III. Найдите в тексте окончания предложений, выпишите их и переведите эти предложения на русский язык.

How to find a good job?

I. Прочитайте и переведите текст устно.

Where to find a good job?

The job search may take a while, but with the simple steps you will find that job that suits you. Getting a job is one of the most stressful situations a man or a woman can go through. The main thing to remember about finding a job is to not let it stress you out.

When looking for a job, make sure that you are confident. If you show that you can do the job, you most likely will. Do not limit yourself to only one field of jobs, but try out for many jobs, and fill out as many applications as you can. Again, do not limit yourself.

Finding the job is the most important part, and we will all come to face this fact eventually. A few things to help you find a job is this: Go through the local newspapers, go through all of the adds, circle the ones that interest you and then fax in your resume, or give them a call as soon as possible. Do not delay this you may miss out on the chance of a lifetime. A few places to find a job are on the Internet, also known as the world wide web. Go on the world wide web, and type in jobs in any major search engine (поисковой системе), or the specific job that you are looking for, and you will come up with many results.

Some jobs are also not right in front of your face either. You will have to do some searching. Also, keep in mind that, if you know of a friend, who works in a field that you are interested in, talk to him. He can usually help you out in your search, and possibly get you a job, or a career that you will love and enjoy.

Remember to try and choose a job that you will enjoy. If you enjoy the area of work that you work in, you will actually never work a day in your life.

Check out mystery shopping, or other fields like that if you are having trouble finding work, seek unemployment for the times that you can. Check out the money on line programs.

If you are going to college, many campuses have a work on site job that you can work while going to the college or campus. Also check out Grants and Student Aid for while you are attending school.

When you are applying for a job in the paper, or the sign in the window, there are a few simple guide lines to remember.

Keep your resume short and neat [четкий, ясный, точный], a one page resume is more than enough. If they look too long and gaudy [цветистый, витиеватый] looking, the employers will not give it their full attention. Again, be confident, be confident that you can and will do the job. List as many references that you have, attach them as well to your resume.

Dress for Success. Yes, I know you have heard that before, but it is the truth. Dress nicely and appropriately for the job. Always smile. At the end of an interview, shake hands firmly.

When seeking for a job, remember to follow your interests and do not limit yourself. The job search may take a while, sometimes a few months, if not more, but never stop until you find that career that suits you. Always be in control of your life.


How to apply for a job

Before applying for a job it might be a good idea to think about some points. The perfect job application very much depends on where you want to apply. Take a few minutes and try to answer the following questions:

1. Where do you want to apply?

2. What do you know about your potential future workplace?

3. Are you answering a job posting [объявления о работе] or are you writing a prospective letter?

4. What do you expect of your future job? (Responsibilities, salary, team work, …)

5. Does the firm or the job posting give the impression that it answers your expectations?

6. What are your strengths, what are your weaknesses regarding your profession?

7. Remember: the recipient of your application does not know anything about you except what you tell them. Try to present yourself as completely yet as concisely [кратко, сжато, лаконично] as necessary.

8. Medium of application: Will you send your application via regular mail or via Email?

II. Переведите следующие слова на русский язык. Скопируйте текст задания I и отметьте жирным шрифтом эти слова в тексте. Постарайтесь запомнить эти слова, так как они будут встречаться на следующих уроках

to search the job –

confident –

an application -

an add (от advertisement) -

to circle –

to fax –

to delay –

to miss out on the chance –

the world wide web –

to type -

in any major search engine -

to come up –

the area of work –

to check out

unemployment –

online programs –

Grants -

Student Aid -

you are applying for a job -

resume short and neat -

the employers -

references –

attach –

strengths -

weaknesses -


III. Найдите в тексте окончания предложений, выпишите их и переведите эти предложения на русский язык.

1. Getting a job is …

2. When looking for a job …

3. Do not delay this you may …

4. A few places to find a job are …

5. You will have to do …

6. Also check out Grants and Student Aid …

7. Keep your resume …

8. I know you have heard that before …

9. At the end of an interview …

10. The job search may take a while …

11. Always be in …


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