Dialogue 1


Good morning! Let me introduce myself. I'm Victor Petrov, an emergency specialist.

Pleased to meet you, Mr. Petrov. My name is John Brown. I am an emergency specialist too.

You look familiar to me. Have we met before?

Quite possible. Maybe at the international conference last year?

Exactly! You are quite right. We met in London. How are you, Mr. Brown?

I am fine, thank you. And you?

I am fine too. Are you free tonight? Could we meet and talk? That's a good idea, but I am busy tonight. Let's meet tomorrow.

OK. Sec yon tomorrow. Say tit nhout 6:30.

Let's do that! Good-bye.


1. Let me introduce myself.

2. Pleased to meet you.


3. You look familiar to me.

4. Have we met before?

5. Are you free tonight?

6. How are you? 7.1 am busy.

8. You are quite right.

9. Let's meet tomorrow.

10. See you tomorrow.

1.Разрешите представиться.

2.Рад познакомиться с Вами.

3.Ваше лицо мне знакомо.

4.Мы встречались с Вами раньше?

5.Вы свободны сегодня вечером?

6.Как поживаете?


7.Я занят.

8.Вы совершенно правы. 9.Давайте встретимся завтра,

10.До завтра.

Dialogue II


Hello, Paul! What a pleasant surprise! I haven't seen you for ages.

Hi, Bill. This is a small world! What's the news?

Nothing new. Everything as before. And what about you? How is your family?

Quite well, thanks. What's brought you here?

I've come to participate in the scientific conference.

Great! Let me introduce you to Mrs. Smith, my chief. Mrs. Smith, meet my friend Mr. Black.

How do you do, Mrs. Smith? Nice to meet you.

Me too, Mr. Black. I've heard a lot about you from your friend.

Thank you, Mrs. Smith. Glad to hear that. Sorry, we have little time to talk just now. What about having dinner together?

I don't mind. I Iere is my card. I'll be ready at 8.

O.K. See you soon, Mrs. Smith.

Bye, Paul. My best regards to your family.

1. What a pleasant surprise!

2.1 haven't seen you for ages.

3. What's the news?

4. Everything as before.

5. What's brought you here?

6. Meet my friend.

7. How do you do? 8.1 don't mind.

9. See you soon.

10. My best regards to
your family.

1.Какая приятная неожиданность!

2.Как давно я не видел тебя.

3.Что нового?

4.Всё как прежде.

5.Что привело тебя сюда?

6.Познакомьтесь с моим другом.


8.Не возражаю.

9.До скорой встречи.

10.Передай привет семье.

Dialogue III


Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith from New York?

Yes, it's me. I am the FEMA representative. This is my ID.

How do you do, Mr. Smith? Let me introduce myself. My name is Boris Petrov. I'm here to meet you.

How do you do, Mr. Petrov? Very glad to see you.

Me too, Mr. Smith. How was the flight?

Quite well, but I'm tired a little bit.

O.K. Let's go outside. The car is waiting for us there.

That's very nice. Where are we going?

To the hotel "Metropol". This way, please.

Thank you. Can I exchange my money there?

Yes, of course. Are you in Moscow for the first time?

Oh, no. It's my second visit. I'm lucky to be here again.

Have a pleasant stay in Moscow!


1. This is my ID.

2. I'm here to meet you.

3. Glad to see you.

4. How was the flight?

5. I'm tired a little bit.

6. The car is waiting for us.

7. This way, please.

8. Can I exchange my money?

9. Are you in Moscow for the first time?

lO.Have a pleasant stay in Moscow!


1.Вот моё удостоверение личности.

2.Я Вас встречаю.

3.Рад Вас видеть.

4.Как прошёл полет?

5.Я немного устал.

6.Нас ждёт машина. 7.Пожалуйста, проходите сюда.

8.Могу я обменять деньги?

9.Вы первый раз в Москве?

10.Приятного пребывания в Москве!

Dialogue I


Excuse me, I'm lost. Could you tell me the way to the hotel "Four Seasons"?

The "Four Seasons"? It's rather far from here. You can go there by bus or by taxi.

I'd like to walk. How long does it take to get there?

That depends. If you walk, it'll take you about an hour and a half.

Oh, it's a long way. I'll better take a bus. Where is the nearest bus stop?

The bus stop is over there, across the street.

Sorry, I didn 't understand where?

O.K. Go along the street to the traffic lights. Cross the street and turn to the left, then to the right. You'll see the bus stop there.

Which bus will take me there?

Any bus will take you there, but I think it's better to get on the 8.

Thanks a lot.

Not at all.


1. I'm lost.

2. Could you tell me the way to the hotel?

3. How long does it take to get there?

4. That depends.

5. It's a long way.

6. Across the street.

7. Go along the street.

8. Cross the street.

9. Turn to the left/right.

10. Any bus will take you there.


1.Я заблудился.

