Exercise V. Fill in the gaps with the given words. Translate the text.

Lesson 4. Future Gadgets

Exercise 1. Следующие слова и словосочетания следует знать.

Complications – осложнения, проблемы, затруднения

basics – основы, основные положения

tool - инструмент

to run – запускать, работать

latter – последний (из перечисляемых)

to disrupt - прерывать

to submit (data) – пересылать, доставлять (о данных)

to be flat/dead (battery) – разрядиться (об аккумуляторе)

faulty - неисправный

to upload – загружать (на веб-страничку, в интернет)

to download – закачать (на компьютер)


3D = three-dimensional

PDA = Personal Digital Assistant


Exercise 2. Найдите в словаре и выучите перевод следующих глаголов:


to switch on – to switch out,

to put in – to put out,

to plug in — to plug out,

to turn on – to turn down


Exercise 3. Проверьте, знаете ли вы три формы следующих неправильных глаголов (irregular verbs).

To take, to lose, to run, to understand, to see, to fall, to think, to be, to know, to send, to choose, to buy, to write, to find, to sell, learn, to make, to eat, to give, to tell, to stick, to get, to give, to have, to do, to bring.

Computers are the future whether we like it or not. Some people dislike computers, because of the complications it takes to understand the basics. Computers are not exactly the easiest tools to work with, but they are the future.

Future cars will all be run by computer. You will talk to a car and it will take you to your destination. Telephones are technically computerized. You will communicate to a person on the telephone and see him/her over the screen. Also television is computerized. Soon we will have true three dimensional television.

If people don't know much about computers, they will be lost in the future. Computers will fall into careers and our everyday life more rapidly then you think. But it is about the future. What is nowadays with the gadgets?

There are a lot of gadgets in our present life such as tablet PC, laptops and netbooks, PDA, e-book readers, game-consoles and so on. What are they used for? And by whom?

Cell phones are designed to increase our mobility and improve the way of transferring data. They are the most popular among adults. There are two most common non-voice functions to take pictures and to send text messaging.

Most PC may be divided into three groups such as desktop computers, laptops and netbooks. The teenagers prefer netbooks, while desktop computers and laptops are chosen by the adults.

MP3 player is like an iPod. The younger owners of the latter listen to the music. This music is downloaded by them from the Internet or composed with the help of the a special computer program.

An e-book readers are often bought by our parents. The stories is displayed on such devices like an ordinary book.

Tablet computers such as the iPad are usually taken by the students. They choose it because of the reliable operation, long-lasting batteries and large screen.


Answer the following questions:


1. What is this text about?

2. What gadgets are discussed in the text?

3. What are the main functions of the cell phones according the text? What is about you?

4. Does MP3 player have the same options as an iPod has?

5. Do you use any e-book?

6. What is about your gadgets?

7. What is about possible future gadgets?


Vocabulary Exercises

Exercise I. Is it True or False? Исправьте предложение, если оно содержит ошибку.

1. As computers get more advanced, the demand for a better computer gets greater.

2. Mobile ringing and beeping can't disrupt the conversation or lesson.

3. PC is smaller, less expensive, and easier to use than other classes of computers, such as supercomputers, mainframe computers, and workstations.

4. Many people work at home and communicate with fellow workers via their PCs in a practice known as telecommunications.

5. Walkmans, discmans and CD-players are almost different devices.

Exercise II. Translate the sentences into Russian. Запишите незнакомые вам слова с переводом в ваш словарь (vocabulary).


1. Computers are found in practically every household today.

2. By the password he is given an access to Internet.

3. A new PC is designed by this IT-company.

4. It is used by a single person.

5. Foreign correspondents compose their stories on portable PC and then these stories are electronically submitted from remote locations.

Exercise III. Compose (составьте) the sentences with the passive voice.

Example: this device – to repair – we. - This device is repaired by us.

1. new computer games – to buy – he.

2. this movie – to download – she.

3. the mobile phone's battery – to charge – they.

4. the paper in the printer – to stick.

5. the incoming call – to miss.

