Text 2. How to find your dream job

Text 1. Results of poor cross cultural awareness

Having a poor understanding of the influence of cross cultural differences in areas such as management, PR, advertising and negotiations can eventually lead to blunders that can have damaging consequences.

It is crucial for today’s business personnel to understand the impact of cross-cultural dif­ferences on business, trade and internal company organization. The success or failure of a company, venture, merger or acquisition is essentially in the hands of people. If these people are not cross culturally aware then misunderstandings, offence and a break down in communication can occur.

The need for greater cross cultural awareness is heightened in our global economies. Cross cultural differences in matters such as language, etiquette, non-verbal communica­tion, norms and values can, do and will lead to cross cultural blunders.

To illustrate this we have provided a few examples of cross cultural blunders that could have been avoided with appropriate cross cultural awareness training:

An American oil rig supervisor in Indonesia shouted at an employee to take a boat to shore. Since it is no-one berates an Indonesian in public, a mob of out raged workers chased the supervisor with axes.

Pepsodent tried to sell its toothpaste in Southeast Asia by emphasizing that it “whitens your teeth.” They found out that the local natives chew betel nuts to blacken their teeth which they find attractive.

A company advertised eyeglasses in Thailand by featuring a variety of cute animals wearing glasses. The ad was a poor choice since animals are considered to be a form of low life and no self respecting. Thai wouldn’t wear anything worn by animals.

When President George Bush went to Japan with Lee Iacocca and other American business magnates, and directly made explicit and direct demands on Japanese leaders, they violated Jap­anese etiquette. To the Japanese (who use high context language) it is considered rude and a sign of ignorance or desperation to lower oneself to make direct demands. Some analysts believe it severely damaged the negotiations and confirmed to the Japanese that Americans are barbarians.

A soft drink was introduced into Arab countries with an attractive label that had stars on it - six pointed stars. The Arabs interpreted this as pro-Israeli and refused to buy it. Another label was printed in ten languages, one of which was Hebrew - again the Arabs did not buy it.

U.S. and British negotiators found themselves at a standstill when the American company proposed that they “table” particular key points. In the U.S. “tabling a motion” means to not discuss it, while the same phrase in Great Britain means “to bring it to the table for discussion.”

In addition to interpersonal cross cultural gaffes, the translation of documents, bro­chures, advertisements and signs also offers us some comical cross-cultural blunders:

Kellogg had to rename its Bran Buds cereal in Sweden when it discovered that the name roughly translated to “burned farmer.”

When Pepsico advertised Pepsi in Taiwan with the ad “Come Alive with Pepsi” they had no idea that it would be translated into Chinese as “Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the dead.”

In conclusion, poor cross-cultural awareness has many consequences, some serious, others comical. It is imperative that in the global economy cross-cultural awareness is seen a necessary investment to avoid such blunders as we have seen above.



Text 2. How to find your dream job

Many people work in jobs that aren’t what they want or are less than they deserve. It’s partly the pull of inertia and partly lack of confidence, but mostly the fear their dream job doesn’t exist — or they couldn’t land it if it does.

Most settle for second or third (or fourth, or fifth) best and try to get on with their lives, secretly cherishing the dream of something better.

It doesn’t have to be like that. You can take practical steps to turn that dream into reality. Here are some tips to send you on your way.

1. Look for “Upgrade Roles”. Upgrade roles act as stepping stones towards your dream position, moving you forward — may be not all the way — while you continue looking for that dream position. Think of them as steps on the ladder.

2. Tighten Your Focus. The trouble with dreams is that they’re fuzzy: all misty images of joyfulness and “happy ever after” endings. That’s fine for day-dreaming, but it won’t work to get results. You need to know exactly what you want. A lot of so-called dream jobs are simply fantasies.

3. Look for Opportunities Others Miss. There are hidden opportunities in every situation. If the fast track looks inviting, remember obvious opportunities attract the most competition. See if you can find a less obvious path where there are fewer people competing with you.