2.Скажите, как добраться до гостиницы?

3.Сколько времени требуется для того, чтобы добраться


4.Это зависит от обстоятельств.

5.Это далеко.


7.Идите вдоль по улице.

8.Перейдите улицу.

9.Поверните налево/направо.

10.Любой автобус идёт туда.


Sorry to trouble you, sir.

Yes? What can I do for you?

I am looking for the Russian Embassy. Ami on the right road to it?

I am afraid not. Unfortunately you are lost. The Russian Embassy is in the opposite direction.

Really? Where is it? How can I get there?

Don't worry about it! Go back as far as the crossing and get on bus 7. Without changing it will take you to the Russian Embassy.

Thank you. How long will it take me?

I think about an hour and a quarter.

Oh, sir, I'm in a hurry. Is there an underground station near here?

Well, let me see. Go straight ahead past the post office until you come to the nearest underground station.

Thank you for your help. That's right.


1. Sorry to trouble you. 1.Извините за беспокойство.

2. Am I on the right road? 2.Я на правильном пути?

3. How can I get there? 3.Как мне туда добраться?

4. Without changing. 4.Без пересадки.

5. Get on /off. 5.Садитесь (в автобус)/

Выходите (из автобуса).

6. I'm in a hurry. 6.Я спешу.

7. Is there an underground 7.Есть ли поблизости станция station near here? метро?

8. Let me see. 8.Дайте подумать.

9. Go straight ahead. 9.Идите прямо.

10. Go past the post office. 10.Идите мимо почты.

USEFUL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS 1. Do you happen to know? 1.Вы случайно не знаете? 2. It's not a walking distance. 2.Пешком не дойти. 3. Where do I change? 3.Где делать пересадку? 4. Get off at the last stop but one. 4.Сойдите на предпоследней остановке. 5. It's two blocks away from here.5.B двух кварталах отсюда.

Dialogue Ш


Excuse me, sir. Do you happen to know how to get to the centre of the town?


It's not a walking distance. You can go there by bus. Get on bus 7. Where do I change?

You don't need that. The 7 will take you right there. Get off at the last stop, but one.

How far is the nearest bus stop?

It's only two blocks away from here.

Which is the best way to the bus stop?

Turn around the corner and go down the street. Cross the street at the traffic lights, then go up the street until you see the bus stop.

What's the fare?

80 pence, I think.

I got it. Thank you very much.


6. Which is the best way to the bus stop?

7. Cross the street at the traffic lights.

8. Go up/down the street

9. What's the fare?
10.1 got it.


6.Как лучше добраться до автобусной остановки?

7.Перейдите улицу у светофора.

8.Идите вверх/вниз по улице 9.Сколько стоит проезд?

10.Я понял.

Dialogue I


Can I help you?

Yes, please! I'd like to buy a suit. Will you show me that black one?

Yes, I will. What size are you?

Medium, I think. Would you mind, if I try it on?

No! The fitting room is over there on your right. Come this way, please.

Thank you. Could you have a look at me? Does it fit me well?

/ don't think so. It's a little bit tight in the shoulders.

Will you give me a bigger size?

Sure! Here is the suit of your size, but the colour is dark-blue.

That's all right. It fits me. How much is it?


I'll take it. Here is my credit card.


1. Can I help you?

2. I'd like to buy a suit.

3. Will you show me?

4. What size are you?

5. Would you mind, if I try it on?

6. The fitting room is over there.

7. It fits me.

8. How much is it?

9. Here is my credit card.

10. The colour is dark-blue.


Могу ли я помочь Вам?

Я бы хотел купить костюм. Пожалуйста, покажите мне. Какой размер Вы носите?

Вы не возражаете, если я примерю?

Примерочная находится там.

Это мне подходит.

Сколько это стоит?

Вот моя кредитная карточка.

Цвет тёмно-синий.

Dialogue II


Are you being helped?

No, I'm not. I am just looking, thank you.

That's fine. Today we have cameras on sale. 50 % off.

Really? How much does that camera cost?

Good choice. It's $50.

It's too expensive for me. Could you show me something cheaper?

We can give you store credit. O.K. Could I see it working?


Fine. I'll take it. Can I pay with travellers cheques?

It's better to pay cash.

Here is my money.

Keep the receipt, please. Thank you for your purchase.


Вас обслуживают? Я только знакомлюсь с ассортиментом товара. Скидка 50 %.

1. Are you being helped? 2.1 am just looking.

3. 50 % off.

4. How much does the camera Сколько стоит фотоаппарат? cost?

Хороший выбор. Это очень дорого для меня. Покажите, пожалуйста, что-нибудь дешевле.

