Lesson 254 ISN’T / AREN’T (НЕ ТАК ЛИ)

It’s good, isn’t it? It isn’t interesting, is it? It doesn’t help you, does it?
They’re happy, aren’t they? They aren’t there, are they? She helps you, doesn’t she?
I’m right, aren’t I? You don’t work there, do you? They know it, don’t they?
You’re never there, are you? You agree, don’t you? He never agrees, does he?
You never go there, do you? It’s so interesting, isn’t it? He doesn’t agree, does he?

Past Simple WAS / WERE

It was so boring, wasn’t it? You didn’t do it, did you?
They were surprised, weren’t they? You checked your e-mail, didn’t you?

Future Simple

It’ll be so, won’t it? He never went there, did he? Let’s discuss it, shall we?
They won’t come here, will they? Let’s do it, shall we? Let’s go there, shall we?

Present Perfect

You’ve already been there, haven’t you? She’s never helped us, has she I should do it, shouldn’t I?
You haven’t looked at it yet, have you? You can do it, can’t you? He can’t help us, can he?
I must correct it, mustn’t I? I mustn’t correct it, must I?

Lesson 255 (NEGATIVE QUESTION) & (Косвенный вопрос)

Aren’t you happy? Isn’t he rich? Doesn’t she help poor people? Weren’t you satisfied w y
Am I not right? (Aren’t I right?) Don’t they live together? Didn’t it happen? Wasn’t he tired?
Haven’t you been to England? Hasn’t she been to the US? Shouldn’t I do it?

What’s your father’s job? What’s your brother’s job? I want to see my children’s results.
what’s your mother’s job? What’s your sister’s job? I want to know my classmates’ achievements.

I want to see the boys’ / girls’ results. Tell me where it is? I want to know where he lives.
I want to see the boy’s / girl’s result. Tell me why it is so? Tell me where they live.

Tell me how you find time for it? Do you know what his job is? Do you know what her job is?
Do you know what his name is? Do you know what her name is? Do you know why it’shappening


He said that he would do it. He said, ‘I’m busy now’ (now à then)
He said that he wouldn’t come there. He said that I was busy then.
I thought that it wouldn’t happen. He said that I was working there.
We thought that he wouldn’t agree.

He said, ‘I did it yesterday’ He said, ‘I was there two days ago’ He said that he’d been there two
He said that he’d done it the day before / the previous day, days before.

He said, ‘I’ve already been there’
He said that he’d already been there.

Now à then
Here à there
This week/month/year à that week/month/year
Today à that day
tonight à that night
tomorrow à The next day / the following day
Yesterday à the day before / the previous day
Two days/months ago – before

He said that he would be very busy the day before today.

He asked, “Where does she live”
He asked, where she lived?
He asked What her job was?
He asked me, ‘Do you agree?’
He asked me, if I agreed?
He asked me, ‘Do you understand?’
He asked me if I understood.
He asked me ‘Do you understand or not?’
He asked me whether I undrerstood or not?
He asked me whether I agreed or not?

Lesson 257 (ADJECTIVE)

This method is more effective.
1-2 syllable (слог) à adjective + er; The + adjective + est
This way is longer. This was is shorter.
It’s the longest way This mistake is bigger.

3 syllables (2 syllables) à most/more
It’s the most effective method.
This video is more interesting.
It’s the most interesting channel.

Boring – more boring – the most boring
ineffective – more ineffective – the most ineffective
Hot – hotter – the hottest.
It’s the hottest day.
Sunny – sunnier – the sunniest
It’s the sunniest day.


Good – better – the best
this thing is better. It’s the best decision. It’s the best channel.
It’s the best choice. It’s the best solution to this problem.
Bad – worse – the worst
It’s worse
It’s the worst scenario (синэрио)
Much – more – the most
It’s the most thrilling (Захватывающий) / exciting movie.
It’s the most pleasant thing.
It’s the most unpleasant thing.
Little – less – the least
She knows less. It’s the least interesting thing. It’s the least important thing.
It’s the least effective method.
Far – farther – the farthest / far – further – the furthest (additional) (visit our website)
it’s farther. It’s the farthest place. For further information, please, contact us (дальнейшей инфо)

I work less. 1) I make fewer mistakes.
I spend less time on it. (count) (few – fewer) I want to make fewer mistakes.

