Переведите на русский язык, подчеркните устаревшие слова и архаичные грамматические формы, используемые в английском тексте Библии.

Контрольная работа №1.

Задание №1.

Поставьте существительные во множественном числе и переведите их.


a deacon

a fast

a class

a box

a saint

a bishop

a priest

a match

a man

an icon

a feast

a shrine

a monk

a nun

a sermon

a choir

a monastery

a refectory

a foot

a woman

a novice

a chalice

a church

a cathedral

an elder

a martyr

a cross

a prophet

a chapel

a clergyman

an Apostle

a nunnery

an alter

a mystery

a liturgy

a hermit

a candle

a prayer

a disciple

a seminary

a protodeacon

a hieromonk

an archimandrite

a tooth

a sheep

a datum

an Eparchy

a parish

a churchgoer

a day

a key

a matin

a vesper

a hero

a life

a knife

Задание №2.

Вставьте, где необходимо, неопределённый или определённый артикль.

1. I want to read. Do you have... interesting book?

2. My friend lives in... West Siberia but before that he lived in... Far East.

3.... Great Britain is... island country.

4. The territory of... UK (United Kingdom) is not very large.

5.... Volga is... longest river in... Europe.

6. In... evening well go to... airport to meet... Browns.

7. They live in... USA.

8.... London... capital of... UK is on... Tames.

9.... Ural mountains separate... Europe from... Asia.

10.... «Times» is well-known in... Russia.

11.... Russian Federation is very rich in natural resources.

12.... Black Sea is... very popular place for people to spend their holidays at... seaside.

Задание №3.

Переведите на английский язык.

Дон – длинная река, Днепр – длиннее, а Волга самая длинная река в Европе.



1. Эта книга интересная, та книга интереснее, но моя книга самая интересная.


2. У меня маленькая квартира, квартира моих родителей меньше, а самая маленькая квартира у моей сестры.


3. У меня маленькие апартаменты, апартаменты моих родителей меньше, а самые маленькие апартаменты у моей сестры.



Задание №3.2

Найдите прилагательные и наречия в сравнительной и превосходной степенях сравнения и подчеркните их.

Our town is much smaller than Moscow, and it is rather beautiful. The streets are cleaner and broader in it than in other small towns near Moscow, and they are green. I live in a large house. Our house looks better than other houses in the town but it is not the largest. One of the largest buildings is our school. Our park is the best place in our town. The trees there are the oldest ones in the town. People go there more often than to other places.

Задание №4.1

Замените личные местоимения соответствующими притяжательными.

1. I () brother is 29 years old.

2. He () friends were students.

3. We () parents lived in Tver.

4. She () children were small.

5. They () wives worked at school.

6. You () book was very interesting.

7. This is our seminary. It () main building is not very large.

8. We () seminary is well known.

9. I () brother studied at the Theological Academy.

10. He () subjects included New Testament studies, Church Slavonic, Russian, Rhetoric and other.

Задание №4.2

Переведите предложения на английский язык, подчеркните возвратные местоимения.

1. Я могу сделать эту работу сам.


2. Он умылся.



3. Джейн приготовила обед сама.

4. Ивановы отремонтировали свой дом сами.

5. Мы полили цветы сами.

Задание №5.

Определите время и залог следующих предложений. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. My friend has entered the Moscow Theological Seminary.

2. Now he is a first year student.

3. He had passed all the examinations by the 21st of August.

4. He had been a novice in the Volgograd Holy Spirit Monastery before he entered the seminary.

5. He finished he secondary school 3 years ago.

6. His father is a clergyman.

7. He graduated from the Moscow Theological Academy with a Master Theology degree.

8. In 2000 he taught at the Moscow Theological Seminary.

9. Now he is administrating a deanery in St. Petersburg Diocese.

10. My friend will study Hebrew and Latin next year.

11. Now he is studying the Church Slavonic language.

12. He attends worships at the Trinity-Sergius Monastery every day.

13. All members of my friend family are Orthodox Christians.

14. His elder brother was appointed the rector of St. Nicolas Church 4 years ago.

15. His mother is a choir master in a parish church.

16. My friend will become a priest too.

Задание №6.

Составьте разные типы вопросов (10 вопросов), используя текст из задания №5. Укажите тип вопроса.

Задание №7.

Найдите и подчеркните модальные глаголы. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. He must be at the seminary now.


2. I may not see you tomorrow.



3. He can t speak German.


4. She could bring me the book yesterday.



5. Need I go there at once?


6. I don’t need your book any longer.



7. You ought to be more careful.


8. He should help them.



Задание №8

Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию текста «From St. Sergius of Radonezh Hagiography».

1. When was St. Sergius born?


2. What family was he born in to?



3. How many brothers did he have?


4. What was his name before consecration?



5. When did he enter the school?


6. Did Bartholomew study well?



7. How did he learn to read and write well?


8. When did his parents die?



9. Where were they buried?


10. When did Bartholomew take monastic vows?



11. What views did St. Sergius hold at that time?


12. When did St. Sergius become the Hegumen of the monastery?



13. When did Venerable Sergius die?


14. When was he canonized?



Задание №9.

Переведите на русский язык, подчеркните устаревшие слова и архаичные грамматические формы, используемые в английском тексте Библии.

Commandments of God.


The 1st and greatest commandment.


Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy mind.


The second is like unto it.


Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.


We forgive our debtors.


To turn the other cheek.


Let the dead bury their dead.


The forbidden fruit.


Not to let ones left hand know what ones right hand does.


The Promised land.


A black sheep.


A lost sheep.


The Last Supper.


New wine in old bottles.


Wolves in sheep's clothing.




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