Стилистический анализ научных статей

«First Flight Of The RoboSwift Micro-Airplane Is A Success»

The RoboSwift, the micro-aircraft inspired by the swift, has made its first flight. In recent months, aerospace engineering students at Delft University of Technology have developed the aircraft in cooperation with the Experimental Zoology Group of Wageningen University, Netherlands. The small, quiet aircraft is equipped with observation cameras that can be used in the future to study birds or to conduct surveillance of groups of people or vehicles. The National Police Services Agency (KLPD) has announced that it is going to financially support the development of the RoboSwift.10 and 15 March, the group of students who developed the RoboSwift will be competing in an international contest in India for micro-aircraft: the American-Asian Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) Competition.Dutch National Police Services Agency (KLPD) is continually looking for innovations that are applicable to police work and sees possibilities in the Roboswift. It is therefore supporting the project financially. For example, the RoboSwift could help the police in case of accidents, demonstrations and in enforcement and surveillance.wingsRoboSwift is characterised by the continuously variable shape of its wings, known as ‘morphing' wings, which are modelled on the wings of the swift. These wings make the aircraft, like its living model, very manoeuvrable and efficient. As a result, the RoboSwift is the first aircraft in the world to have the wing properties of living birds. Wind tunnel tests have shown that it can come remarkably close to the exceptional flying ability of the swift.a wingspan of approximately 50 cm and a weight of less than 100 g, the RoboSwift is a good deal smaller than standard model aeroplanes. To gain elevation, it is equipped with a very quiet electric motor with a propeller. The silhouette of the RoboSwift is similar to that of an actual swift, which makes it less noticeable than other observation aircraft and helicopters. The ‘pilot’ is now being trained in birdlike flying behaviour, which will later include gliding flights. During gliding flights, the motor is turned off and the propeller folds up so the aircraft can fly even more quietly and save energy.equipped with micro-cameras that can observe in various directions, interesting applications for the RoboSwift are conceivable. For example, in the future the researchers hope to be able to observe wild birds from nearby without disturbing them by using birdlike aircraft such as the RoboSwift. This would allow new forms of biological research to be conducted. It would also make it possible to perform inconspicuous surveillance of groups of people or vehicles (crowd control).

‘Bio-inspired'students based the project on the findings of their supervisor, David Lentink of Wageningen University. In April 2007, with several co-authors he published a study in the journal Nature about the aerodynamic properties of the swift. During its lifetime, a swift flies a distance comparable to five roundtrips to the Moon and can remain in the air continuously for 7000 kilometres. Lentink and his associates discovered that the swift can fly so efficiently and manoeuvre so well because it continuously adapts the shape of its wings to the flying conditions. Studies such as his were the inspiration to develop aircraft based on bird's wings, which is known as ‘bio-inspired’ design. [11]

«Micro aircraft improves avionic systems and sensors»

A novel test aircraft of the TU Muenchen successfully completed its maiden flight April 6 at the airfield of the MFC Red Baron near Heimstetten. The micro aircraft christened "IMPULLS" (Innovative Modular Payload UAV -- TUM LLS) will facilitate testing aviation sensors and systems. It was jointly developed by postgraduate students at the Institute of Aircraft Design and the Institute of Flight System Dynamics in Garching. Propelled by a compact electric motor, the aircraft flies quietly and free of emissions.particularly important feature of the novel design is its modular construction. This allows the scientists to install a wide variety of systems to be tested under flight conditions. This also applies to components of the electric propulsion unit, since the scientists intend to use IMPULLS to investigate possible implementations of electric and hybrid propulsion systems in aircraft.like IMPULLS are ideal for measuring atmospheric pollution, for aerial geo-surveying or monitoring the environment and infrastructures from above. A further field of deployment is information collection in emergencies and dangerous situations. Appropriately equipped UAVs can also be deployed in adverse weather conditions or hazardous situations that would pose an unreasonable risk to pilots."Thanks to advances in miniaturization and improved performance of sensor and avionics systems, we can use IMPULLS as a cornerstone for these kind of developments," says Professor Mirko Hornung, chair of the Institute of Aircraft Design. Deriving and understanding the associated business models and ranges of services are also topics that can be investigated using the IMPULLS platform.IMPULLS has a wingspan of 5 meters and an empty weight of 20 kilograms. It is propelled by a two-kilowatt electric motor. The UAV can carry a payload of 10 kilograms and fly non-stop for up to 75 minutes. As in commercial aircraft, essential safety-relevant components are designed redundantly. [11]

Данное исследование было проведено с целью выявления примеров терминологии, общенаучной лексики, а также эмоционально-оценочной лексики в приведенных выше научных статьях.


