When the senior class of Gardane School heard that it might not get a new teacher for their elementary school, the pupils wrote to the Minister of Education. They live in or near a village in a mountainous district of Martonia where it is difficult to recruit doctors and teachers. Their request was published in a national paper and has become a common topic of conversation in a country where there is great concern about people leaving rural areas for the cities. This is the letter:

Dear Minister,

We are writing to ask for your help. We need a new teacher for the senior class in our school, and we are worried because our parents have been told that the Ministry cannot find one. Our school is very important to us and we like coming here to learn.

Gardane is a small village. Every visitor from the city says our valley is very beautiful and that we are lucky to live here. So why isn't there a new teacher who wants to come here? We don't mind how old the new teacher is, or whether it's a man or a woman. They should like the country and outdoor life, and be healthy. We would like someone who is patient, happy and does not shout. The teacher should be clever and know how to help us understand things. We'd like our teacher to be properly dressed and to come on time. They should be kind, make us feel happy in the school, and help us make our classroom nice. We would like someone who thinks of exciting things to do, inside and outside school. For example, our last teacher got us to write down the history of the village which our grandparents knew — we didn't realise how much the village had changed; make a nature calendar so we learned more about farming and about the animals and plants in our valley; read all sorts of books and write a newspaper about our village.

If the Ministry does not send us a teacher, we will have to leave our families and our valley to go to school.

Please help us!

Yours sincerely

The pupils of Gardane school.

The pupils have not had a reply yet, and so far the Ministry has refused to comment on the situation.

2. The children mention some qualities that their future teacher should possess. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3. Why did children like their last teacher?

4. What will happen if the school doesn't get a new teacher?

Особые просьбы к Министру oбразования

Когда старшие классы Гарденской школы услышали, что возможно в их школе не будет нового учителя, они написали Министру oбразования. Они живут в или около деревни в Горном районе Мартонии, куда трудно завлечь врачей и учителей. Их просьба была напечатана в национальной газете и стала обычной темой для разговора в стране, где большая забота о людях, живущих в сельской местности. Вот письмо:

Дорогой Министр,

Мы пишем, чтобы попросить вас о помощи. Нашей школе нужен учитель для старших классов. И мы обеспокоены, потому что нашим родителям сказали, что Министр не может найти. Для нас наша школа очень важна и нам нравится приходить учиться.

Гарден- это маленькая деревня. Каждый приезжающий из города говорит, что наша долина очень красивая и что нам повезло, что мы здесь живем. Почему у нас нет нового учителя, который хотел бы приехать сюда? Нам неважно, какого возраста новый учитель, или какого пола этот учитель. Им должно нравиться жить в деревне на свежем воздухе и быть здоровым. Нам бы хотелось терпеливого, счастливого и чтобы не кричал. Учитель должен быть умным и знать, как помочь нам понять окружающих. Нам бы хотелось, чтоб наш учитель был хорошо одетым и вовремя приходил. Он должен быть добрым, делать нашу жизнь в школе счастливой и помогать нам, сделать наш класс красивым. Нам бы хотелось такого, который может придумывать интересное внутри школы и вне школы. Например, наш прошлый учитель вдохновил нас написать историю нашей деревни, которую знали наши дедушки- мы не понимали, насколько изменилась наша деревня. Мы узнали больше о сельском хозяйстве, о животных и растениях в нашей долине. Если Министр не пришлет нам учителя, нам придется покинуть наши семьи и нашу долину, чтобы пойти в школу.

Пожалуйста, помогите нам.

Ваши ученики Гарденской школы.

Ученики еще не получили ответ. Пока Министр отказался комментировать ситуацию.

1.This text is about problems of any village school. It’s very difficult to recruit doctors & teachers to any village. There are no such conviences in a village.

2. 3-ий абзац.

3.Because that teacher helped them to understand things. He got them to write down the history of the village & many other things.

4. If the Ministry does not send them a new teacher, they will have to leave their families & their valley to go to school.

Билет 17 (47)

Mum: Have you done your homework?

Girl: No, not yet. I want to talk to you and Dad.

Mum: What about?

Girl: About the summer holidays, there’s a group of us at school who want to go away together.

Mum: Go away together? Whatever next?

Girl: I knew you’d say no.

Dad: Hang on a minute, go away where?

Mum: She is only sixteen.

Girl: That’s old enough to get married, so you can’t stop me.

Dad: Just a minute go where?

Girl: France. We can practice our French.

Mum: Oh, if you want to practice French, you can do it here.

Girl: Not to each other. To French people.

Dad: Where would you stay?

Girl: We’d go camping, there’s a camp site in the south of France. Louse stayed there last year with her parents.

Dad: How would you get to the south of France?

Girl: By train.

Mum: Have you got any idea how much it’d cost? Who is going to pay for it all?

Girl: I’d get a job, anyway we haven’t worked out yet how much it will cost?

Dad: I think it’d be a good idea if you get more details and then we’ll talk about it again. Okay?


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