2) It’s the best result. It was my best result It’s his worst decision. It’s the worst solution to th prble
It’s my best result. It’s his best result It’s the worst decision.

3) He has a high level. He has a higher level. It’s a better decision. It’s a more effective method.
He has a low level. He has a lower level. It’s a better choice. It’s a more interesting channel.

I want to show a better result.
I want to reach a higher level.
(reach a certain level)

It’s more effective. (намного|)
It’s much more effective. (far, a lot)

Lesson 259

It’s much better. It’s much farther. It’s a higher level. It’s a much higher level.
It’s much worse. It’s a much more effective method.
I want to show a much better result. I want to show much better results.
I make much fewer mistakes.
I want to make much fewer mistakes.
I don’t want to make any mistakes at all.
I started making fewer mistakes. I started making much fewer mistakes.

I know English a little better /worse
I know English a bit better / worse
I know English slightly better (слегка) / worse.

My English is better than (like cAt) his. His English level is lower than mine/ours.
My English is better than hers. My English level is higher than theirs/hers/ours.
My English is better than theirs. His English is worse than yours.
His English is worse than mine. His English is worse than ours.

This video is more interesting than that one.
That thing is more important than that one.
This method is more effective than that one.

Lesson 260 AS … AS / THE SAME … AS 13:37 – 13:51

This lesson is as interesting as that one. He gets the same salary as me / him/ them/ her/ us.
He’s as rich as his brother. He’s the same age as me / him/ her/ them/ us.
That video is as interesting as this one. I know it better than him / her / them
He know it better than me / us

By far (безусловно)

It’s by far the best channel. It’s by far the best choice.
It’s by far the most effective way of learning English.
It’s by far the best decision. It’s by far the best solution to such a difclt this problem.


Do it like me. Do it like her / them I want to speak English like you.
Do it like him. I want to know English like you. I want to know English as well as you.

As I remember As it’s already been said As I’ve already said
As I know As it seems to me As I understand As far as I understood
As far as I remember, As far as Know As I understood As far as I understand

269 Lesson 7:25 – 8:00

I’m interested in these things. I’m keen on reading I’m fond of sport (обожаю)
What are you interested in? She’s keen on music I’m fond of English
What things are you interested in? What are you keen on? What are you fond of?
What kind of thing are you interested in?

I’m not afraid of it. I’m ready for it. Ready for something (к чему-то)
There was nothing to be afraid of. I’m ready for the exam. Ready to do it (сделать что-то)
What are you afraid of? Are you ready for it? Are you ready to do it?
What were you afraid of? I’m ready to do it.

I’m good at English He’s angry about this situation.
He’s bad at foreign languages. He’s very angry with her.
He’s bad at figures. I was surprised by / at this news.
I’m excellent at English we were shocked by our result.
I’m brilliant at foreign languages. We were amazed by the beauty of this place.
He’s terrible at figures I was amazed by the beauty of his soul
He’s hopeless at it (безнадёжен)

I’m aware (усведомлён) of these problems. I’m bored with these lessons.
I’m unaware of these problems / changes He’s bored with this routine.


He’s very polite to us (вежлив) We’re concerned about these problems (обеспокоены)
Your idea is similar to mine (схожа) I’m concerned about these changes
Their ideas are similar to ours.

What are you good at? What are you angry about? What are you concerned about?
What are you bad at? I’m angry about this situation. I’m ashamed o f it. (стыжусь)
What are you brilliant at? Who are you angry with? They aren’t ashamed of these things
What are you excellent at? What are you surprised by? I’m fully satisfied with my results.
What’s he terrible at? What were you shocked by? I’m dissatisfied with my achievements.
What’s she hopeless at? What is she amazed by?

