Discuss the following questions
Why do people have feelings and emotions?
What good are they?
What emotions and feelings are usually classified as positive and negative?
What is the best way to make someone take an interest?
Emphasize the importance of emotions and feelings in our life.
Without feeling and emotion, people probably would have turned into robots. Every day, every minute, we are faced with a variety of emotions. Then we cry, we laugh, and sometimes burn with embarrassment or shame. Our feelings help and disturb us at the sometimes. It happens that love saves the life and sometimes that it is ruining in the contrary. It is important not to overdo using emotions to them, as for example for young girls there is nothing wrong with that if she is a little embarrassed, but with embarrassment when she wants to hide under the bed or in the closet, but this is not good.
In the world there are many professions. One of the most difficult is the profession of a teacher. The person who teaches children shouldn’t be dependent on their emotions. Of course he can’t hide them at all. Anxiety, anger and irritation always pursue the teacher, but not always, we can see it in him. His work is very dependent on the children and on their behavior, but hatred for them, never pursues a teacher. If the teacher gets angry and yelling at children, it can lead to the plight of the child, and he would yell at others, or sensitive children will simply be afraid of teachers
Sarcasm and extra notes can also lead to the suffering of a child for many years. Therefore, a teacher should behave calmly and coolly in any situation. Of course he is always rejoicing his students, loves them and proud of them when they all get. Praise and admiration arouses in children the desire to learn and achieve their goals.
I hope that my work as a teacher will have as little as possible to deal with negative emotions. I know it’s very difficult to hide all my negative feelings. I will try as often as possible to experience joy, pride and admiration and anger. Of course I can’t be sure that I will hide all of my negative feelings, but I know that children is more important that feelings of the teacher.
Vocabulary work
Ex.1 Complete the expressions and translate them:
it can lead to……. we are faced with….. It is important not to…….. possible to deal with……… sarcasm and extra notes can lead to………. | burn with…… it’s very difficult to….. teaches shouldn’t be dependent on…….. praise and admiration arouses the desire to……. try as often as possible to……….. |
Ex.2 Find English equivalents to the Russian expressions
1. желание учиться 2. привести к бедственному положению 3. сгорать от стыда и смущения 4. скрывать негативные чувства 5. вести себя спокойно и хладнокровно 6. похвала и восхищение | 7. гнев и раздражение всегда преследуют учителя 8. сталкиваться с разнообразием эмоций 9. переусердствовать с эмоциями 10. дополнительные замечания 11.привести к страданиям |
Ex.3 Fill in the gaps with the expressions above
1. Love of the subject causes…………..
2. A person who……….. in an emergency can find problem solution easier.
3. The false relationships between people can…....
4. Throughout his life every person………. which make his or her life brighter.
5. ………………………….. increase self-esteem.
6. He can’t ………………. and now……………...
7. When making a compliment try not to…………….
8. He was completely broke and the loss of his job………….
Ex.4. Use these expressions in your own sentences.
Ex.5 Answer the questions
1. Can people live without feelings and emotions?
2. How do we express emotions in our daily lives?
3. What are advantages and disadvantages of feelings and emotions? How to overcome disadvantages?
4. Is the profession of a teacher the most difficult? And why?
5. What are the consequences of the teacher's irritation or impatience?
6. How harmless sarcasm and extra notes are?
7. Describe the ideal teacher. Can you add anything?
Ex.5 Make a plan of the text and be ready to speak about feelings and emotions.
Text 2.Do we say what we think?
'It’s raining cats and dogs!' Although this phrase is not very common in England any more, it clearly shows how we don’t always say what we mean. One thing that is often frustrating for language learners is that they understand every word in a sentence and yet the meaning remains unclear - like this sentence that actually means 'it’s raining very heavily!' However, it’s not just idioms that cause difficulties for people learning English.
The British are often considered to be polite and courteous but this can be very confusing for non-native speakers. We often don’t say what we are thinking - in fact we often say the opposite! Here’s an example that will hopefully explain what I mean:
'You should come round for tea!'
Is this a genuine invitation or is the person just being polite? Stereotypically, British people are less open than people from other cultures, so we aren’t as quick to invite people into our homes. This phrase is one of those that we say but often don’t really mean, so when no further details are given, you can probably assume it was made in the name of politeness! But how does this compare to other countries?
When I lived in India, lots of people would invite me into their homes but I always assumed that they were just being polite. Of course, I was wrong. The invitations were almost always genuine, and people expected me to visit them. I was always surprised by how welcoming people were. In fact, I think I spent more time at other people’s houses than my own!
This summer, whilst working in Austria, one of my flat mates made me think about invitations again. She invited me to join her and her boyfriend for a meal out. Although touched by the invitation, I immediately assumed that she was just being polite so I told her that I didn’t want to intrude. She replied with, 'If I didn’t want you to come, I wouldn’t have invited you in the first place!'
This highlighted to me that politeness is culturally defined. In England, we often think it’s polite to offer or suggest something even if we don’t actually want to do it, whereas in other cultures people are more direct. Perhaps if English people just say what they were thinking, things would be a lot easier – especially for non-native speakers!