описательные (specifying)
Описательные не участвуют в выборе артикля, т.е. в зависимости от ситуации артикль может быть неопределенным или определенным в данном случае.
Определения, которые всегда являются лимитирующими и требуют употребления определенного артикля:
1. прилагательные right, wrong, very, only, main, principal, central, left, right,
same, coming, following, present, former, latter, proper, previous, opposite,
necessary, usual, upper, lower.
Are you sure it’s the only way to do it?
2. определения, выраженные прилагательными в превосходной степени.
He was the most reliable friend of hers.
Most without an article means ‘the greater part’, most of the time.
3. прилагательные next, last для обозначения порядка расположения
предметов. (to denote the order of objects)
We’re getting off at the next stop.
Однако, если next и last сочетаются с существительными, обозначающими время (nouns of time), то артикль не употребляется.
We’re leaving next week.
4. определения, выраженные именами собственными в общем падеже (proper names in the common case)
the Wimbledon tournament.
Определенный артикль употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными:
1. referring to classes (in generalisations)
The violin is more difficult than the piano.
The tiger is in danger of becoming extinct.
2. with nouns that refer to our physical environment
the sea, the sky, the mountains, the weather, the town, the country, the west,
the equator, the horizon
He likes the sea, but his wife prefers the mountains.
3. with nouns denoting unique objects and notions
the moon, the sun, the universe, the world, the globe, the ground, the atmosphere,
the Milky Way, the Northern Lights.
4. with nouns denoting musical instruments.
Jane played the flute.
5. with nouns denoting groups or nationality groups.
The Social Democrats, The Rolling Stones, The Russians, the proletariat, the
peasantry, the bourgeoisie, the aristocracy, the nobility, the public, the clergy.
but: Pink Floyd, Queen.
Nationality and other groups can be expressed with the help of an ajective with the
definite article. (substantivised adjectives)
The English, the French, the Chinese, the rich, the poor, the young, the blind, the
old, the wounded, the unemployed, the disabled.
Notions: the unknown, the ordinary, the average, the unusual, the supernatural.
Do you believe in the supernatural?
6. with the nouns the radio, the cinema, the theatre
But the article can be dropped when we talk about these institutions as art forms or
Cinema is different from theatre in several ways.
He’s worked in radio all his life.
7. with the titles.
The Queen, the President, the director of studies.
8. with measurements
Do you sell eggs by the kilo or by the dozen?
9. emphatic use.
This hotel is the place to stay.
10. with historical events.
the French Revolution, the October takeover.
11. with documents.
the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.
12. with ships
the Titanic.
13. with organizations.
the United Nations.
14. with the press.
The Economist, The Times.
15. with public bodies
the police, the Government.
16. with proper names when the reference is specific.
The John Brown I know lives in San Francisco.
Упражнения из пособия “English Grammar Practice”, составители Павлоцкий В.М., Тимофеева Т.Я. р.13 ех 8, р.17 ех 14, р.19 ех 15, р.21 ех 17.
Упражнения из пособия ‘Articles’ p.7 ex 3D, p.8 ex 4A, p.9 ex 4B,4C.
4. Нулевой артикль. The zero article can be used both with countable and uncountable nouns.
1. with the nouns school, hospital, church, university, college, prison, bed
denoting an activity.
Mr.Woods has gone into hospital.
She studied history at college.
but: when these nouns denote places or buildings they can be used either with
the indefinite or definite article.
There is a school in the street I live.
The school was repaired last year.
2. with the nouns breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner, supper denoting meals.
Shall we go out for dinner?
but: a) when the reference is specific we use the definite article.
We enjoyed the supper we had last night.
b) when there is a descriptive adjective before these nouns we use the
indefinite article.
We had a light breakfast.
3. with the nouns spring, summer, autumn, winter, Christmas, Easter, December,
Saturday denoting seasons or special time of a year, days, months.
Spring is followed by summer.
The article is not used when there are the adjectives late or early before the noun.
It was late autumn.
but: a) we use the indefinite article when there is a descriptive adjective before
the noun.
It was a terrible winter.
b) we use the definite article when the reference is specific.
The summer we spent last year was magnificent.
4. with uncountable nouns denoting substances or food water, oil, coffee, tea,
sugar, bread, sand.
Oil is exported by the UAE.
but: some uncountable nouns can become countable. In this case an article can
be used.
(a decision – решение decision – решительность
a work – произведение work - работа
an experience - случай из жизни experience - жизненный опыт)
A coffee with two sugars, please.
5. a) with nouns denoting titles, ranks followed by personal names (proper
Professor Jackson, Colonel Hammond, Doctor Lee, Lord Byron, Oueen
Elizabeth, President Kennedy.
but: when these nouns are not followed by proper names we can use either the
indefinite or definite article according to the context.
The doctor has been sent for.
My father is a philosophy professor.
b) with nouns denoting family relations when they are followed by proper names.
Aunt Molly, Cousin John.
but: when proper names follow the nouns that do not belong to the two groups
mentioned above the definite article is used.
The painter Picasso, the widow Douglas, the dog Ginger,
the planet Mars.
6. with nouns denoting some illnesses
meas[z]les (корь), mumps (свинка), shingles [ 589glz ](опоясывающий лишай),
high blood pressure, flu, gout ( подагра ), hepatitis [,hep7/ta8t8s ], appendicitis
7. with nouns denoting sport games.
hockey, golf, tennis, darts, cards, billiards, chess, draughts, cricket.
8. with nouns denoting beliefs.
God, Buddha, Christianity.
9. with nouns denoting organizations, institutions.
Congress, Parliament, Duma.
10. with nouns denoting languages.
Chinese is one of oriental languages.
11. with nouns denoting means of transport
by car/ bus/ train/ plane/ ferry; on foot
12. with nouns denoting subjects
Mathematics is a difficult subject for many school pupils.
13. with double expressions
with knife and fork, with hat and coat, from top to bottom, on land and
sea, arm in arm, inch by inch, day after day, husband and wife, from street
to street, cheek to cheek.
14. with idioms
by hand (oт руки), at hand (под рукой), in detail, in person, on business,
on holiday, by chance, by mistake.
15. with compound conjunctions
in addition to, in contrast with, in regard to, in reply to, in connection with,
on account of (по причине), in comparison with, by way of (посредством).
Упражнения из пособия “English Grammar Practic”, составители Павлоцкий В.М., Тимофеева Т.Я. p.22 ex 19 (№№ 1,2,4,5,12,13), ex 20 (№№ 1,2,13,14),
p. 24 ex 24 (№№ 1,6,7,8,9,19,21,23,24,27,29,31,32,37)
Упражнения из пособия “Articles”. p. 10 ex 5A, p. 11 ex 5B, 5C, p. 12 ex 6B.