Задание 1 Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.

Text: Advertising in modern Marketing.

The choice of advertising media.

Advertising today is not carried out in hit-or-miss way. An advertising campaign is planned with a certain market in mind. It the product must be sold to young married people in the 25-35 age group, then the campaign will be directed towards that group, using methods that will attract the group and appeal to instincts and emotions that are dominant within it.

The means through which the advertisement is purveyed to the public is known as the advertising media. A campaign is normally based not on a single medium, but on a selection of media. The choice of appropriate media is the subject of careful study and analysis and their use is carefully synchronized to achieve the maximum effect.

The combination of the product to be advertised and the market at which the campaign is to be directed will determine the “appeal” which is to be used. Different appeals will be appropriate for different products. If foodstuffs are being advertised, the appeal will probably be to the appetite and illustrations will show attractively prepared, hotly-steaming meals. For other products, the appeal may be through the emotions of parental love, social aspiration, sex or fear.

An advertising campaign will be designed to make a specific appeal to some particular section of the public through carefully chosen media. The main advertising media are:

a) The press: national and local newspapers, general magazines, specialist magazines, trade press.

b) Television and radio.

c) Outdoor and transport advertising (posters): public places, trains, buses, underground trains, etc.

Advertising affects the consumer in the following ways:

Information. A distinction is often made between informative and persuasive advertising. Informative advertising announces a product and gives potential buyers the details they need. Much advertising in the technical press is informative since it is directed at an expert, trained readership. If consumers are to exercise freedom of choice, informative advertising is necessary so that they can know what goods are available and where they can be bought.

Persuasion. Human memory is short and fallible and repetition is necessary to keep customers aware of a product. Excessive repetition, however, is intended to persuade, not to inform. The borderline is indefinable and all advertisements contain both persuasive and informative elements. The advertising of many consumer goods is almost entirely persuasive in character. The information given is small, but all possible pressure is put on the consumer to buy the advertised product rather than other goods.

Maintenance of demand. It is arguable that advertising is necessary to maintain demand at a sufficiently high level to provide full employment. Without the prodding of the advertisers, consumers would settle for a lower standard of living and far less energy would be put into the task of increasing material well-being.

Creating mass markets. The use of mass-production methods often results in lower unit costs. Large-scale production requires large markets, however, and forceful advertising and sales promotion can provide lower costs and eventually lower prices.

Quality. The fact that a good has been widely advertised may compel a manufacturer to maintain high standards of quality.

Essential Vocabulary:

campaign – рекламная капания

to purvey – передавать, снабжать

advertising media – средства распространения рекламы

medium – средство

appeal – привлекательность

social aspiration – сильный общественный стимул

counselor – консультант, советник

valuable service – ценная услуга

readership – читатели (зд.)

persuasion – убеждение

borderline – пограничная линия

both…and – как… так и

entirely – всецело

well-being – благосостояние

prodding – стимул

unit cost – стоимость единицы продукции

forceful advertising – насильственное рекламирование


Задание 2 Переведите на русский язык письменно.

1) distinction

2) fallible

3) keep aware (of)

4) indefinable

5) to compel

6) to be appropriate

7) to make a special appeal

8) to dominant


Задание 3 Найдите эквиваленты и перепишите.

a) in a hit-or-miss way 1) поддержание спроса

b) selection of media 2) (зд.) примирились бы с

c) foodstuffs 3) тщательное изучение

d) hotly steaming meals 4) выбор средств

e) careful study 5) наугад

f) maintenance of demand 6) спорно, что

g) would settle (for) 7) пищевые продукты

h) it is arguable that 8) (зд.) «дымящаяся» паром еда


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