What are you dissatisfied with? She’s dependent from him. / knowledge
What aren’t you satisfied with? I’m really / truly (поистине) impressed by your endurance (выносливостью)

Used / accustomed to + verb + ing

I’m not used to it I’m tired of it. What’s she proud of?
I’m not accustomed to it What are you tired of?
I’m not accustomed to it He’s proud of his results.
I’m not used to doing it She’s proud of her achievements.
I’m not accustomed to doing it. What’s he proud of?

Lesson 271 10:29 – 39 10:41 – 10:47

He’s very kind to us. I’m capable (способен) of doing it more regularly.
It’s very kind of you (с твей стороны) I’m afraid he’s incapable of doing it.

I was fascinated (очарован) by this place. I’m grateful to you for it
I was fascinated by this scenery (пейзажем) I’m grateful to you for everything.

I’m tired of it. I’m excited about this news. I’m full of optimism / energy /confidence
What are you tired of? I’m excited about his offer. I’m full of positive emotions.

They’re full of anger (злобы) / hatred(ненависти) He’s responsible for this progect.
This city is famous for its history. Who’s responsible for it?

He’s allergic to it. He sat close to her. Your’re sensitive to criticisms
He sat near this place. (close to) (рядом) She’s sensitive to such comments (чувствительна)

It’s typical of him. (типично для него) This grammar is familiar to me.
I’m familiar (знаком) with this person I’m familiar with this grammar …?
This situation is familiar to (знакомо) me.

Lesson 272

What’s familiar to you?
He’s guilty of it. (веновен в) These things are closely (связаны) connected with each other.
I heard a very interesting thing I heard a very interesting thing related (относящуюся) to this act
connected with this accident. These things are connected with each other.

They are short of (нехватает) water. He’s short of money.
They have a shortage of (нехватка) water.

He’s often late for (опаздывать на) these lessons. He often comes to these lessons late.
He was late for the lesson. He came to the lesson late.
I was late for the meeting.

He’s married to her. I was disappointed about my results (about / with / by / at)
She’s married to him. He’s jealous of (ревнив) her. She’s jealous of him.
He’s addicted to (зависим от) smoking. To be acquainted (быть знакомым)
He has an addiction (зависимость). I’m acquainted with this person / these people.
He’s addicted to the Internet. How did you get acquainted with each other?
He’s addicted to using the Internet. Where did you get acquainted with each other?
She’s addicted to TV. So many people are addicted to using social networks
She’s addicted to watching TV. Uncontrollably / totally uncontrollably (всецелло)


Lesson 273

This method is different from that one (from / to) He’s fed up with (достала) this criticism.
This method differs from that one.
It’s said British English is different from American English.

She was frightened / scared of (напугана) his threats.

He’s crazy about (сходит сума по) this singer.


I usually deal with these suppliers I’ve already subscribed to these channels.
I’m looking for this information. I’m subscribed to all these channels.
I’m searching for (ищу) for these materials I approve of this choice. (disapprove)
Who’ll pay for it? Can you explain it to me?

I’m preparing for a very difficult exam. How often do you listen to music?
I do different thing listening to these lessons. He died of cancer. (умер от рака)
He was accused of a very serious crime. I try to take care of (заботиться) my parents. (look after)

It depends on several factors. What do they accuse him of?
What does it depend on? What is he accused of?
What did it depend on? What was he accused of?
What will it depend on? What did they accused him of?

I don’t associate (ассоциирую) happiness with money.
Happiness is often associated with money.

Lesson 274 20:22 – 21:12

The criminals escaped from (скрылись) the police.
I need to translate this text into English.
Translate this sentence from Russian into English.
-- Blame someone for something (винить в чём-то)
-- blames something on someone
He blames me for everything. He blames everything on me.
Don’t complain about it! (Жаловаться)
-- prevent something from happening.
We prevented it from happening. They prevented this disease from spreading.

I’d like to congratulate you on passing such a difficult exam.
succeed in doing…
I think I’ll succeed in reaching this level. I thing I’ll succeed in enriching (обогатить) my vocabulary.
She smiled at me.
I’ll cope with all these difficulties.
She entered this building.
You influenced me greatly. Who’s being laughed at?

