The government ensures sustainable economic growth through low inflation and public finances.

В + ensures


№ 3.2.7.

Формулировка ТЗ. Определите какой частью речи является выделенное слово. Впишите ответ (на русском языке).


В + глагол

Раздел 7. Введение в профессию: управление цепью поставок.


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите тему текста.

1. Britain is a member of some 120 international organizations, including the European Union (EU) and NATO. It maintains a world-wide diplomatic presence. There are British embassies and high commissions in 140 countries and missions at nine international organizations. Britain also protects the interests of its dependent territories. Most of the territories have considerable self-government, with their own legislature. Britain is generally responsible for defence, security, external affairs, the civil service and judiciary.

2. There are other government departments concerned with overseas relations and foreign policy. The Department of Trade and Industry has an important say on international trade policy and commercial relations with other countries, including the EU member states. The Treasure is involved in British international economic policy and is responsible for Britain’s relations with the World Bank and other international financial institutions.

3. The British Council is the main agency for British cultural relations overseas and is represented in 100 countries. Its activities are: helping people to make professional contacts with Britain; promoting British education, science and technology; teaching English and promoting its use. Britain is the founding member of the Council of Europe, which is open to any European democracy accepting the rule of law and the protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms.

4. The member states cooperate on education, health, crime and drug prevention and the improvement of the environment. In addition, Britain, along with 23 other industrialized countries, belongs to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, which promotes economic growth, helps less developed countries and encourages world-wide trade expansion.


B – British Council

B – The European Union

B – British embassies

B + British overseas relations



Формулировка ТЗ. Утверждение “Along with 23 other industrialized countries Britain prevents economic growth of less developed countries” согласно тексту является …

В- истинным

В+ ложным

В- в тексте нет информации



Формулировка ТЗ. Напишите цифрами номер абзаца, которому соответствует следующая информация «The Council of Europe stands for the protection of human rights and the rule of law»




Формулировка ТЗ. Закончите предложение «The Department of Trade and Industry has an important say on …» согласно тексту.

B – improvement of the environment

B – dependent territories

B – education, science and technology

B +commercial relations with other countries



Формулировка ТЗ. Напишите перевод выделенного слова.

The Treasure

В + казначейство

№ 3.3.6.

Формулировка ТЗ. Найдите и выпишите сказуемое из выделенного предложения.

The member states cooperate on education, health, crime and drug prevention and the improvement of the environment. В + cooperate


№ 3.3.7.

Формулировка ТЗ. Определите какой частью речи является выделенное слово. Впишите ответ (на русском языке).


В + существительное


Раздел 8. Контракты


Формулировка ТЗ. Определите тему текста.

1. Nowadays there’s no doubt that participation in exhibitions is one of the most effective marketing tools for a company. The figures describing development of the exhibition business prove it, as well as the popularity of such events among market players. Although most of the companies have already decided what exhibition arrangements suit them most, there are many ambitious newcomers trying to win the market with a high quality of service and original events.

2. When the company is choosing exhibition arrangements, it wants to know whether the operator has passed through a so called exhibition audit. Russia finally started to work with exhibition statistics. What advantages does an audit give? First of all, the possibility to present the company on the Russian and CIS market.

3. Various forums took place in Russia over recent years: many of them were really popular, but only for a short period of time. Other events were not so widely known but they steadily assembled their audience. Until recently the exhibition business had been steadily developing supported by economic growth. Exhibitions have become an international meeting point for industry specialists from all major sectors of the economy. Nevertheless, the financial crisis already has its effect: decrease in volume of shipping operations caused a drop in exhibition companies.

4. In crisis, business requires much more time and exhibition is one of the most effective marketing tools, helping to develop brands, to improve a company’s rating and to get new customers. But the main thing is letting the market know that that the firm participating in the exhibition is still alive and performing well, in spite of the crisis. Partners and rivals are learning with whom they will have to deal next year. That’s an explanation why companies never cut their exhibition costs.

(adapted from “The RZD-Partner International”, №1(21)2010)

В- Exhibition audit

B- Exhibitions in crisis

В+ Exhibition as a business tool

В- Exhibitions arrangements




Формулировка ТЗ. Утверждение “Russian exhibitions are the largest international events” согласно тексту является …

В- истинным

В- ложным

В+ в тексте нет информации



Формулировка ТЗ. Напишите цифрами номер абзаца, которому соответствует следующая

«Exhibitions are organized for developing brands and getting new customers»

В+ 3



Формулировка ТЗ. Закончите предложение «The financial crisis caused …» согласно тексту.

В+ drop of exhibition companies

В- cut of exhibition costs

В- economic growth

В- high quality of service



Формулировка ТЗ. Напишите перевод выделенного слова.


В+ конкуренты



Формулировка ТЗ. Найдите и выпишите сказуемое из выделенного предложения.


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