6. the access to the Internet – to give – the providers.

7. the flash memory card – to plug in.



Exercise IV. Get ready to discuss the following questions:

1. How often do you use the Internet?

2. What are your favourite websites?

3. Would you like to have your own website?

4. Do you have your own computer? What do you do on your computer?

5. Do you think there should be restrictions (ограничения) on what is published on the Internet? Why?

6. Do you think computers are necessary for modern day life?

7. Are there any problems with using computers too much?

Exercise V. Fill in the gaps with the given words. Translate the text.

in, set, on (2), press, charge, out


First of all, you need to plug it 1 __ in __ and press this button to switch it 2 _____. Then you need to 3 _____ the time. If you have any messages, you 4 _____ this button to listen to them. Before you use it for the rest time, 5 _____ the battery for about twelve hours. Then you put the game 6 _____ here and follow the instructions on the screen. Don’t forget to switch it 7_____ if you’re not using it.



Exercise VI. Guess the name of a gadget!


1. You have to plug it in.

2. You charge the battery using a charger.

3. You press a button to turn the volume up or down.

4. You select from the menu.

5. It can record messages.

Exercise VII. Look through the advertisements for three portable multimedia players. Answer the given questions and compare your answers with your partner.

Which has the biggest memory?

Which is the lightest?

Which two have longer lasting batteries?

Which has the best features?

Which is the most expensive? Why?

Which is the best to buy? Why?

Which has more features than others?

A Memory 8GB, battery 40 hours, guarantee 2 years, counter, 15$
B Memory 20GB, battery 48 hours, guarantee 1 year, big keyboard, 21 $
C Memory 14GB, battery 18 hours, guarantee 2 years, colour screen, remote control, 17$

Exercise VIII. You know, that CD means Compact Disc, and GB means gigabyte. Which do the following abbreviation mean?Use a dictinary.


SMS, DVD, iPod, MB, e-mail, www, MP3,3D (computer graphics), 3G (Internet), PDA, ATM, HDD, iPad.

Exercise IX. Translate the statements. Then use them discussing the electronic devices that you have at home (for example, TV-set, computer, mobile phone, MP3).


1. My mobile phone is good, his smartphone is better, but Susan's one is the best.

2. The batteries in their phones last longer than the battery in mine.

3. My mobile phone is cheaper than his smartphone and Susan's one is the most expensive.

4. Her phone is worse, but the Jean's is worse, and John's is the worst. It doesn't work at all.

5. This computer is cheaper than that laptop, but it is more expensive than our netbook.


Exercise X. Translate the sentences.


1. I have got the iPod Nano. Which model do you want?

2. This mobile phone has got a video-recorder.

3. When you buy two of the same product, you get a discount.

4. You have to wait in the queue to pay.

5. If it's faulty, you can take it to any shop in your country to replace it.

6. This netbook has two-year guarantee and we repair it free of charge.

7. We sell many brand name products at reasonable prices.

8. They have several electronic gadgets at home.

9. It it doesn't work, you can get a refund.


Exercise XI. Complete the following conversation, translate it and then compose your own.

1. Okay, suit yourself. Bye.

2. Oh, I see. Here is the cheapest model we have.

3. How about this one? Only 35$

4. Yes, sure. Any particular brand?

5. Well, it's play music.

Customer: I would like to one of those new iPod, please.

Sales assistant: ______________________________

Customer: No really, just one that isn't too expensive.

Sales assistant: ______________________________

Customer: Can you tell me something about it?

Sales assistant: ______________________________

Customer: Actually, I wanted something a bit better that that.

Sales assistant: ______________________________

Customer: Oh no, that's far too much. Maybe, I will leave it for a while.

Sales assistant: ______________________________

Exercise XII. Tick the facts about your knowledge of the different new technology items. Compare your answers with your classmates' ones.

