Electricity market has two levels: wholesale and retail electricity markets; heat power market has only one level - retail market. System operator, regional electric network companies and other entities owning electric networks shall ensure non-discriminatory access to the electricity market for all market players as prescribed by the state authority performing management of the natural monopolies and regulated markets. Any relations arising out of generation, transmission and consumption at the market of electric or heat power shall be regulated by the relevant contracts in the electric power industry.
The functional design of the wholesale electricity market in Kazakhstan comprises: market of decentralized purchase and sale of electricity (bilateral contracts of electricity purchase and sale); centralized electricity market, which is based on purchase and sale of electricity for short-term (spot-trade), mid-term (week, month) and long-term (quarter, year) period; real-time balancing market operating for physical and subsequent financial settlement of hourly disbalances arising within the operating day between actual and contractual generation and consumption of electricity in the unified power system of Kazakhstan; system and ancillary services market, which serves for the system operator to render system services and purchase ancillary services at the participants of the electricity market of the republic of Kazakhstan to ensure the adherence to the established state standards of reliable operation of Kazakhstan UPS and electricity quality capacity market (launching 01 January 2016).
Power generating companies generate and sell electricity at the wholesale market of Kazakhstan if they meet the following conditions: 1) they have licenses as required by the laws of Kazakhstan; 2) they have access to the national and (or) regional electric network; 3) they supply at least 1 megawatt (further MW) of electricity of daily average (base) capacity to the wholesale market and have commercial metering systems, telecommunications harmonized with the system operator's systems.
Power generating companies connected to the national power grid can have access to the national power grid if they contract with the system operator: 1) for technical dispatch of generation/consumption of electricity in the unified power system of Kazakhstan; 2) for balancing of generation/consumption of electricity in the unified power system of Kazakhstan. The power generating companies connected to the electric networks of the regional electric network companies can have access to the national power grid under if they have contract with the system operator for rendering by the latter the services on technical dispatch of generation/consumption of electricity in the unified power system of Kazakhstan.
Consumers make electricity purchase and sale contracts with the price, volume and supply conditions at the decentralized electricity market in accordance with the civil code.
The electricity consumers connected to the electric networks of the regional electric network companies can have access to the national power grid if they meet the following conditions: 1) contract with the system operator for transmission of electricity via national power grid; 2) contract with the system operator for technical dispatch of the imported electricity (in case of electricity import); 3) they have access to the regional electric network.
Heat power- тепловая энергия
Entity- something which exists apart from other things, having its own independent existence (организм, организация).
Ensure- to make something certain to happen (обеспечивать).
Non-discriminatory- not making or showing an unfair or prejudicial distinction between different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, etc.
Relevant - correct or suitable for a particular purpose (относящийся к делу, уместный).
Decentralize- to move the control of an organization or government from a single place to several smaller ones (децентрализовать).
Bilateral- involving two groups or countries (двусторонний).
Spot-trade - denoting a system of trading in which commodities or currencies are delivered and paid for immediately after a sale.
Contractual- relating to or contained within a contract (legal agreement) (договорный).
Ancillary- providing support or help; additional; extra (вспомогательный, подчиненный).
Adherence- when someone acts strictly according to rules, beliefs, etc. (приверженность).
Dispatch - to send something, especially goods or a message, somewhere for a particular purpose (отправлять).
Conditions - the physical situation that someone or something is in and affected by (условия, обстоятельства).
In accordance- following or obeying a rule/ law/ wish / etc. (в соответствии, согласно).
Access - the method or possibility of getting near to a place or person, or the right to use or look at something (доступ, подход).
Import - to buy or bring in products from another country (импортировать, ввозить).
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.
1. How many levels does electricity market have?
2. What does the functional design of the wholesale electricity market in Kazakhstan comprise?
3. What must the conditions be for power generating companies that generate and sell electricity at the wholesale market of Kazakhstan?
4. What must the conditions be for power generating companies connected to the national power grid if they need to have access to the national power grid?
5. What are the conditions for the electricity consumers connected to the electric networks of the regional electric network companies in case they want to have an access to the national power grid?
Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences using the key words from the vocabulary above.
1. Buses and trucks are usually powered by diesel engines.
2. In the future electricity will be used to power road vehicles.
3. For further information, please refer to the relevant leaflet.
4. The point is highly relevant to this discussion.
5. The airline is taking steps to ensure safety on its aircraft.
6. France and Germany have signed a bilateral agreement.
7. Are you under a contractual obligation to any other company?
8. He was noted for his strict adherence to the rules.
9. The main access to the building is at the side.
10. The system has been designed to give the user quick and easy access.
11. We import a large numbers of cars from Japan.
Read and translate the text.