Tina went to the skating – rink wither friend who was very good at skating.

She stepped on a weak place in the ice and fell in, she sank under the ice.

A man grabbed her arms and pulled her up out of the water onto the ice.

Sport in Belarus and in my life

All people are fond of sports and games. Sport makes us healthy, keeps fit and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities.

Many people do sports on their initiative. They practice skiing, skating and swimming. Some of them play table tennis, volleyball and football. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, swimming – pools and football fields.

Professional sport is also paid much attention to in our republic. There are different sporting societies, clubs and complexes. The most famous of them are the Olympic complex “ Raubichi”, Minsk Arena and “ Dinamo” stadium.

In the last years Belarusian sportsmen take an active part in the world sports movement. O.Korbut, V. Shcherba and A. Medved are prominent names in our sports.

As for me, I like sports. In winter I skate and ski. In summer I prefer cycling and playing football and volleyball. But sport is not just for participants. Millions of people all over the world spend hours every week watching sport events on television or at the stadium. They enjoy being fans or supporters of this or that team.

Билет № 20(62)



I was either ten or eleven when I wrote my first song. I don't remember. My mum was struggling financially and emotionally, so I didn't talk a lot. Finally, she told me if I couldn't talk about what was bothering me, I should write about it. So she gave me a notebook, and my poems turned into lyrics.

I grew up in a very hardworking family. But we didn't have lots of money. I was the kid whom friends' parents bought Christmas presents for. One year, though, when I was in the sixth grade, my mom got a bonus at work, and instead of paying off bills, she bought me a CD player and four CDs. I eventually got several college music scholarships but passed on them to move to Los Angeles in 2001. Everyone thought I was crazy to do it, but I moved to California anyway and got work singing backup. A friend and I lived in a house with some other people, and we finally saved enough money to get our own place. The day we moved into our apartment, the building burned down. I stayed in my car for a few days so I could get enough money to drive back to Texas. When I got home, a friend told me about the American Idol audition in Dallas.

Looking back on the show, I find it strange going back and performing on Idol last spring. Everyone was always supportive and nice. But I think they were so nice because no one thought I was going to win. Members of the crew came up to me after the finale and told me they didn't think I could have won. I recently gave a self-esteem workshop for Girl Scouts in Nashville, and I told the girls that I wasn't a role model for my weight. Sometimes I'm thicker when I'm around my family and I'm eating more. Sometimes I'm thinner because I'm on the road and that takes a lot out of me. But I do feel it's important to talk to girls about weight. They see these images, and there's no way they'll ever live up to them.

Everyone says I'm down-to-earth. It would be very hard for me to keep up any sort of celebrity persona. It's just not me. I'm comfortable in my skin. I'm outspoken. I don't know any other way to be.

2. The author explains what made her write songs. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3. Why were all the people nice to her during the show?

4. What did she talk to Girl Scouts in Nashville about?


Мне было 10 или 11 лет, когда я написала свою первую песню. Я точно не помню. У моей мамы была постоянная борьба между финансами и эмоциями, поэтому я много не говорила. В конце концов она сказала мне, что если я не могу говорить сней о том, что меня беспокоит, то мне лучше об этом написать. Поэтому она дала мне блокнот и мои стихи стали словами песен.

Я выросла в трудолюбивой семье. Но у нас не было много денег. Я относилась к той категории детей, которым рождественские подарки дарили друзья родителей. Однажды, когда я была в шестом классе, моей маме дали на работе премию, а она вместо того, чтобы расплатиться со счетами, купила мне СД проигрыватель и 4 диска.

Я получила несколько стипендий в колледже, но истратила их на то, чтобы перебраться в 2001 году в Лос- Анджелес. Все считали, что я сошла с ума, ая всё равно уехала в Калифорнию и устроилась на подпевку. Мы с подругой жили в доме вместе с другими людьми и наконец скопили достаточно денег, чтобы приобрести собственное жильё. В тот день, когда мы перебрались в собственное жилище, наш дом сгорел. Я прожила несколько дней в своей машине, пока не собрала нужную сумму для того, чтобы вернуться в Техас. Когда я приехала домой, одна из моих подруг рассказала мне о прослушивании в Далласе.

Вспоминая это шоу, я считаю его достаточно странным. Все были участливыми и добрыми. Но я думаю, что они так себя вели, потому что никто не думал, что я выиграю.

Недавно я проводила мастер-класс для девушек – скаутов, и я сказала девушкам, что не считаю себя идеальной моделью для своего веса. Иногда я набираю вес, особенно если живу в своей семье и ем больше обычного. Иногда худею, особенно если нахожусь в дороге. Но я считаю очень важным говорить с девушками про их вес.

1. Read the article and say in 2-3 sentences what it is about. This text is about a girl who became the winner of the song contest ‘American Idol’. It also says about her difficult childhood and the period of getting education.

2. The author explains what made her write songs. Find this extract and read it aloud. (1 абзац) I was either ten or eleven when I wrote my first song. I don't remember. My mum was struggling financially and emotionally, so I didn't talk a lot. Finally, she told me if I couldn't talk about what was bothering me, I should write about it. So she gave me a notebook, and my poems turned into lyrics.

3. Why were all the people nice to her during the show? She thinks they were so nice because no one thought she was going to win. Members of the crew came up to her after the finale and told her they didn't think she could have won.

4. What did she talk to Girl Scouts in Nashville about? She told the girls that she wasn't a role model for her weight.



Билет 20 (54)

Ann: Last year I went on a walking tour along the coast of the Baltic Sea. I was fed up with the ides of lying on the beach; what I wanted was an active holiday.

The first day was pretty good. I walked for about 7 hours. And in the evening I got to the place where I planned to spend the night, it turned out that there was not a single bed free. I had to sleep out on the beach. The second day started with heavy rain, so my things got very wet. On the third day I began to have problems with my shoes. My feet hurt so much that I had to take a bus to the nearest town to buy some other shoes. When I was there I accidentally met an old friend. She invited me to her holiday home, but I refused.

Next day, though, there wasn’t only a problem with my shoes (I mean the new ones), but also another worry: there was no way to go! The road along the shore was blocked for some reason. That time I decided to call my friend. She said happily: “ Great! We’ ll be lying on the beach, sunbathing and doing nothing!”

Well, I must say I quite liked the idea.

1. Ann wanted to have an active holiday.


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