She’s laughing at him. Who is she laughing at? What is she laughing at? What’ being laughed at
Who does she laugh at? What does she laugh at? What is laughed at? Who is laughed at?

It smells of lemons / apples. I’d like to apologize for it.
I wouldn’t insist on it.

It reminds me of (напоминает о) my past.

Lesson 275

It reminds me of my past mistakes.
She suffers from such a bad treatment. She suffers a lot.
I can always rely on him. Prestigious university.
When did you finish school? When did you graduate from university? I graduated from a very
What university did you graduate from?
I’m not going (не собираюсь) to spend time on it.
He’s staring at her.

Who is he staring at?
I’d like to comment on this answer.
Let me comment on this answer.
He glanced at (быстро взглянуть, мельком) her.
They arrived at the meeting / conference / party too late.
Can you pray for (помолиться за) him?
I thanked him for his huge support.
We need to adapt to these conditions somehow.
How did he react to this comment?
He’ll vote for the first candidate.

This book consists of five parts. That book consists of ten chapters.
They provide him with all the necessary information.
He provides us with knowledge.
This thing belong to me. Who does this thing belong to?
He was punished for his words.
What was he punished for? What did they punish him for?
I’ll introduce him to my director. Let me introduce myself.

Why did she shout at him? What did she shout to him?
He specializes in marketing. They specialize in sales.
He refers to different sources. (ссылается на источники)
He recovered from a very serious illness (излечился)

Lesson 276

Will you wait for me?
It’s a very good alternative to this method.
In reality, it doesn’t work.
What’s your attitude to smoking?
He’s in trouble.
In my view (На мой взгляд) (По-моему) it isn’t the best decision. (To my mind) (From my point of view)
I think hard work is the key to success. What’s the key to success?

What’s the reason for his refusal?
What’s the connection between these two things?
Lack of experience (нехватка опыты) was a real problem for me in the beginning.
In the beginning at my way.
It’s be shown at the end of the lesson. It’ll be explained in the end.
They went on strike (вышли на забостовку)
They’re on strike
It’s the only rights solution to this problem.

We were in a hurry (спешке) Don’t be in hurry. We’re in a hurry.
I was greatly surprised by his reaction to her words.
On the whole, (в целом) I was happy.
We should know all the advantages and disadvantages of this method.
Can you name (назвать) the advantages and disadvantages of learning English online.
What did you eat for breakfast? What did you have for lunch?
Do you know the correct answer to this question?

I heard it in the news.
He’s on a business trip. He went to China on business trip?
In any case (в любом случае) I’ll do it. (At any rate)
In any case, I’ll continue doing it. I’ll do it in any case (at any rate)
I’ll continue doing it in any case.

Lesson 277 20:12 – 20:30

I’ll be there for a while (некоторое время).
I’m staying here for the time being (пока)
For instance (например), it can spoil our plans.
take something for granted (принимать как само-собой разумеющееся)
Don’t take it for granted!
Why do you take everything for granted?
I’m used to (accustomed) taking everything for granted.
In my opinion (по моему мнению), we need to do it.
What’s on TV?
At first, I’d like to thank you. (First, Firstly, First of all)

Do you like travelling by plane / air / sea / train / bus (на транспорте)
It happened by chance / by accident / accidentally (случайно)
I do it forthe sake of my children (ради кого-то)
He does it for the sake of his family.
He did it for the sake of salvation of humanity (спасения человечества)
She does it for fun (ради забавы)
Do you believe in love at first sight (с первого взгляда)?

To my disappointment (к моему разочарованию), I had only one attempt (попытку).
To my huge disappointment, he failed the exam.
To my great surprise, I managed to translate everything correctly.
To my bitter (горькому) disappointment, he didn’t follow this recommendation.
He wanted to do it at all costs (любой ценой).
In other words (другими словами), it was in vain (в пустую)
She’s on a special diet.

