Belarusian national cuisine


Delicious and warming, modern – day Belarusian cuisine is a mix of two key factors: the people’s relationship with the land and local produce influences from neighbouring countries and migrant settlers.

A traditional dinner consists of two dishes: soup and a main course. Fresh white cheese and various kinds of cold meat (usually smoked) at least on holidays.

The main vegetables are cabbage and beets, carrots both stewed and boiled (with the addition of a small amount of milk). The Belarusian khaladnik, a cold borscht made of beets, beet leaves or sorrel and served with sour cream, hard- boiled eggs and boiled potatoes, has been a popular dish.

The main diary products include a kind of fresh white cheese and sour cream which is widely used both in cooking and as a garnish.



Билет № 12 (36)


Seventeen: What was your experience with bullying in high school?

Audra Mari: One Sunday, I came home and there was a big picture on the door. It was basically making fun of me because I'm tall. Once the girls prepared a slogan to support a football team. The slogan wishing good luck faced the team, but the back of the slogan read "Go Home Mari". And the whole student section saw it. One time during lunch, I was sitting with all my friends, and a girl came up to me and threw a paper lunch bag at me. She said, "You can eat this for lunch, it is for horses."

Seventeen: What was going through your head when all of this was happening?

AM: At first, I tried to keep it in and not tell anyone except for my friends because I thought that it'd finish after the first few weeks, but this happened all year. So finally, I told my mum, I told her everything. She talked to the administration, and they brought the girls in and talked to them about it. The girls were punished. So you just have to bring it to the attention of adults.

Seventeen: In spite of all this, you still managed to make it to the Miss Teen USA competition and win it. How did you find the confidence to go for it? AM: You just have to ignore it and have confidence in yourself. I was a three - sport athlete — hockey, soccer, and volleyball — and I gave them up to do my modelling career.

Seventeen: What's your advice for girls dealing with bullies today?

AM: Stay confident and know that this is not the end of the world, that you are not going to be in high school for the rest of your life. There are mean girls wherever you go, but you don't need to be with them when you get older. You're not in a classroom with them, you're not eating lunch with them, so look past it and know that it's going to end. Looking back, I'd say you just need to focus on what you want to achieve and not let people get in your way or upset you. Also, tell a trusted adult, tell all your friends, tell anyone you can. If you keep it inside, it's just going to eat you.

2. Mary was cruelly bullied. Read aloud the extract which says about it.

3. How did she react to bullying?

4. What advice does she give to other children?

Опять дразнилки?

17: Какой у вас опыт в старшей школе с дразнилками.

Одра Мери: Однажды в воскресенье я пришла домой и на двери была большая картина.Естественно, это была насмешка надо мной, потому что я высокая. Однажды девушки приготовили плакат, чтобы поддержать футбольную команду. Плакат желал удачи команде, но сзади было написано: «Иди домой, Мери». Однажды во время ланча я сидела с друзьями, подошла девушка ко мне и бросила мне бумажный пакет от ланча. Она сказала: «Ты можешь это съесть на ланч, это для лошадей.»

17: Что происходило в вашей голове в это время?

ОМ: Сначала я старалась это держать в себе и никому не рассказывать кроме моих друзей, потому что я считала, что это закончится спустя первые несколько недель, но это происходило весь год. Наконец я сказала маме и рассказала ей все, она поговорила с администратором,они вызвали девушек и с ними поговорили об этом. Девушки были наказаны. Поэтому просто надо доводить до внимания взрослых.

17: Несмотря на это, вы еще пытаетесь принять участие в конкурсе Мисс Подросток СШ и победить. Как же вы нашли уверенность, чтобы идти на это?

ОМ: Просто надо проигнорировать это и в себе найти уверенность. Я занималась тремя видами спорта: хоккей, соккер(футбол), волейбол - и я бросила это, чтобы сделать модельную карьеру.

17: Какой вы дадите совет девушкам, над которыми насмехаются сегодня?

ОМ: Оставайтесь уверенными и знайте, что это не конец света, что вы не собираетесь оставаться в старшей школе. Куда бы ты не пришел, есть жалкие девушки, но тебе не надо быть с ними, когда ты взрослеешь. Ты не учишься с ними,ты с ними не кушаешь ланч, поэтому пропусти это и знай,что скоро конец. Оглянись, я бы сказала,вам просто надо сосредоточиться на том, чего вы хотите достичь, и не позволять людям становиться на вашем пути или оскорблять вас. Также расскажи доверенному взрослому, расскажи всем своим друзьям, расскажи любому, кому можешь. Если ты будешь держать всё в себе, это будет тебя съедать.

1.This text is about bullying in high school. Some students suffer from their classmates.We should know how to behave in such situations.

2. 2-ой абзац) Audra Mari: One Sunday, I came home and there was a big picture on the door. It was basically making fun of me because I'm tall. Once the girls prepared a slogan to support a football team. The slogan wishing good luck faced the team, but the back of the slogan read "Go Home Mari". And the whole student section saw it. One time during lunch, I was sitting with all my friends, and a girl came up to me and threw a paper lunch bag at me. She said, "You can eat this for lunch, it is for horses."

3. At first, she tried to keep it in & not tell anyone except for her friends. But then she told everything to her mum. She thinks that it’s very important to bring it to the attention of adults.

4. She is sure that it’s very important to ignore bullying & have confidence in yourself. We need to focus on what we want to achieve & not let people get in our way or upset us. We should tell a trusted adult, tell all our friends. If we keep it inside, it’s just going to eat us.


Билет 12 (34)

Maggy: Hey, Alex! I’ve got an idea. I can show you my favourite place in London.

Alex: Sure, Maggy, I’d like to see that, but where is it exactly?

Maggy: Look beyond the people. What do you see?

Alex: Well, there’s a beautiful building over there! It looks like a palace. What

is it?

Maggy: It’s a Buckingham Palace! And all those people are waiting for the Changing of the Guard. It’s 11 o’clock so the ceremony will start soon.

Alex: Does this ceremony take place every day?

Maggy: It’s held daily only from April to August, when there are lots of tourists. But we aren’t going to watch it right now; we are going to the park which is opposite the palace.

Alex: Let me guess. We must be in St. James’s Park now!

Maggy: Good guess! You are right, it’s St. James’s Park, which is a popular place to walk, feed the ducks or watch the pelicans.

Alex: Those people on the lawn seem to be having a picnic. Is it possible to have picnics in London parks?

Maggy: Sure, but you should follow certain rules.

Alex: Okay. What is the magnificient style building opposite the lake?

Maggy: This is St. James’s Palace. And behind it, there is an entertainment area of Picadilly Circus with lots of pubs and cafes. If you like, we can go there later in the evening.

Alex: That’s a wonderful idea! But honestly, I’m starving and wouldn’t mind having a bite right now.

Maggy: Then let’s go to the café and have a snack.

1. Maggy’s favourite places in London are Buckingham Palace and St’ James’s park.


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