Задание 3 Найдите эквиваленты и перепишите.

a) desire for social welfare 1) государственные ценные бумаги
b) to establish 2) фирмы по торговле недвижимостью
c) to set an aim 3) мелкие магазины розничной торговли
d) to make a profit 4) учреждать, основывать
e) real estate firms 5) акционерный капитал
f) small retail stores 6) ставить цель
g) stocks 7) получать прибыль
h) stock 8) запросы в области социального обеспечения


Задание 4 Перепишите и переведите на английский язык письменно.

1) материальные потребности

2) рентабельность

3) акционерное общество

4) распределение прибылей и убытков

5) пайщик, акционер, владелец государственных ценных бумаг

6) вкладывать деньги в бизнес

7) единоличное владение

8) обеспечивать профессиональные услуги

Задание 5 Перепишите и ответьте на вопросы письменно

1) What aims are business organizations established for?

2) What is the main goal of government organizations?

3) Can you name some common forms of private business?

4) What do we call a sole proprietorship? Give an example.

5) What is the reason to set a partnership? What types can it be?

6) What is a partnership contract? What is it for?

7) What is the definition of a corporation? Give the types of them.

8) What is the importance of stockholders and shareholders in the corporation?


Задание 6 Выпишите из текста 5-6 существительных во множественном числе и укажите единственное число этих существительных.

Задание 7 Выпишите из текста: прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени (укажите их положительную степень).

Задание 8 Найдите и выпишите из текста.

а) из любого абзаца неправильные глаголы (укажите 3 формы этих глаголов);

б) 2 предложения с глаголами в страдательном залоге;

в) 2 предложения с модальными глаголами.

Задание 9 Составьте разные по типу вопросы к следующему предложению.

A partnership contract details the specific responsibilities of each partner and includes provision for adding or dropping partners and dissolving the partnership.

Задание 10 Письменно составьте краткое содержание прочитанного текста.

Задание 11 Вставьте необходимые предлоги.

1. This will depend … the viewpoint of the buyer.

a) for b) about c) on d) from

2. Profit doesn’t begin … enough contribution has been made to cover overheads.

a) with b) until c) for d) up

3. Marketing is the creation and delivery … a standard of living.

a) for b) from c) in d) of

4. It’s free – you can have it … nothing.

a) for b) of c) with d) from

Задание 12 Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.

1. Monopolies often advertise their product or service to promote the company’s image.

2. Patent laws encourage firms to invest in the research and development of new products and production techniques.

3. Resources that can be used to produce goods and services are called factors of production.

4. He would stay with us now, if he hadn’t announced his decision to go away last week.

5. You may take any of these reports if they are of such a great value to you.


Вариант 7

Задание 1 Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.


Text: The Finance Department.

Financial Control of the Business

Financial control means the directing and monitoring of the financial resources within the business. In order to make financial control possible it is first necessary to set objectives and targets within which each department is expected to work. The process is known as budgeting and is central to financial management.

A budget is a financial expression of intentions or expectations. However, common to all budgets is that they relate to the future and that they are therefore based upon forecasts rather than facts. This is in contrast to the balance sheet and the profit and loss account, which relate to the business past performance.

The preparation of a budget consists of a number of stages, which can be expressed as the following sequence.

1. Information. A department will start its budgetary process by looking at the information relating to its present situation. For example, in the case of Sales Department this means analyzing the currant sales figures, identifying trends and taking care to interpret any figures, which may be result of unusual circumstances.

2. Forecasts. The next stage is to look forward to the period under consideration and try to estimate as accurately as possible the situation, which will prevail in future, e.g. estimate the amount of business is likely to sell over the coming year. Experience will be of great help here but other techniques may also be employed, e.g. market research and statistical analysis.

3. Objectives. Once a business has framed its various forecasts, e.g. production, sales, marketing and so on, then it is possible to set realistic performance objectives. These will normally take the form of a series of targets that each department is expected to meet, e.g. how much is to be produced, the increase in sales the business is aiming for, etc.

4. The budget. The final stage of the process is to budget to meet the business’s performance targets. This means setting out the level of expenditure within which each department or sub-department will have to work. The materials budget will be agreed on the basis of the production targets, the marketing budget on the basis of the sales target and so on. It is very important that all the various parts of the budget are carefully coordinated.

Once the budget has been set up there must be sufficient funds flowing into the business to meet the necessary expenditures incurred during its day-to-day trading activities. This process is called a continual flow of money through the business. The sale of business’s goods (or services) generates finance which is used to purchase more materials, pay wages and so on in order to generate more production, more sales and hence more income.

The business is said to be solvent. If the business is successful then the amount received from sales will be greater than the costs of production and therefore a profit will be made.

The items which change continually during the normal trading activities of the business are known collectively as the business’s working capital. Working capital can be defined as the currant assets available to the business minus any currant liabilities on these assets. Currant liabilities are the short-term debts of the business which will have to be paid in the near future from currant assets.

To ensure the efficient operation of the business, working capital needs to be carefully managed. This involves a system of stock control, a debtor policy and cash flow forecasting.

Businesses require finance for a wide variety of reasons and most businesses can obtain finance from a number of different sources. Therefore, decisions have to be made regarding the most appropriate source of finance. The provision of advice concerning the best method of financing different aspects of business activity is one of the key responsibilities of the Finance Department.

Essential Vocabulary:

application of funds – использование денежных средств

assets and liabilities – актив и пассив

bank overdraft – превышение кредита

to bridge cash flow problem – устранить проблему дефицита денежных средств

continual flow of money – постоянный круговорот денег

current assets – оборотные фонды

existing liabilities – непогашенные долговые обязательства

to prevail – преобладать; доминировать

solvent – платежеспособный; кредитоспособный



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