In our history, there have been some remarkable children. Mozart is a famous example. After he had heard a piece of music a couple of times, he could write it down on paper. He composed symphonies while he was still a child. Today we also hear stories of very gifted children.

Ruth Lawrence, from the UK, became famous at the age of 12, when she began her studies at Oxford University. She was the youngest student ever to attend a university in the UK. Before going to university, Ruth was taught at home by her father. While she was a student, her father was always by her side. He attended all her lectures with her. Ruth did very well at Oxford. She got a first class degree in mathematics. Now Ruth is a mathematics professor.

These young people are, however, extremely special. Because of that they naturally feel different to other children of their own age. They can become lonely. Michael Howe, a professor of psychology says, "It is good to be good at something while you are young, but if you do not have friends or other experiences you will not have a satisfying life." Gifted children who understand quicker than their classmates can also become lazy. They can behave badly in class because they are bored.

If parents find that their child is especially talented, they have to take some important and difficult decisions. They have to help their child develop but they cannot push their child too hard. If they do, the child may have serious problems later in life. However, if a child is especially gifted, it is clear that they need a special kind of education. These children need to be motivated. This means that they have to study with people who are older than them. But at the same time they must be allowed to be children too.

Despite her great success, Ruth Lawrence does not want her own children to be brought up and educated in the same way she was. They will be sent to a normal school and she has said that she wants them to develop and grow only in a natural way.

2. Ruth Lawrence was a gifted child. Read aloud the extract which says about her.

3. What kind of problems can wonderkids have?

4. What should parents and teachers do for their gifted children?

Нужна ли очень умным детям помощь?

В нашей истории было несколько замечательных детей. Моцарт - превосходный пример. Пару раз прослушав кусочек музыки, он мог записать его на бумагу. Еще будучи ребенком он писал симфонии. В наше время мы также слышим об очень одаренных детях.

Рут Лоренс из Великобритании стала знаменитой в возрасте 12, когда она стала учиться в Оксфордском Университете. Она была самой молодой студенткой за всю историю университета. До поступления в университет ее дома учил отец. Пока она училась, отец всегда был рядом. Он вместе с ней посещал все лекции. Рут училась очень хорошо. По математике она получила высший балл. Сейчас Рут профессор математики.

Эти молодые люди, однако, чрезвычайно особенные. Из-за этого они, естественно, чувствуют себя отличными от других детей их возраста. Они могут стать одинокими. Майкл Хоум, профессор психологии, говорит:»Пока ты молодой, хорошо преуспевать в чем-либо, но, если у тебя нет друзей или какого-то опыта, ты не будешь доволен жизнью.»Одаренные дети, которые быстрее соображают, чем их одноклассники, также могут стать ленивыми. Они могут нарушать дисциплину, потому что им скучно.

Если родители обнаружат, что их ребенок особо одаренный, им приходится принимать важное и трудное решение. Им приходится помогать своему ребенку развиваться, но нельзя слишком сильно толкать ребенка. Если они будут это делать, у их ребенка могут быть серьезные проблемы в жизни. Однако, если ребенок особо одаренный, понятно, что ему нужно специальное обучение. Этих детей надо мотивировать. Это значит, что им придется учиться с людьми старше их. Но в тоже время им надо позволять быть детьми тоже.

Несмотря на большой успех, Рут Лоренс не хочет, чтобы ее дети росли и учились так, как она. Они будут отправлены в нормальную школу и она сказала, что хочет, чтобы они росли и развивались естественно.


1.This text is about especially gifted children. They feel different to other children of their age. They have to study with people who are older than them. But they must be allowed to stay children.


2. (2-ой абзац.) Ruth Lawrence, from the UK, became famous at the age of 12, when she began her studies at Oxford University. She was the youngest student ever to attend a university in the UK. Before going to university, Ruth was taught at home by her father. While she was a student, her father was always by her side. He attended all her lectures with her. Ruth did very well at Oxford. She got a first class degree in mathematics. Now Ruth is a mathematics professor.


3.They can become lonely, lazy & behave badly because they are bored.

4.Parents have to help their children develop but they can’t push their child too hard. Parents & teachers should motivate them & allow them to be children.

Билет № 10 (30)

Speaker 1: Well,my favourite leisure pastime is rather unusual. You see, I live in the country and for me there is nothing better than riding on horseback on a hot sunny day with a little breeze. There is no one around and you can enjoy freedom form almost everything and everyone. No matter what mood you are in, you can always find happiness.

Speaker 2: I am fond of crafts. I love making different items from wood and then painting them. I usually give them away just to make people smile! I also enjoy sewing, especially making doll clothes for my daughter.These things relax me, not to mention that I get a bit of satisfaction from having made something useful. I love making gifts for my family and friends. I wish I had more time to do it.

Speaker 3: I have only one favourite pastime. Every day I come home, lie on the sofa, turn on TV and just relax. What do I watch? It doesn’t matter. Anything from soaps to football matches. My TV set is my best friend. The only problem is that I have to put on a lot of weight. I can’t help eating crisps and other snacks while watching. My friends say I’m a couch potato. So what? I like it that way.

1. According to the first speaker his favourite pastime is riding on horseback on a hot sunny day.


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