Many people travel today to have a good time.

People who never travel are narrow-minded and ignorant.

A person can see, feel and touch other ways of living traveling to other countries.



When we want to buy something, we go to a shop. There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, but most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men’s and women’s clothing stores, a grocery.

I like to do shopping at big department stores and supermarkets. They sell various goods under one roof and this is very convenient.

A department store is composed of many departments: ready – made clothes, fabrics, shoes, sports goods, toys, electric appliances, cosmetics, linen, curtains, cameras, records, etc.

The things for sale are on the counters. You pay for your things to the cashier and get your change.


Билет № 14(45)




John tells us a hit more about shopping in London... "When I visit London one of my favourite things to do is shopping! I really enjoy hunting around for a bargain in the sales, buying something new to wear out on a Saturday night. Or alternatively, a bit of window-shopping — it doesn't cost a penny. Sometimes I'll spend hours just wandering around a market having a chat with my friends.

There are loads of different places to go shopping in London. You can go to Oxford Street, but be warned, it gets too busy sometimes; it can be difficult to go anywhere! Alternatively for a less crowded, more relaxing shopping experience, go to Covent Garden, you can have an expensive cappuccino, and watch some (free) street theatres at the same time.

Some people like shopping in department stores, the most famous one in London is 'Harrods', but for me, it's not modern enough, and too expensive, the sort of place your parents shop. But just down the road is 'Harvey Niсs', much more up-to-date, but not cheap. The best of all the big department stores is 'Selfridges' in Oxford Street, it's a shopper's paradise, nice clothes, and the prices. Well I can look, can't I?

You can also try Camden, it's busy, exciting, trendy, and there are lots of bargains! You can buy cheap jeans and cool second hand clothes in the morning and then get a tattoo and a body piercing later on! If all that shopping is too tiring, you can get some Chinese or Thai food for 2 or 3 pounds, sit by the canal and have a drink. What could be better?

If Camden is not cultured enough, you might prefer a day in Greenwich — a world heritage site. This is a much more relaxing day out. You can have a walk round the market and shops, and then take in a bit of London's history — it was the birthplace of Henry VIII, Queen Mary and Elizabeth I. There's also the park, the 'Cutty Sark' (an old tea clipper ship), the meridian line (where east meets west), and the old observatory... so much to do, but don't forget the shopping!"

2. The author describes some department stores that are popular with shoppers. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3. What does John like about shopping?

4. Why is Greenwich interesting to visit?

Магазины Лондона

Джон рассказывает нам еще немного о магазинах Лондона… «Когда я посещаю Лондон, одно из самых моих любимых занятий - это ходить по магазинам! Я просто получаю удовольствие от охоты на выгодную покупку при распродаже, покупая что-нибудь новое на выход субботним вечером. Или, как альтернатива, рассматриваю витрины магазинов - это ничего не стоит. Иногда я провожу часы, гуляя по рынку и болтая с друзьями. В Лондоне множество разных мест, куда можно пойти за покупками. Можно пойти на Оксфорд стрит, но будьте осторожны, там может быть слишком многолюдно; может быть трудно куда-либо пройти. Как альтернатива меньше народа и более спокойно на Ковент гарден, где можно попить дорогого капуччино и посмотреть бесплатно уличный театр.

Некоторые люди любят делать покупки в больших универмагах, один из самых известных в Лондоне - «Гарродс», но для меня он недостаточно современный и слишком дорогой. А вниз по дороге находится «Харви Никс», намного современнее, но не дешевый. Самый лучший из всех универмагов – это «Селфридж» на Оксфорд стрит, торговый рай с красивой одеждой и ценами.

Также можно попробовать Камден, шумный, волнующий, трендовый, где можно совершить много выгодных покупок. Можно купить дешевые джинсы и классную одежду «секонд хэнд» утром и затем позже сделать тату и пирсинг! А если шопинг слишком утомительный, можно взять какую-то китайскую или тайскую еду за 2 или 3 фунта, сесть у канала и выпить. Что может быть лучше?

Если Кэмден не достаточно культурное место, можно предпочесть один день в Гринвиче-мировой достопримечательности. Так можно отлично отдохнуть. Можно прогуляться по рынку и магазинам, а затем немного прикоснуться к истории Лондона- это место рождения Генри VIII, королевы Мери и Элизабет I. Здесь также находится парк,»Катти Сарк», проходит линия меридиана(где встречается восток с западом), и старая обсерватория… столько всего…, но не забудьте про магазины!


1.This text is about shopping in London. There are loads of different places to go shopping in London. There are shops where there are lots of bargains, but there are many shops where everything is not cheap.


2.3-ий абзац.


3.He likes hunting around for a bargain in the sales.


4.Greenwich is a world heritage site. You can have a walk round the market & shops, & then take in a bit of London’s history.


Билет 14 (36)

Speaker 1: Throw away gas or electric cooker. Also throw away salt. Get as many fruit and vegetables as you can. Try to drink as much water as possible as it increases the rate at which you burn calories. Cut out soda and limit fruit juices, most of which are high calorie. Carry on normal work. I followed diet continuously for six months. In the end I lost 23kg. I did morning walks, cycling, but no other physical exercise.

Speaker 2: You should know there is no safe way to lose weight quickly, the mistake is if you lose weight very quickly, you will be a lot less likely to keep it off. So, definitely try to lose weight gradually, but don’t plan on losing overnight. This is the most important and the first aspect of getting your perfect body shape. If you have a lot of weight to lose, try for 5 pounds, relax a bit, then go foe 5 more.

Speaker 3: The first thing I would suggest is to believe in yourself and love yourself. The key to weigh loss is simple – you should burn more than you take in! Walk the dog, join a health club, take up jogging. Whatever you do, you’ve got to move your body as much as possible if you want to lose weight.

1. Throw away gas or electric cooker and salt.


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