5. Good choice.

6. It's too expensive.

7. Could you show me something cheaper?

Лучше оплатить наличными. Сохраните чек.

8. It's better to pay cash.

9. Keep the receipt.

10. Thank you for your purchase. Спасибо за покупку.


8.1 guess that's enough. Я думаю, что достаточно. 9. How much do I pay? Сколько с меня? 10. You pay at the cash register. Уплатите в кассу.

Dialogue Ш


Good morning! What can I do for you?

I need some vegetables. How much are the tomatoes?

80 cents a pound.

Four will be enough. Weigh two pounds of onion, please.

Anything else?

I'd like a packet of dry fruits and a bottle of oil, please.

Is that all?

Just a moment. Let me have a look at my shopping list. Oh, I nearly forgot. I'd like a loaf of bread.

Do you want rye or wheat?

Rye, please.

And what about fish in vacuum packing?

I guess that's enough. How much do I pay?

You don't have to pay here. You pay at the cash register.

Sorry about it.

1. What can I do for you? 2.1 need some vegetables.

3. Weigh two pounds, please.

4. Anything else?

5. A bottle of oil, please.

6. I'd like a loaf of bread.

7. Do you want rye or wheat?

Чем могу помочь?

Мне нужны овощи.

Взвесьте 2 фунта, пожалуйста

Что-нибудь ещё?

Бутылку масла, пожалуйста.

Я бы хотел батон хлеба.

Вам ржаной или пшеничный?

USEFUL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS 1.I'm at your service. Я к Вашим услугам. 2. I'd like to have breakfast. 3. It's to your taste. На Ваш вкус.
Я хотел бы позавтракать.

4. Will you bring me fried eggs? Пожалуйста, принесите мне яичницу.

Dialogue I


Good morning, sir. I'm at your service. What would you like to have?

I'd like to have breakfast. What can you recommend me?

You can have porridge, bacon and eggs, tea, coffee, cakes. It's to your taste.

All right. Will you bring me fried eggs, a fruit cake and a cup of tea?

How do you want your tea?

Two lumps of sugar and a slice of lemon, please. Could you serve me quicker?

I'll serve you in a moment. Here you are. Good appetite!

Thank you. Could I pay now? I'm in a hurry.

Sure. Here is your bill. You should pay $5 and 30 cents.

This is my money. No change, please.

Thank you. You are always welcome.



5. Two lumps of sugar and a slice of lemon.

6. Could you serve me quicker?

7. Could I pay now?

8. Here is your bill.

9. You should pay $5 and 30 cents.

10. No change.



Два кусочка сахара и ломтик лимона.

Пожалуйста, обслужите меня побыстрее.

Я могу расплатиться сейчас?

Вот Ваш счёт.

Вам следует уплатить 5 долларов и 30 центов.

Сдачи не надо!

Dialogue П


Waiter! Is this table vacant?

Sorry, it isn 't. You may take your seats at the table on your right. Here is the menu, please.

Thank you. Get the order, please.

Very good. What would you like to have? Any soup for the first course?

No, no soup. We'd like two helpings of the roast chicken, please.

Sorry, the roast chicken is off. Would you care for roast beef?

Great! Two helpings of roast beef for the main course and two vegetable salads for appetizer.

Anything to drink?

Yes, bring us a bottle of dry white wine, please. How much is the bill?

$35. Will you pay on separate checks?

No, it's on me.


1. Is this table vacant?

2. Here is the menu, please.

3. Get the order.

4. What would you like?

5. Would you care for roast beef?


6. Two helpings, please.

7. Anything to drink?

8. How much is the bill?

9. Will you pay on separate checks?

10. It's on me.


Этот столик свободный?

Ваше меню, пожалуйста.

Примите заказ.

Что бы Вы хотели?

Разрешите предложить Вам ростбиф.

Пожалуйста, две порции.

Вы будете что-нибудь пить?

Сколько платить?

Вы будете платить отдельно?

Платить буду я.

7. Try some fish. 8. It's tasty. 9. May I trouble you for a slice of bread

Dialogue III


Bon appetit, mister Hunt! I'm sorry, I'm late. Is this seat taken?

No, it isn't. Join us. Can I offer you some brandy?

Thank you, but I don't take strong drinks. I prefer soft drinks. Mineral water will be enough.

That's good. Help yourself to some orange juice or mineral water then. Try some fish with boiled potatoes, will you?

Yes, I will. Just a little bit, I think. Oh, It's tasty. May I trouble you for a slice of bread?

Sure. Here it is. Could you pass me the salt and mustard, please?

Here you are. Do you like spicy food?

Yes, I do. I enjoy spicy food very much. Any more fish?

No, thank you. I'm full.

How about dessert?

I'd rather not. I'm on a diet.


1. Bon appetite! (fir) 2. Is this seat taken? 3. Can I offer you?


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