Стилистические средства Примеры Общее количество
Термины micro-aircraft, avionic systems, airfield, tunnel tests,propulsion, deployment  
Общенаучная лексика shape, ability, innovation, to conduct, research, to adapt, to install, measuring  
Прилагательные efficient, exceptional, various, several  
Аббревиатуры KLPD, MAV, TU  
Сравнение such as, like, than  


Итак, в ходе исследования были выявлены следующие виды научной и эмоционально-окрашенной лексики, которая показывает, что данные статьи относятся к собственно-научному типу текстов и могут быть предназначены для определенного круга лиц, интересующихся данными, приведенными в этих статьях.



В первой главе данной работы были рассмотрены многочисленные особенности научного и научно-технического текста, а именно: формальное, логическое, почти математически строгое изложение материала, обилие терминов, служебных и вводных слов, частое употребление сокращений, лексических новообразований.

В данной работе автор придерживался определения лингвиста Кожиной М.Н: «Научный стиль представляет научную сферу общения и речевой деятельности, связанную с реализацией науки как формы общественного сознания; отражает теоретическое мышление, выступающее в понятийно-логической форме, для которых характерны объективность и отвлечение от конкретного и случайного, логическая доказательность и последовательность изложения».

Во второй части работы были рассмотрены основные типы научных текстов. Научные тексты подразделяют на следующие виды: собственно-научный, научно-реферативный, научно-справочный, учебно-научный.

В третьей главе был проведен анализ научных статей, в ходе которого было выявлено определенное количество языковых средств, характерных для научного стиля. Исходя из полученных результатов, можно отнести данные статьи к собственно-научному виду текстов.


Список использованной литературы

1. Арнольд И.В. Стилистика. Современный английский язык: Учебник для вузов (7-ое издание). - М., Флинта-Наука. 2007.

. И.Р. Гальперин «Очерки по стилистики английского языка». Издательство литературы на иностранных языках, Москва 1985, 459с.

. Дрыгина, Ю.А. Некоторые особенности синтаксического параллелизма в современной английской научной прозе / Ю.А. Дрыгина; БелГУ // Единство системного и функционального анализа языковых единиц: материалы междунар. науч. конф., Белгород, 8-9 окт. 2003 г. / под ред. О.Н. Прохоровой и др.. - Белгород, 2003. - Вып.7, ч.1.-С. 149-151.

. Забайкина А.И. «Лингвостилистические особенности англоязычного научного текста» [Электронный ресурс], https://journal.mrsu.ru

5.Комиссаров В.Н. Теория перевода (лингвистические аспекты)М.: Высш. шк., 1990. - 253 с.

6. Кожина М.Н. Стилистический энциклопедический словарь русского языка. 2-е изд., испр. и доп. - М. Флинта: Наука, 2006. - 696 с.

. Т.Р. Левицкая, А.М Фитерман «Теория и практика перевода с английского языка на русский» - М.: Изд-во литературы на иностранных языках,1963-124с.

. Ю. И. Лашкевич, М. Д. Гроздова «О переводе научно-технического текста» [Электронный ресурс], www.practica.ru/Articles/scientific.htm

. Макеева М.Н. «Технический перевод. Учебное пособие» [Электронный ресурс], samlib.ru/w/wagapow_a_s/terekhova-technical.shtml

. Разинкина Н.М. Развитие языка английской научной литературы. - М.: Наука, 1978. - 211 С.

.Сайнс Дейли [Электронный ресурс], www.sciencedaily.com


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