and money, in the form of time deposits, securities, bank drafts, cheques, etc., within the context of specific national legislation.
A financial instrument is a legal document. It shows that money has been lent or borrowed, invested or passed from one account from another.
The essential function of a bank is to provide services relating to the storing and management of money for its customers. These services include most or all of the following: accepting demand and time deposits and paying interest on them, making loans, and charging interest on them, investing in securities, issuing bank drafts and cheques, drafts and notes.
2. Translate the following words:
to borrow money, to keep the money safe, an interest of 20%, certificate of deposit.
Преподаватель | Заикина Е.М. |
Министерство образования Тверской области
ГБП ОУ «Тверской химико-технологический колледж»
Рассмотрено ЦК дисциплин общеобразовательного цикла Протокол № ___ от «___»_____ 201__ г. Председатель ЦК __________ С.Д. Никита | Вид промежуточной аттестации | Дифференцированный зачет | УТВЕРЖДАЮ Зам. руководителя по УР __________ И.Н. Горло «___»_____ 201__ г. |
По учебной дисциплине (междисциплинарному курсу) | ОГСЭ.03. Английский язык | ||
Специальность | 38.02.07 Банковское дело базовой подготовки | ||
Группа | 2ЭС-24/17 |
1. Read and translate the text.
A bank is a financial institution whose primary activity is act as a payment agent for customers to borrow and lend. Banks act as payment agents by conducting checking or current accounts for customers, paying cheques drawn by customers on the bank, and collecting cheques deposited to customers’ current accounts. Banks also enable customer payment via other payment methods such as telegraphic transfer..
Banks borrow money by accepting funds deposited on current account, accepting term deposits and by issuing debt securities such as banknotes and bonds. Banks lend money by making advances to customers on current account, by making installment loans, and by investing in marketable debt securities and other forms of lending.
2. Translate the following words:
the financial structure, the payment agent, to borrow money, the economic conditions.
Преподаватель | Заикина Е.М. |
Министерство образования Тверской области
ГБП ОУ «Тверской химико-технологический колледж»
Рассмотрено ЦК дисциплин общеобразовательного цикла Протокол № ___ от «___»_____ 201__ г. Председатель ЦК __________ С.Д. Никита | Вид промежуточной аттестации | Дифференцированный зачет | УТВЕРЖДАЮ Зам. руководителя по УР __________ И.Н. Горло «___»_____ 201__ г. |
По учебной дисциплине (междисциплинарному курсу) | ОГСЭ.03. Английский язык | ||
Специальность | 38.02.07 Банковское дело базовой подготовки | ||
Группа | 2ЭС-24/17 |
1. Read and translate the text.
Banks borrow money by accepting funds deposited on current account, accepting term deposits and by issuing debt securities such as banknotes and bonds. Banks lend money by making advances to customers on current account, by making installment loans, and by investing in marketable debt securities and other forms of lending.
Banks provide almost all payment services, and a bank account is considered necessary by most business, individuals and governments. Non-banks that provide payment services such as remittance companies are not normally considered as adequate substitute for having a bank account. The English word cash, debtor, creditor, ledger, and the symbol for English currency, pounds and pence, all originate from the 13th century.
2. Translate the following words:
the bank account, to provide payment services, to borrow money, the economic conditions.
Преподаватель | Заикина Е.М. |
Министерство образования Тверской области
ГБП ОУ «Тверской химико-технологический колледж»
Рассмотрено ЦК дисциплин общеобразовательного цикла Протокол № ___ от «___»_____ 201__ г. Председатель ЦК __________ С.Д. Никита | Вид промежуточной аттестации | Дифференцированный зачет | УТВЕРЖДАЮ Зам. руководителя по УР __________ И.Н. Горло «___»_____ 201__ г. |
По учебной дисциплине (междисциплинарному курсу) | ОГСЭ.03. Английский язык | ||
Специальность | 38.02.07 Банковское дело базовой подготовки | ||
Группа | 2ЭС-24/17 |
1. Read and translate the text.