Effective January 1, 2008, under the CSU Benefits Plan, the University and employees share in the cost of basic benefit
coverage for Academic Faculty, Administrative Professionals, Post doctoral Fellows, Veterinary Interns, Clinical
Psychology Interns, and Federal employees (herein referred to as Faculty and Non-Classified staff). General information
about your benefits is provided in CSU Cost Share Faculty and Admin Pro Privileges and Benefits Summary Plan’ (SPD)
booklet. Additional information is available in certificates of coverage at https://hrs.colostate.edu/benefits/fap-insplans-
Enrollment in a retirement plan in lieu of Social Security contributions is required and is effective upon the date of
employment (employee contributions). Temporary appointments must meet a one year waiting period before receiving
the Defined Contribution Plan for Retirement (DCP) match. Temporary appointments include academic faculty,
administrative professionals, post doctoral fellows, veterinary interns and clinical psychology interns.
General Provisions, Page 12
Section 1: Общие положения
The following employees are eligible for the CSU Benefits Plan (Cost Share) Privileges and Benefits afforded through University employment as of the date of appointment, unless otherwise noted.
1. Academic Faculty on regular, special, senior teaching or temporary1 appointments of half-time or
1. greater are eligible for benefits as of the date of appointment, unless otherwise noted. Faculty
1. transitional appointees have the option of remaining on the active group insurance plans that are
1. available to full-time Academic Faculty members.
2. Administrative Professionals and Academic Faculty on regular, special or temporary1
2. appointments of half-time or greater are eligible for benefits as of the date of appointment, unless
2. otherwise noted.
1Visiting Faculty, Visiting Scientist/Scholar, Visiting Research Associates, Visiting Senior Scientist/Scholar are not eligible for
benefits, except as required as a condition of employment under Colorado law, to make employee contributions to a retirement
plan in lieu of Social Security.
3. Post doctoral Fellows, Veterinary Interns and Clinical Psychology Interns on appointments of half-
time or greater are eligible for benefits as of the date of appointment, unless otherwise noted.
4. Federal employees on appointments of half-time or greater are eligible for insurance (excluding CSU
medical plans), effective as of the date of appointment, unless otherwise noted.
State of Colorado Insurance Plans
The following employees are eligible for the State of Colorado insurance plans. The State’s contribution applies for employees who work at least 1 full work day (8 hours) per month.
State Classified and State Classified Hourly Employees.