Electronic assistant:When did you use a computer for the first time?


Задание 2

«Диалог» 35 ТЕМ

с образцами устных ответов

Sample exam question and answer

https://vk.com/ege2020english или e - mail: song.pesnya@list.ru


Учебное пособие


© Переработка, воспроизведение, распространение данного пособия в средствах массовой информации, Интернете, посредством мессенджеров и масс-медиа строго запрещены.


About myself.............................................................................................................5

Clothes/Fashion...................................................................................................... 7

Computer / The Internet..........................................................................................9

Daily routine............................................................................................................13



Famous people........................................................................................................19


Free time / Leisure time / Spare time..................................................................24

Friends & Friendship.............................................................................................28

Health & fitness......................................................................................................32


Housework/Household chores/duties.................................................................. 38

Job / Choosing a career..........................................................................................40

Learning English/Foreign language.....................................................................44

Living in the city/Living in the country................................................................. 48

Mobile phone/Technological devices..................................................................50

Money / Pocket money..........................................................................................53


News & Media........................................................................................................59





Russian traditions....................................................................................................71

School.......................................................................................................................... 72


Social media.............................................................................................................82

Sports........................................................................................................................... 85



Travel & Holidays...................................................................................................92


Volunteering work................................................................................................103


Заказывайте пособие

35 ТЕМ

https://vk.com/ege2020english или e - mail: song.pesnya@list.ru



Вводные ФРАЗЫ, слова-связки:




I think... Я думаю

I guess... Я полагаю, предполагаю

I suppose... Я полагаю

As for me… Что касается меня…

My personal view is that… Лично я считаю,что…

In my opinion… - На мой взгляд

In my view/opinion... По моему мнению

I believe that… - Я считаю, что

I tend to think that… Я склонен думать, что…

I am sure that… Я уверен, что…

As a rule, I … - Как правило, я …

Personally, I think… - Лично я думаю
Personally, I believe... А вот я считаю
From my point of view / viewpoint... С моей точки зрения
Personally, I feel... Лично я полагаю

It seems to me that… Мне кажется, что…

I am convinced that… Я убежден, что…

Of course – Конечно

A common opinion is that… - Согласно общему мнению

To my knowledge... Насколько мне известно

As far as I know - Насколько мне известно

Frankly speaking - Откровенно говоря

Speaking for myself… - Говоря за себя

Speaking of… Говоря о…

In my experience… - По моему опыту...

I'd say that… - Я бы сказал, что

In fact - Фактически, на самом деле, в сущности

Actually - Действительно, фактически, на самом деле
Basically - В основном, по существу, по сути

Generally – В общем, вообще, в целом

In general - В общем, вообще, в целом

Based on – На основании

Considering – Учитывая, принимая во внимание

To tell the truth - Честно говоря

As far as I know - Насколько мне известно
As I see it... Как я вижу это
However… - Однако, тем не менее

By the way - Кстати, между прочим

To begin with - Начнем с

First of all – Прежде всего

First and foremost - Первое и наиболее важное

The first reason why - Первая причина, почему...

Firstly - Во-первых

Secondly - Во-вторых

Thirdly – В- третьих

By the way - Кстати, между прочим

Besides - Кроме того

Moreover – Более того, кроме того

Furthermore - К тому же, более того

What is more - Что еще важнее

In addition – К тому же, вместе с тем

Despite/In spirit of… Несмотря на…

Despite the fact that… - Несмотря на тот факт, что…

Also – Также

Though – Хотя; Although – Хотя

Even though - Даже если

First of all – Прежде всего

Always at all – Вообще

At all - Вообще

At least – По крайней мере

Certainly – Безусловно, конечно

Anyway - В любом случае

In any case - В любом случае

In other words - Другими словами

Nevertheless – Тем не менее

To sum it up – Подводя итог, суммируя сказанное

In conclusion – В заключении

As a result… - В результате, в итоге

Finally – Наконец
Consequently – Следовательно … вследствие этого
Therefore – Следовательно, поэтому, по этой причине

Thus – Таким образом, поэтому, так

Indeed – Действительно


Impression phrases - when you want to say something that made an impression on you:

§ … impressed me

§ … motivated me

§ … moved me

§ … disturbed me

§ … touched me deeply – глубоко тронуло

§ … had an effect on me

§ … affected me

§... influenced me.

§ I’m really keen on

About myself


Electronic assistant: What is your name?

Student: My name is Ann. It is my first name. My last name is Serova. So, my full name is Ann Serova. (The pause lasts 40 seconds)

Electronic assistant: How old are you?

Student: I am fifteen years old. / I am aged 15. / l am still under age. Я еще несовершеннолетняя.

I look forward to my next birthday because my parents promised me to give a new camera as a present.

I had a birthday two weeks ago so now I'm sixteen years old.





- to dress comfortably to wear comfortable clothing

Electronic assistant: What style of clothes do you prefer?

Student: I prefer sport style clothing for several reasons. Firstly, it’s comfortable as it gives me freedom in movements. Secondly, jeans, bright tops, T-shirts, hoodies and trainers are in fashion now, so I always feel comfort and satisfaction.

Computer / The Internet

Electronic assistant:When did you use a computer for the first time?

Student: As far as I remember, I first used a computer when I was 6 years old. My parents gave me it for my birthday as a present.

Electronic assistant: How much time do you spend on the Internet every day?

Student: As a rule, I spend about one hour a day on the Internet.

Electronic assistant: Why are computer skills useful for everyone?

Student: I think that computer skills are useful because they allow you to get access to a big source of information.


Daily routine

Electronic assistant: When do you get up on weekdays?

Student: As a rule, I get up at seven o’clock on weekdays.

Electronic assistant: What do you prefer to eat on breakfast in the morning?

Student: I prefer to eat porridge, egg, burger and a cup of tea.

Electronic assistant: How long does it take you to get to school?

Student: It takes me 15 minutes to get to school on foot.


Environment & Nature

Electronic assistant: Howdo you understand the phrase “environmental pollution”?

Student: In my opinion, environmental pollution is spread of toxic chemicals and harmful pollutants into the habitats of the world.

Electronic assistant: Do you take an interest in nature?

Student: Yes, of course. As a city person, I have an opportunity to experience the natural environment. When I have holidays, I really prefer to go to the far-off destination, so I could get closer to the nature and discover the natural world.


Electronic assistant: How important is your family to you?

Student: In my view,my family is important to me because it gives me warmth, love, care, support and fulfills all my needs. Family gives to a person a sense of support and security. My family is the people with whom I can speak freely about my problems, share my joys and sorrows (печалями), they will never ignore me. A family is an emotional centre of a person’s life. Family teaches me about habits, cultural traditions, discipline and stays with me at any situation.

Electronic assistant: Which family member are you closest to?


I’m closest to my mum/dad/brother/sister/aunt/uncle/grandmother/grandfather because we share same interests/hobbies, he/she takes care of me, is good company / fun to be with, always listens to me when I have a problem.


Famous people


Electronic assistant: What kind of person may become your role model in life?

Student: I guess that my role model is my parents. They help me become the person I want to be and inspire me to develop my own style in life and don’t copy what other do. My parents set good examples for me. I respect and admire them.



Electronic assistant: What is your favourite food?

Student: Actually, my favourite food is dairy products, meat, fruit, vegetables and cereals.

Electronic assistant: Do you like to eat with your family or do you like to eat alone?

Student: I normally like to eat with my family members because that is the time we can all sit together and discuss what we had done the whole day. We can exchange / share our views with each other.


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