· use a computer

· plug in a printer

· install a program

· charge batteries

· download music from the web

· log onto the internet

· send e-mail messages

· copy file on a DVD

· store addresses on mobile phones

· send SMS messages

· change ink cartridges

· cope images from phone to computer

· cope images from the internet

· find missed calls

· download programs from internet

· know what an mp3 is


Exercise XIII. Put the verb into the brackets in the form of the Past Simple Tense. Translate the letter of complain.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Last month I ____ (to buy) a new DVD player which your assistant ___ (to tell) me ___ (to be) the best on the market and excellent value for money. But when I __ (to bring) it home and ____ (to plug) it in, it ___ (not to work). When I ___ (to take) it back to your shop, your assistant ___ (to tell) me that there ___ (to be) no guarantee with that model and there ___ (to be) nothing he could ___ (to do). I feel angry with this situation and I would like an explanation.

I believe that it is your responsibility to refund me money or to replace me faulty DVD player with a new one. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Mike Nicolas

to refund money – возвращать деньги

to look forward to hearing from you – с нетерпением жду ответа от Вас

Exercise XIV. Decide which statement is True or False.

1. DVD player can cost as many as an iPod.

2. A hard drive is bigger than flash memory card.

3. A computer keyboard is easier to use than a netbook.

4. A netbook is smaller than a laptop.

5. The most expensive gadget is not always the best.

Exercise XV. Which electronic items might have (могли бы испытывать) the following problems?

· it doesn't start when you switch on

· the sound from the speakers isn't very good

· the battery is flat/dead

· the volume control doesn't work

· the screen/monitor is not clear

· the keyboard is very stuff

· the hard drive crashes a lot

Exercise XVI. Match the computer problem with its solution.

  Problem   Troubleshooting Solution
  The mouse doesn't move the cursor on the screen. A There is a software problem. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete then End the task to close the program. Then try to move the cursor.
  When you type something, there is nothing on the screen. B Check the keyboard cable is connected to the computer.
  You delete a file by mistake. C The flash memory card may be full of information. There is no empty space.
  A message saying “System Error” appears on the screen. D Double-click the recycle bin icon. Select the file. Click on Menu and then click restore.
  The printer doesn't print the document. E There is no paper or the paper is stuck. Check the paper and then the connection.
  The cursor suddenly stops moving. F Check that the mouse is connected properly.
  You can't save anything on the flash memory card G Turn off the computer and then turn it on again. If it still doesn't work, install the program all over again.


Exercise XVII. Translate into English.


1. Его компьютер имеет дополнительную клавиатуру, два динамика и оптическую мышь.

2. Кто использует смартфон для списывания (cheating)?

3. В театрах, музеях и на лекциях запрещено использовать мобильные телефоны.

4. В прошлый раз она загрузила новые свои фотографии на свою странице в соцсети.

5. Он не умеет пользоваться нетбуком.

6. Гаджеты — это технические приспособления для совершенно разных целей

7. Они считают планшеты лучшими друзьями студентов.

8. Разные гаджеты такие, как часы и телефоны, док-станции и микрофоны, проекторы и миниатюрные роботы, облегчают жизнь человека.

9. Гаджеты — лучшие устройства для развлечения и общения.

10. В прошлом году она проводила до 5 часов в день у компьютера.

11. Вчера он купил себе уникальные беспроводные наушники. Они работают 18 часов без подзарядки.

12. Эти умные часы будут заряжаться от тепла вашего тела.


Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Open the brackets and put the verb to be into the correct tense form. Translate the sentences.

1. My question (to be) answered yesterday.

2. His new book (to be) finished next year.

3. The letter (to be) written by him.

4. Our university (to be) founded two years ago.

5. Nick (to be) sent to Moscow next week.

6. The box must (to be) taken to the station.

7. I (to be) asked at the lesson yesterday.


Exercise 2. Choose the correct item.

