Методические рекомендации
Для формирования и оценки навыка презентации на английском языке
Most of us think of communication as just speaking or writing. However, that is only one part of the actual process. In fact, over half of an oral message is actually communicated visually.
Hence, we can say that it is not so much what you say as how you say it.
Box 1
The process of delivering an effective talk is comprised of two parts: preparation and presentation. Both are equally important.
Step 1. Planning
Careful planning of a presentation will make you more confident and help you to overcome your nervousness.
There are five elements to consider when preparing a talk.
Ø To inform
Ø To persuade
Ø To train
Ø To entertain the audience, etc.
Ø Who is your audience?
Ø How many people will be attending?
Ø What do they need to know?
Ø What do they expect?
Ø Brainstorm your ideas
Ø Decide what is the most relevant and appropriate to deliver
Ø Be selective, don’t present too much in your message
Most audiences appreciate the structure which is easy to follow. It consists simply of three parts: an introduction, a middle section (the body) and a conclusion.
But in modern approach a more up-to-date structure is adopted.
Parts of a presentation
Opening - thanking the organizers for inviting you, a few words about yourself, telling the audience the topic and overall structure of your presentation
Message – main points of your presentation (three main points is a good manner)
Bridge – an explanation of how your message connects to the needs of the audience
Bang! – something that you say or do that has a lot of impact and gets the attention of the audience, e.g. a surprising fact, a reference to “here and now”, a story or joke, audience participation, a visual aid
Examples – examples to make your points clear
Recap – short for recapitulation, a summary of your main points
Ø Humour in good taste and relevant is welcome
Ø Passive verbs and abstract concepts, as well as jargon, are better avoided
Ø One is recommended to give the audience clear signals to show the direction your presentation is taking*
* В данном случае имеется ввиду такое понятие, как signposting, т.е.фразы, дающие слушателям представление о том, как развивается повествование. (даны в приложениях)
Ø Visual aids are used only as a support or illustration of what you are delivering and to add emphasis to a talk, but they must be simple to understand (materials, hand-outs, OHP, laptop, pointer, Power Point etc.)
This is to:
Ø Identify any weak points or gaps
Ø To make sure you can pronounce any figures and proper names correctly and confidently
Ø To fine-tune the timing
Step 2. Presentation
If you wish to make an effective presentation, take care of five elements.
Ø Prepare your talk well
Ø Do not fall into the trap of speaking too quickly
Ø In fact, speak slower during the first few moments of a talk (it really works to overcome nervousness)
Rapport is the relationship between your audience.
Ø Be friendly and make eye contact, don’t look over the tops of everyone’s heads
Ø It’s critical that you are able to observe the reactions to your message and make any adjustments to your talk
Body language
Remember that 57 % of the message (Box 1) is communicated by what the audience can see.
Ø Avoid any distracting mannerisms like pacing, rocking back and forth on your feet, etc.
Ø Use open-handed natural gestures – as open-handedness conveys security
Vocal quality
The sound of your voice carries 36% (Box 1) of the message. It means you should consider the volume, tone, tember and tempo of your presentation. An interesting public speaker or presenter will vary the volume, the tempo, the tember and the tone of the talk to make himself heard. It’s critical to work on delivery techniques such as intonation, stress and pausing.
Question time
Do not be afraid of questions from the audience. It is civilized practice to solicit them.
Ø Listen to the speaker carefully, perhaps nodding in approval and paraphrasing the question for clarification
Ø Answer the questions shortly and simply
Ø If you do not know the answer it is better to say so
Специальная лексика для презентации представлена в приложениях (Vocabulary Files 1-4)
Для более активного восприятия выступлений и презентаций студентам предлагается опорная шкала Presentation evaluation *(Box 3), по которой можно детально и осмысленно оценить сильные и слабые стороны презентации и выставить свою оценку, а также предлагается шкала для самооценки (Box 4).
Box 3
Excellent | Satisfactory | Weak | ||||
Organization | ||||||
Were the aims clear? | ||||||
Were the ideas clearly linked? | ||||||
Was the summary effective? | ||||||
Content | ||||||
Were the facts and information accurate? | ||||||
Was the content relevant to the topic? | ||||||
Did the talk hold the audience’s attention? | ||||||
Did the speaker deal with questions effectively? | ||||||
Language | ||||||
Was the speaker’s language accurate? | ||||||
Did the speaker use a wide range of vocabulary? | ||||||
Did the speaker use the signposts? | ||||||
Delivery | ||||||
Was the speaker’s voice clear and easy to understand? | ||||||
Was the speed and volume appropriate? | ||||||
Did the speaker emphasize important points well? | ||||||
Body language | ||||||
Did the speaker use gestures where appropriate? | ||||||
Did the speaker maintain good eye contact? | ||||||
Visual aids | ||||||
Were any visual aids clear and well presented? | ||||||
Did the speaker exploit the visual aids fully? | ||||||
What is your overall impression of the talk? | ||||||
Good points: | ||||||
Weak points: | ||||||
Suggestions for improvements: |
Box 4 Tips for self-assessment Ø Organisation Ø Content Ø Language Ø Delivery Ø Body language Ø Visual aids Ø Overall impression My strengths:……………………………………. My weaknesses:…………………………………. Group’s suggestions for improvement:……………………………………. |