Employee Study Privilege

Employee Study Privilege Eligibility—courses at Colorado State University

1. Academic Faculty with Regular, Special, Senior Teaching or Temporary appointments of half-time or

1. greater;

2. Faculty Transitional appointees are eligible for the same benefit available to full-time academic faculty;

3. Administrative Professionals with Regular, Special or Temporary appointments of half-time or greater;

4. Post doctoral Fellows, Veterinary Interns, and Clinical Psychology Interns with appointments of half-time

4. or greater;

5. Non-temporary State Classified employees with appointments of half-time or greater;

Note: Effective July 1, 2014, the one year continuous eligibility waiting period of half-time or greater service has been

eliminated for Temporary Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional employees defined in the CSU Cost Share

Faculty and Admin Pro Privileges and Benefits as defined in the Faculty and Admin Pro Privileges and Benefits

Summary Plan (SPD) booklet. Visiting temporary appointments are not eligible for benefits. Contact Human Resources

at (970) 491-MyHR (6947) regarding eligibility provisions for University Faculty Affiliates employed by USDA (GS9 or

above) or Military Science (ROTC).

Eligible Faculty/Staff with full-time appointments may register for up to nine (9) semester credits per academic year (commencing Summer session and ending Spring semester).

Eligible Faculty/Staff with full-time appointments may register for up to nine (9) semester credits per academic year (commencing summer session and ending spring semester). Credits are prorated based

on the appointment percentage:

100% appt. 9 credits

75-99% appt. 7 credits

50-74% appt. 5 credits

under 50% appt. 0 credits

The above credit maxima include courses which are audited by the employee rather than taken for credit.

General Provisions, Page 14




Section 1: Общие положения

Tuition will be assessed as soon as credits are taken in excess of the program maximum for the employee.

Eligible Courses

The Employee Study Privilege Program includes credit courses which are a part of the Colorado State University

Curriculum, as defined by the Colorado State University General Catalog. These courses will be identified with a

departmental course number. In particular, the study privilege does not cover the cost of continuous registration.

CSU OnlinePlus (The Division of Continuing Education) offerings are included under this privilege if they are credit

bearing at the institution; however, tuition for these courses may be higher than “Resident Instruction” tuition, in which

case, the difference must be paid by the employee or by some other source. Courses that provide only continuing

educations units (CEUs) are not eligible.

Eligible expenses under the Employee Study Privilege Program include:

1. Base Tuition – up to 9 credits per year (credits are prorated based on your appointment percentage)

2. Differential Tuition – up to 9 credits per year (credits are prorated based on your appointment percentage)

3. Program Charges – at least one study privilege credit must be utilized each semester to allow eligibility for

3. program charges

4. University Technology Fee and General Fees - credited (fee waiver) to your student account. This waiver

4. of General Fees removes your free access to the Recreation Center, athletic events, and other campus

4. services.

Note: The University Technology Fee and General Fees will be credited (fee waiver) to your student account even if study privilege credits have been exhausted provided the Employee Study Privilege Registration Form is submitted.

Ineligible expenses under the Employee Study Privilege Program include:

1. Undergraduate tuition normally covered by the College Opportunity Fund (COF) – if you take a COF

1. eligible course in a manner that COF cannot be applied (i.e., you do not apply for and authorize COF, or

1. you audit a course), the Employee Study Privilege Program will not cover the portion of tuition that would

1. have been covered by COF

2. Special Course fees – a list of associated courses with applicable fees is available at:

2. https://provost.colostate.edu/provost/media/sites/75/2016/06/Comprehensive-List-AY17-FINAL.pdf.

3. University Facility Fee – prorated according to the number of study privilege credits utilized

4. College Charges for Technology - prorated according to the number of study privilege credits utilized each

4. semester

5. After the exhaustion of available Employee Study Privilege credits, any remaining tuition, charges or fees

5. are not eligible for coverage or the College Opportunity Fund (if applicable).

The employee registration form can be downloaded from the Human Resources website at


Faculty and staff may also enroll in credit courses listed on the OnlinePlus website. Registration forms for these courses

are located at www.online.colostate.edu/answers/facstaff/study-privilege.dot


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