1. Tim... to the cinema by his cousin last Sunday.

is taken, will be taken, was taken

2. This car... next week. was sold, is sold, will be sold

3. This poem... by heart by the pupils last week.

won’t be learnt, isn’t learnt, wasn’t learnt

4. David is sure he... at the French lesson tomorrow.

is asked, will be asked, was asked

5. The new museum... in the centre of the city two weeks ago.

was opened, is opened, will be opened

6. The composition... by the teacher in two days.

is checked up, will be checked up, was checked up

7. The letter... yesterday evening.

was received, is received, will be received


Exercise 3. Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct tense in Passive Voice. Write the sentences a) in the negative; b) in the interrogative.


1. This work (to do) tomorrow.

2. This text (to translate) at the last lesson.

3. The work can (to do) in three days.

4. The problems (to discuss) during the lesson yesterday.

5. The book you need can (to find) in any library.

6. The letter (to write) yesterday.

7. This grammar rule (to explain) by the teacher at the next English lesson.


Exercise 4. Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct tense in Passive or Active Voice. Translate them.


1. Dolly often (to play) badminton in summer. - Badminton (to play) in summer.

2. We (to visit) the concert yesterday. - The concert (to visit) yesterday.

3. He (to do) three of these exercises tomorrow. - Three of these exercises (to do) by him tomorrow.

4. She (to write) the composition. - The composition (to write) by her.

5. Usually in the evening I (to listen to) music. - Music (to listen to) by me.

Exercise 5. Put in the preposition by, with or of.


1. Cake is made... eggs, milk, flour, sugar and jam.

2. Newspapers are brought... a postman.

3. Soup is eaten... a spoon.

4. The dinner is cooked... my mother.

5. The walls were painted... my brother... a paintbrush.

6. Cheese is made... milk.

7. The lecture will be given to us... our professor next week.

Exercise 6. Paraphrase the sentences from Active into Passive.

Example: Yesterday we discussed plans for the next holidays. –

The plans for the next holidays were discussed yesterday (by us).


1. My mother backed a tasty cake.

2. We didn’t play football yesterday.

3. Tom looks for his glasses.

4. We send these letters.

5. The students won’t finish the translation of the text at the next lesson.

6. Peter I founded St. Petersburg in 1703.

7. I checked my e-mail two days ago.

8. Sally will introduce Rolf to her parents next Saturday.

9. The teacher will tell us an interesting story next time.

10. I didn’t water the flowers yesterday.

11. He will finish the novel next month.

12. They buy a computer for him.

Exercise 7. Open the brackets and put the verb to be into the correct tense form. Translate the text.

Computers: Now and in the Future

A computer is an electronic device. It ___ (to make) calculations and ___ (to process) information. Complicated problems ____ (to solve) very quickly. Millions of pieces of information ___ (to process) in seconds. Nowadays, computers ___(to use) for different purposes. Businesses use their computers not only to bill their customers, but also to send information to customers and to communicate with other businesses. In industry, many complicated machines ___ (to control) by computers. Machines that produce chemicals, steel, and hundreds of other products ___ (to connect) to computers. In transportation, airplanes, ships, and even spacecraft ___ (to guide) by computers. In science, complicated problems and scientific data ___ almost always ___ (to analyze) by computers. Even earthquakes and hurricanes ___ (to predict) by computers. In education, computers ___ (to use) as teaching machines. In the home, people are buying computers to help them manage their households more efficiently. People can shop, make travel arrangements, and pay their bills using computers right in their homes.

In the future computers ____ even more widely ___(to use) - in our offices, our homes, and our cars. Someday computers will be able to “think” creatively like human beings. For example, someday computers may be able to understand human language and to respond to it. In the near future, sophisticated forms of art and music ___ also ___ (to create) by computers.

to bill - выставлять счет

to guide - вести, направлять, управлять

to respond - отвечать, реагировать


Exercise 8. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Обычно корпус нетбука выполнен из пластика.

2. Данная модель телефона продается со скидкой 20%.

3. Файл не был загружен на компьютер.

4. Им не сказали о лекции.

5. Сайт будет проверен на вирусы завтра.

6. Программа не будет установлена на данное устройство, не хватает памяти.

7. Кем изобретено это устройство?


Exercise 9. Be ready to discuss.


· About your gadgets

· about the most useful gadget as you think

· compare two gadgets




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