4. Be ready for Trade-offs. Sit down and make a list of what you really want in a job. Not just the kind of work and the atmosphere around you, but also the benefits and whatever else would make that job wonderful. Put them in order of priority. You may never find a job that matches your list 100%. It may not even exist. But hey... 90% (or even 80%) of your dream may be a whole lot better than you have now.

5. Learn how to Toot Your Own Horn. No one likes a braggart, but no one notices someone who never brings his or her accomplishments to the fore. People usually take you at your own estimation. Act the pail of your dream job long before you land it.

6. Find’a mentor. If you can find someone who knows the ropes (and the people involved) to take you under his or her wing, you’ve dramatically improved your prospects.


Checking Comprehension

1. What do young people think about their job opportunities?

2. Why is it advisable to start a career from performing "uprade roles”?

3. In what way is day-dreaming harmful?

4. What advice is given to those who have to find out what they really want?
Why is it useful for young people to bring their accomplishments to the fore?

5. Why do some people think it wise to find a mentor before landing their dream jobs?




Conflict is inevitable because we live and work in the world which imposes restrictions on our opportunities. We seldom get what we want. You have to distribute bonuses among your subordinates and each of them deserves at least half of the sum you have. Three of your best employees want to go on holiday at the same time and so on. Conflict arises in every situation as different interests collide.

Conflict is a natural phenomenon of organization, no matter if it is a big company or a small office. Working together people compete for status and career advancement, which are limited in any organization. But conflict doesn’t always mean bad environment. It even guards the organization from getting apathetic and stagnant, create the atmosphere of development. It makes employees keep on learning and be flexible to the changing world. It sometimes can become a source of innovation. Thus conflict’s nature can be both positive and negative. And modem managers should study how to handle it with the benefit for the organization.

In order to tackle the problem, a manager should know the following: the parties of the conflict; the cause of the problem, and how to choose the right strategy.


Conflicts always have causes. To be effective the solution process depends on the right identification of its source. The causes of conflicts can be grouped into three categories: communication differences, structural differences, and personal differences.

Communication differences appear from misunderstanding, not the lack of communication. Discordance in the organization is caused by different aims, tasks, values, and personalities.

Structural differences arise from people’s want to be promoted, increased payments. Usually managers divide tasks up, group common tasks and give authority to coordinate the work of different teams. It frequently results in conflicts. In this case conflicts are not caused by bad communication or personal dislikes. People want promotions, pay increases, which are often limited in organization.

Personal differences have roots in personal value systems. For some people it is simply impossible to work together, because each person is a unique personality with a definite set of values, background, education, life experience, etc. These personal differences can create conflicts.

For a manager the process of conflict resolution has five strategies.

1. Competition (assertive and uncooperative): when the conflict is ignored in the hope it will go away itself, slow procedures are used to solve the problem, the secrecy is used, and bureaucratic rules of conflict resolution are applied.

2. Collaboration (assertive and cooperative): the process of negotiations and finding acceptable solutions.

3. Avoidance (unassertive and uncooperative): create win-lose situations, use of competition, forcing submission.

4. Accommodation (unassertive and cooperative): giving way, submission and compliance.

5. Compromise (midway on both assertiveness and cooperativeness): problem-solving; confronting differences and sharing ideas and information; search for integrative solution; finding situations where all can win; seeing problems and conflicts as challenging.

Task 1

Translate into Russian.

Inevitable; to distribute bonuses among one’s subordinates; to go on holiday; career advancement; apathetic; to create the atmosphere of development; to handle; the cause of the problem; the source of conflict; the lack of communication; an aim; a value; a personality7; to have roots in smth; a unique personality; competition; uncooperative; avoidance: accommodation; a compromise.

Task 2

Translate into English.

Налагать ограничения на что-то; заслуживать; соперничать за статус; оберегать организацию от чего-то; бездеятельный; источник инноваций; приниматься за решение проблемы; участники кон­фликта; коммуникационные различия; структурные различия; индии- видуальные различия; разногласие; личная неприязнь; система индивидуальных ценностей; разрешение конфликта; самоуверенный; сотрудничество; подчинение; одобрение/согласие.




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