Задание 2.
1. То solve the problems of environment protection we must create ecological data banks with the state and local authorities and businessmen’s support. Для решения проблем охраны окружающей среды мы должны создать банки экологических данных с государственными и местными органами власти и поддержкой предпринимателей.
2. Experiments allowed him to discover the properties of new chemical elements. Эксперименты позволили ему обнаружить свойства новых химических элементов
3. To prevent water entering the cavity of the wall, moisture barriers are used on the external surface and vapour barriers are used on the internal face. Чтобы предотвратить попадание воды в полость стены, на внешней поверхности используются влажные барьеры, а на внутренней поверхности используются паровые барьеры
4.Sound-deadening material is used to reduce sound passing from one room to another. Звукоизолирующий материал используется для уменьшения звука, проходящего из одной комнаты в другую
5. Peat is considered to be the lowest grade of coal because of its high water content. Торф считается самым низким сортом угля из-за высокого содержания воды в нем.
6. My job is to make holes in rocks so that the samples of the rock can be taken and to insert explosives for blasting. Моя работа делать отверстия в скалах, чтобы можно было закладывать взрывчатку для взрывных работ.
8.To check whether there is any oil at a site an exploratory well, or wildcat id to be dug.
Для определения наличия нефти на месте бурения нужно сделать отверстие для поисковой сважины.
9. Cracking process uses heat, pressure and catalysts to break up large molecules of heavy hydrocarbons into small molecules of light hydrocarbons. Процесс крекинга использует тепло, давление и катализаторы для разложения крупных молекул тяжелых углеводородов на небольшие молекулы легких углеводородов.
10. Collectors are special devices to remove solids from the gas.Фильтр - это специальные устройства для удаления твердых веществ из газа
11. It also allows the rover to go over high rocks. Он также позволяет роверу преодолевать высокие скалы.
12. To prevent a car from moving pull a parking brake. Чтобы автомобиль не двигался, потяните стояночный тормоз
13. I’m pleased to report that our synthetic motor oils provide extremely fast lubrication of moving parts. Я рад сообщить, что наши синтетические моторные масла обеспечивают чрезвычайно быструю смазку движущихся частей.
14. Incineration isn’t the safest way to utilize plastics. Сжигание пластмасс не самый безопасный способ их утилизации.
15. Cables consisting of several copper wires each with a shield are known as twisted pair cables. Кабели, состоящие из нескольких медных проводов, каждый со щитом, известны как кабели с витой парой
16. To send out information is to transmit. Для отправки информации необходимо транслировать.
17. Nuclear power plants began to be commissioned from mid-fifties. Атомные электростанции начали вводиться в эксплуатацию с середины 50-х годов.
18. The high voltage electricity transmission network was created in order to transport electricity over long distances from big power plants. Высоковольтная сеть передачи электроэнергии была создана для транспортировки электроэнергии на большие расстояния от крупных электростанций.
Задание 3. 1. I enrolled in KuzSTU to become a good specialist.2. I would like my exams to be finished excellently.
3. The first thing I do, how I'll pass the exams is to relax and watch my favorite movie
4, I look on the Internet If I do not know how to use something5. I think that the most difficult thing is not to eat after 6 pm. 6. I'm sure that many times in a row watching the cartoon "Well, wait" is harmful for the psyche of parents.
7. I have long dreamed to lose weight
8. I want my loved ones to be always around.9. Study turns out to have a good effect on the inner worl.
10. Education is without a doubt necessary for self-development.
Задание 5.
1. In the future I want to continue to improve and develop. I think that I will develop not only in the field of chemistry. Maybe I'll go on to learn. I will try to achieve a promotion at work. But not in any way I will not forget about the family. In the summer we wanted to go on holiday together. Also I plan soon to visit relatives. In the near future I expect exams. I think that all exams will be passed successfully.2. My life will change a lot In five years. The diploma will be written and successfully protected.Higher education will be received and I will be a young specialist. Maybe I'll get a promotion at work and my salary will be higher. My children will go to school. Also We will have a small house. Near the house there will be a small garden and a garden. Be sure to build a bath and a huge veranda, on which I will drink tea on warm evenings.
Задание 6.
Exercises That Will Make You A Better Engineer
Anyone can learn to become an engineer, but not every one becomes. Real engineers focus on the problem, break it into pieces, and
analyze them. Computing helps people and the final goal of a software engineer is to make things possible. Many times, engineers forget about the final goal, usually because they are educated to focus on the inner layers. Fortunately, there are ways you can train yourself to become a better engineer. Put questions before you and find answers to them. In short, be inquisitive. Having a strategy for asking questions is one of the most important things you can do – never break the rule and try to make other people follow the process. Do not give up, even if something does not work out. Mistakes need to be rethought and corrected. Do not be afraid to admit and see mistakes and they will probably show you the way to a new discovery. Befriend The Impossible. If you assume something is not going to happen simply because chances are slim, bad news – it will in fact happen at the worst moment possibl. It is actually hard to be a good software engineer. It's worth remembering always what the already known resolution is the best place to start. This makes people forget about engineering and, eventually, even promising engineers take the paved road
Задание 7.