Lesson 278
This house is for sale (на продажу)
I see him from time to time.
He’s seen from time to time.
I watch this cannel on regular basis.
It’s important to do it on a regular basis.
It’s easy to notice it.
It’s necessary to analyze it.
It’s impossible to live without it.
I haven’t t seen him for ages. (Я не видел его годами)
You can see it at the top of the screen (Ты можешь увидеть это вверху экрана)
You can see it at the bottom of the screen.
I need to learn it by heart.
I’m particularly keen on reading foreign literature. (Я особенно увлекаюсь)
On the one hand, (с одной стороны) it helps.
On the other hand, (с другой стороны) it helps only temporarily. (временно)
I have a temporary job.
I have a permanent job (постоянную)
It appears to me (это кажется мне) it’s worth doing (стоит делать) / reading / writing down / say
Strange as it may seem, I continue making mistakes.
(Невероятно) Incredible as it may seem, I took the first place.
Surprising as it may seem, I discovered these lessons only yesterday.
Amazing as it may seem, I was really lucky.
(быть точным) To be exact / precise, he made five mistakes.
(быть более точным) To be more precise, I spent two hundred dollars on it.

Lesson 279
(В добавление) In addition, I’d like to say the following.
In addition to it, we spent this money on one more thing.
(Говоря коротко) To say it shortly / briefly,
To put it shortly / briefly, I had a brilliant result.
(Коротко(говоря)) Shortly / Briefly (speaking) my English left a lot to be desired (оставлял желать лучшего)
It leaves a lot to be desired.
There is one more thing to say.
(мягко говоря) To put it mildly, it was very rude / impolite.
(резко\прямо говоря) To put it bluntly, he let me down (подвёл меня).
It was a real nightmare (кошмар)
As I see it, we need to work much more.
As I said, we had no choice.
As I was saying, we lacked enthusiasm.
I want to earn at least (по крайней мере) three hundred dollars a month.
Will it be enough for a living? (будет ли это для достаточно для жизни)
(короче говоря) To cut a long story short, this playlist is incredibly interesting.
(Наоборот) On the contrary, we need to understand what it is all about. (о чём всё это)
What is it all about?
I started learning English very intensively at the age of 17 (В возрасте 17 лет).

Lesson 280
I really hope you’re in a good mood.
He’s in a bad mood.
She got married at the age of twenty (вышла замуж в возрасте)
She married … (за кого-то) him at the age of twenty.
He got married at the age of twenty two.
(Насколько я знаю) To the best of my knowledge / As far as I know we need to say the following.
(В заключении) In conclusion, I knew so many interesting things.
In my opinion, it’s immoral.
I agree with it to a certain point / extent / degree (в определённом моменте, степени)
I agree with it to some extent / degree (в некоторой степени)
(Откровенно говоря) To be frank / honest, It didn’t live up (неоправдало) to my expectations.
(Frankly, Honestly, Frankly speaking) (Friendly spearing) (По дружески)
Friendly speaking, I wouldn’t trust him.
(Подводя итог) To sum up, I worked incredibly hard.
To sum up, our meeting lived up to my expectations.
(Само собой разумеется) It goes without saying, it’s never too late to learn (никогда не позд учиться)
It goes without saying, it’s too early (рано) to bear fruit (пожинать плоды).
(Достаточно очевидно) Obviously enough, she’s against it.
(Достатчоно ясно) Clearly enough, it happened against his will.
(Достаточно интересно) Interestingly enough, I didn’t make any mistakes at all.
To be fair (быть справедливым), he lacks professionalism.
(Что я имею ввиду заключается в том что) What I mean is that our success is inevitable (неизбежен)
I mean that much more can be done.
My idea is that (моя идуя заключается в том что), we need to adapt to these conditions somehow.
(Моё мнение заключается в том что) My opinion is that more criticism can be said.
(Что я хочу сказать заключается в том что) What I want to say is that
What I want to tell you is they
What I’m saying is that
What I’m telling you is that
time flies and we can’t (повернуть назад) turn it back. (Оно в вечности) It’s in eternity
(eternal life – вечная жизнь)



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