Inclement Weather Policy

Only the President of the University or his/her representative may make the decision to close the University.

Announcement of such unscheduled closures will be communicated to the local media by the Public

Relations Department no later than 5:30 a.m., whenever possible. Employees are encouraged to tune in a

local radio station (530-AM), or contact the University’s weather-emergency hotline, (970) 491-SNOW,

whenever weather conditions indicate the possibility of closure. The following is the University’s Policy

relative to the pay status of the University’s faculty and staff during periods of inclement weather. This policy

applies only to employees paid on a salaried basis. Hourly employees do not qualify for any type of paid

leave and are paid only for actual time worked. Determinations as to the operational status of all

University units outside the Fort Collins area shall be the responsibility of the appropriate Department or

Agency Head. Employees in such units should consult with their departments concerning their status

relative to paid time off.

1. Employees who are absent due to extreme weather conditions when the University remains open

1. must take annual leave, or leave without pay if no annual leave is available, for work time missed.

1. Minor periods of tardiness shall be excused. However, lengthy periods should either be made up in

1. the same work week or charged to annual leave or leave without pay as appropriate.

2. When the University is officially closed because of inclement weather, the resultant absences of

2. employees during scheduled work time will be considered as administrative leave with pay for all

2. normally scheduled work hours during this period.

3. Employees on scheduled leave (annual, sick, etc.) shall remain on that status during periods of

3. closure to the extent approved or appropriate and shall not be granted administrative leave.

4. Employees required to work during periods of closure due to inclement weather may be entitled to a

4. comparable amount of time off as outlined below if the period of closure is for one-half day or more.

4. If the period of closure is less than one-half day, employees required to continue working will not be

4. given time off for such work.

a. Overtime eligible employees required to work during periods of suspended operation of at

least 4 hours are entitled to a comparable number of hours off as paid administrative leave,

up to the number of hours equal to their normal work schedule. In these cases, only those

hours actually worked are to be counted as “work-time” for purposes of overtime

calculations (cannot count the same hours twice). Such employees who terminate

General Provisions, Page 25




Section 1: Общие положения

employment prior to taking all administrative leave hours are compensated for the unused


b. Overtime-exempt employees required to work during periods of suspended operation may

be given time off for all or part of the hours worked with the specific approval of the

appropriate Department Head. Terminating employees are not compensated for any

unused balance.

5. Departments are responsible for notifying employees who are to respond during University

5. emergencies including those required to report during periods of closure. In addition, others may be

5. required to report due to unusual circumstances and will be so notified by the appropriate

5. supervisors at that time. Employees unsure of their status or unclear as to the nature or extent of a

5. closure announcement should contact their immediate supervisor(s) or departmental offices for

5. clarification

Records Policy

By action of the Board and pursuant to statute (C.R.S. 23-31-107), the Secretary of the Board is the official

custodian of all University records. However, for administrative efficiency, this responsibility has been

delegated to various University custodians. For information on the University records policy and procedures

for release of records, refer to Section I of the Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Manual.

For a list of designated University record custodians contact the Office of the Vice President for

Administrative Services.

Outside Employment

University employment shall be the principal vocation of full-time classified employees. However, an

employee may engage in outside employment subject to the following conditions:

1. The outside employment may not interfere with efficient performance of the University assignment;

2. The outside job may not conflict with the interests of the University or the State of Colorado;

3. The outside employment may not be the type that would reasonably give rise to criticism or

3. suspicion of conflicting interest or duties;

4. The employment shall be in keeping with the "Colorado Code of Ethics", established by Executive

4. Order of September 13, 1966;

5. The employee has the written approval of his/her department head.


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