In the event of death of a current or former Academic Faculty, Administrative Professional or Classified staff
member, the following procedures should be followed:
1. Current Employee. Report of an employee death should be made as soon as possible to the
1. Associate Director of Human Resources with management responsibility for the Benefits Unit, or,
1. in the absence of that individual, to a Benefits Administrator who may be reached at (970) 491-
1. MyHR (6947). Information provided should include as much of the following as is available:
1. employee name, title, department, next of kin, funeral / memorial service arrangements,
1. designated memorial (if applicable). Human Resources will verify the accuracy of the information
1. and implement the appropriate administrative actions.
2. Retiree or Former Employee. Notify the Associate Director of Human Resources with management
2. responsibility for the Benefits Unit as soon as possible to ensure appropriate administrative actions
2. are implemented.
Employee Liability
The Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, C.R.S. 1973, protects public employees from liability, and from
the costs of defense, where the claim against the public employee arises out of injuries sustained from an
act or omission of such employee occurring during the performance of his duties and within the scope of his
The Colorado Governmental Immunity Act defines "employee" as "an officer, employee or servant of the
public entity, whether or not compensated, elected or appointed, but does not include an independent
contractor or any person who is sentenced to section 42-4-1202(4), C.R.S. 1973, to participate in any type
of useful public service".
The University does maintain insurance to protect itself, in most cases, from financial loss due to claims of
liability against the University and its employees. However, employees should exercise due caution and use
common sense in attempting to avoid accidents and injury which could result in liability to themselves or to the
To qualify for protection under the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, employees, as defined above,
should adhere to the following criteria:
General Provisions, Page 27
Section 1: Общие положения
1. Incidents or occurrences that can reasonably be expected to lead to a claim should be reported as
1. soon as possible to the employee's supervisor and to the University Risk Management Office.
1. Incidents or occurrences involving injury or death should be reported immediately.
2. Injured persons, or claimants, should be referred to the University Risk Management Office for details
2. on how to file a claim with the Office of the Attorney General of Colorado.
3. Employees must not compromise or settle claims without consent of the University and the Attorney
3. General.
4. An employee who has been served with notice of a court action against the employee and/or the
4. University must notify the Office of the Attorney General of Colorado, in writing, within fifteen days of
4. receipt of such notice.
5. No protection is provided
a. when the act or omission is outside the scope of employment, or
b. for acts or omissions that are criminal, intentional, willful or wanton
Questions on liability insurance should be directed to the University Risk Management Office. Questions of a
legal nature should be referred to University Legal Counsel.
Provisions as stated in the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act and the University’s contract of liability insurance supersede any statement made in this manual.
General Provisions, Page 28